Gojira 2014
MemberMothra LarvaeAug-17-2014 1:58 AMOk so far most of the people who disliked the new godzilla issues were to things aside from the human element problems.
1. Not enough Godzilla
2. Not enough monster fights
Now though I personaly loved the monster fights and scenes from the new movie, I also liked the human stories in this one too. I feel like the only reason people wernt invested in these new characters was because it wasn't like a super special character like raymond burg or any other big characters from the old films. But i'll give the film credit, it atleast gives us realistic characters with realistic problems in a world like this. And yes the monster fights and scenes were short, they were still amazing, which makes up for our lack of godzilla to me at least. But to me the main reason I think this new reboot to the franchise shouldn't be hated is that I feel like this new film......is actually just a teaser for whats to come in the futur sequels. What if the amounts of monster scenes and fights we got arn't really the full package and there just giving us glimpses of the awesome fights we are to see in the next two sequels? Many agree and many disagree but whether your against or with I still want to hear your guy's opinion on this. Oh and I forgot....SHREEEEEOOOONK!

MemberAnguirusAug-17-2014 2:04 AMYeah, but I do feel that someone like Liam Hemsworth could do a better job than ATJ

MemberBaragonAug-17-2014 3:11 AMI don't know who you're trying to convince the maajority of this forum seems to have a consensus that the movie is average to good.
I willl add the film isn't meant to be a teaser in terms of action. Sequels were never guaranteed when it was made and was intended to stand alone should sequels not follow. The action wasn't put off to build up sequels it was put off simply because that's the direction Gareth wanted, no one would do such an extremely controversial thing to a movie when sequels aren't even known to be coming.

MemberMothra LarvaeAug-17-2014 3:37 AMATJ was actually marvellous in the role, in my opinion. He was trained by the military in preparation for the role, and soldiers are expected to keep their emotions in check, no matter the situation. He always displayed these flashes of genuine human distress and emotion that he had to bottle up in order to find his wife and child in the midst of giant radioactive monsters.

MemberMothra LarvaeAug-17-2014 5:08 AMI agree with you bro :)
I can't imagine 4 monsters fighting only 10 minutes. It shold be around 20 minutes.

Sci-Fi King25
MemberGiganAug-17-2014 6:01 AM^ I agree.
“Banana oil.”- George Takei, Gigantis: The Fire Monster

MemberMothra LarvaeAug-17-2014 6:21 AMDue to the bad script, ATJ's performance became limited.

MemberMothra LarvaeAug-17-2014 7:33 AMthe movie whas good, the monster figths and godzilla's screen time aren't that noticible, the broblem is ATJ and EO beeing foucused to mush, serizawa should of been the protagonist after the death of Bryan Cranston

MemberMothra LarvaeAug-17-2014 8:49 AM
Yeah, i think people are being way too harsh on the movie. however;
"I think this new reboot to the franchise shouldn't be hated is that I feel like this new film......is actually just a teaser for whats to come in the futur sequels"
Everything you said up untill that i could agree with. Why does everyone think the sequel will be different? Gareth is still directing, and he is still going with the same style as the first movie. It wont change.

MemberMothra LarvaeAug-17-2014 12:05 PMi hope that it does change. theres not really much to tease anymore. weve seen godzilla and basically know what ghidorah, mothra, and rodan look like and there should be more interaction and fighting between the monsters considering theres going to be 4 in one movie