MemberMothra LarvaeOct-24-2015 4:42 PMI would also suggest that fans of the genre see the Heisei Gamera films.
They are, as Gman mentioned, the highwater mark of kaiju fims since the 1980's.
With them you get an integrated trilogy of films, and you get to see a progression in both effects and story telling.
Gamera 2: Advent of Legion is my favorite of the Series, but I love all three of them.

G. H. (Gman)
AdminGodzillaOct-24-2015 9:21 PM^Pretty much this. The Gamera trilogy is still the bar for the genre and it hasn't been topped since by either Japan's studios or Hollywood's kaiju-inspired films. Daiei's in a competition to best themselves right now. They have a lot to live up to and splashing sub-standard CG at the screen just to get international attention isn't going to cut it.

MemberMothra LarvaeOct-24-2015 11:07 PMI agree with Gman.
Practical effects augmented with CGI is what Daiei does best. The Kaneko/Hugichi/Ito kaiju films are three of the best kaiju eiga ever made. And, they've held up well. Gamera, Giant Monster Mid-Air Battle (a.k.a., Guardian of the Universe) was released 20 years ago!
The Heisei Gamera Trilogy is great filmmaking and beautiful tokusatsu craftsmanship. I hope they don't lose sight of this in an attempt to be 'current.'
You dance with the one that brought ya.