MemberMothra LarvaeSep-07-2016 1:40 PMGranted the actual NECA G2016 figure isn't out yet. But thinking about it, what if they made a 12 inch Godzilla 2016 figure?
Were the tail is super flexible and easy to pose just like the NECA 12 inch G2014 figure, wouldn't that be Spectacular?
I like to urge NECA to make a 12 inch version of G2016, and have it displayed to my 12 inch G2014 figure. It would look f----- radical!!!

MemberBaragonSep-07-2016 2:41 PMWell, NECA has stated several times that a new 12 inch long, 24 inch tall Godzilla is something they MIGHT be interested in doing, and if the Shin Godzilla figure sells well, that might be the version they choose. I say tell NECA via Twitter that this is something you'd buy the hell out of, and if enough people demand it, they will notice and maybe, just maybe, we might get a figure out of it!
"Fantasy is the impossible made probable. Science Fiction is the improbable made possible." -Rod Serling