MemberMothra LarvaeJun-09-2014 6:59 PMI know I talked about his design in my previous topics, and I said I liked it and I wish they made a new figure of him, but I would like to hear your thoughts about the design,
do you like the design?
for a top 10 favorite kaiju shape, it will deffinitely hit my list.
Lord Vader
MemberGodzillaJun-09-2014 7:11 PMZilla is Godzilla '98, correct? Well, I liked the design, but maybe it's just because I'm not familiar with Godzilla at all.
Jack of all trades. Master of none
MemberMothra LarvaeJun-09-2014 7:18 PM(Dont judge me by my poor choice of username prematurely)
I really dont like Zillas design. Why? Because for me, he felt way too much like a theropod(I know he is a mutant lizard, but just look at him). I have nothing against dinosaurs in general, but i really hate theropod styled kaiju.
And before stating the obvious, im not counting Godzilla in that group. He may be a dinosaur or kinda-sorta dinosaur(Depending on version), but he looks nothing like a theropod.
And yes, i know he was designed after how we originaly imagined dinosaurs, but the fact of the matter is; Thank god. Thats why Godzilla is unique. He looks unlike anything else today.
Zilla is nothing but a modified theropod, and this is where it comes down too taste. I just dont like theropod styled kaiju. End of story.
(Again, dont judge me by my username, im not THAT butthurt)
MemberMothra LarvaeJun-09-2014 7:21 PMits wierd that beeing a mutated lizard it walks and acts like a therapod i hate the design because of that same reazon he lools a lot like a t rex
MemberMothra LarvaeJun-09-2014 7:56 PMYeah, I always thought he looked like a disproportionate T-Rex that's hunched over. I don't like how he looks in the movie, but for some reason the cartoon looks better to me (maybe because it's not horribly done CGI). I agree with Zillahater, Godzilla has a design that's unique, just like him, and it works. Zilla's design doesn't work with how he's portrayed.
Something Real
MemberGodzillaJun-09-2014 11:49 PMKAIJUJIRA - I felt that 'Zilla's design was quite interesting as a stand-alone concept. However, as an iteration of Godzilla, I was not overly fond of it. 'Zilla would have been an excellent creature to present as a revamp of another Kaiju - perhaps Gorosaurus! Naturally, the dorsal spines would need to be removed, but I feel that the design would have been spot-on! :)
G. H. (Gman)
AdminGodzillaJun-10-2014 12:39 AMIt's okay I suppose. It's obviously inspired by the T-Rex from Jurassic Park. I never understood why it folded its arms up against its chest like a Tyrannosaurus. It made sense for a T-Rex to hide his usless little arms, but GINO had long, lanky arms with three fingers and a thumb. They were clearly usful appendages, but the monster acted like they were tweezers. I never understood that decision beyond the emulation of Jurassic Park.
MemberTitanosaurusJun-10-2014 4:26 AMYou know for a mutated iguana, I never expected him to be so swift and agile. I like the design. It seems like a natural look for a mutated animal such as Zilla.
\"SKREEONGK!\" -Godzilla
MemberMothra LarvaeJun-10-2014 7:00 AMAs many people have said I'm sure, she would of been an incredibly cool monster if she wasn't called godzilla. If she was called something else entirely and re-introduced she would definitely be way cooler! As far as her design, I love it! If the cgi was better and maybe a few tweaks regarding a few details then it would be really good. That is my opinion.
MemberMothra LarvaeJun-10-2014 7:14 AMi dont hate zilla design and characther i classify him as a godzilla enemy not a godzilla maybe he is a related species to godzilla but that is it
Dragonlord Tevin
MemberMothra LarvaeJun-10-2014 9:03 AMJust make Zilla's legs and arms a bit shorter and not too long then it wouldve been better, his designs okay
Daikaiju Danielle
MemberMothra LarvaeJun-10-2014 2:35 PMI'd say he looks pretty good. Nothing spectacular, but good. :)
"Daddy's home- cake every night,"
Sci-Fi King25
MemberGiganJun-10-2014 3:15 PMI like the design, but I don't classify him as the Godzilla. Heck, I don't even count gis film as Godzilla.
“Banana oil.”- George Takei, Gigantis: The Fire Monster