Gojira 2014
MemberMothra LarvaeOct-03-2014 12:00 AMUm yeah I need some serious help. I have like a ton of messages I need to read in my imbox on my profile on here but it won't let me veiw them. Its been going on for the past month its so annoying. I think I also have the same problem with my google acount. So do you guys know how I can fix this because if I can't i'm going to hunt bill gates down and barf up atomic breath in his face.

Deadite Kaiju
MemberMothra LarvaeOct-03-2014 12:36 AMHmm, I'm sorry but I'm not sure how to fix this. Sorry bout that, I have similar problems with my Sci Fi account.

MemberBaragonOct-03-2014 1:10 AMI can't access my mail through the g forum, I have to go on my scified account page and get them from there. So if you haven't tried that it might work

MemberGiganOct-03-2014 6:39 AMOk, your gonna click on your profile on upper right half of your computer, log in to your real Scified, click on it, and access messages. The original link to check messages has been gone for a long time.
Good grief.
Mech Rodan
MemberMothra LarvaeOct-03-2014 6:44 AMI had the same problem but it was mainly due to Cox. I couldn't even make a new account for the longest time! But I have a new email and a new account or now instead of Mecha odan, I'm Mech Rodan. Thanks COX! I hate your internet.

Community ExecutiveMemberMothra LarvaeOct-03-2014 6:48 AMHi, to check your pm(Inbox) you must be logged in www.scified.com.
Access to your profile in scified while you are in godzilla forums and you will be able to check your pm.
If you are logged in scified and godzilla forums, but still you can not to see your pm, refresh both pages and then try again-
If still you are having any trouble to access to your pm, Let me know it here I will be checking this thread.
The world will spin well past our last breath, but I will always care about you

AdminSpaceGodzillaOct-03-2014 3:19 PMYeah, you can only access your inbox through Scified.com. I'm looking into this bug though, it seems to have randomly cropped up out of nowhere. Should have it sorted soon though. Easiest thing to do - log in to Scified, but select the option to remain logged in. So going from this site to Scified, you'll remain logged in and not have to re-login.