Gojiverse: OC Kaiju ideas

MemberGiganSep-26-2019 4:39 PMOkay I have been brainstorming some ideas of OC kaiju
OC Kaiju 1: Sundera - a giant sea louse - parasitic life cycle - fires energy beams from its tail
OC Kaiju 2: Thantora - a multi legged reptile bug thing - bigger and heavier than godzilla - can burrow - fires energy beams from its claws, horns, eyes, and mouth - deadly extendable body spikes
OC Kaiju 3: Saberai - Cat - claws and rainbow beams - guardian of ancient native american tribe

MemberRodanSep-26-2019 4:46 PMI like one most, because it looks like Wraith from Evolve was impregnated by a Facehugger and made that thing lol.
If people weren't lazy, we wouldn't try to be efficient. If we weren't efficient, we'd never get anything done.

MemberRodanSep-26-2019 4:49 PMSame.
It looks hella cool
Zwei Wing is the best singing duo. Change my mind.

MemberGiganSep-26-2019 4:52 PMYeah I couldn't find a better picture for 2 and 3.
Sundera is a kaiju I had planned to introduce for a very long time.

MemberGiganSep-26-2019 5:09 PMOC Kaiju 4: Aquilamimus - Kaiju feathered raptor - attack feather quills - killer claws

MemberRodanSep-26-2019 5:10 PMOk, either Aquilamimus or Sundera, no way I can choose now man!
If people weren't lazy, we wouldn't try to be efficient. If we weren't efficient, we'd never get anything done.

MemberAnguirusSep-26-2019 5:29 PMAll of them
They are all cool

MemberGiganSep-26-2019 5:53 PMI was trying to find a dromaeosaurid that looked like a bald eagle but the secretary bird was cool looking so I chose that for my Eagle Mimic

MemberGiganSep-29-2019 6:25 AMUpdate: Thantora's head , I don't know why but I think the Hydralisk has the coolest looking head

MemberTitanosaurusSep-29-2019 7:15 PMAquilamimus is definitely my favorite. This needs to be made into an official kaiju.

MemberTitanosaurusSep-30-2019 8:38 AMThe alternate design for Aquilamimus fits your description of the kaiju more, but both designs feel like they would fit the Male (alternate design) and female (original design) of the kaiju. They look awesome.

MemberGiganSep-30-2019 8:47 AM@MinecraftDinoKaiju
I was thinking of that too, which makes a lot of sense although I think the female should be the alternate design and the male be the original design. Male birds tend to be more colorful than their female counterparts while females especially in eagles tend to be larger than the males.

Kamoebas V.6
MemberTitanosaurusSep-30-2019 8:54 AMPffff,all of them suck!
I like all of them,especially Aquilamimus.

MemberTitanosaurusSep-30-2019 8:58 AM@Xenotaris
Maybe you could do both of your suggestions, seeing as how the original can fit the smaller but more slimmer male, and the alternate can fit the larger and more bulky female, just like with the MUTOs from 2014.
I know, it sounds like plagiarism, but it at least sounds awesome because, well, dinosaurs. Not much else you can argue on that front. Jk. Lol :)
@Kamoebas V.6
Which design do you like for the Aquilamimus, the alternate design or the original design?
Personally, I like both due to the potential idea of sexual dimorphism that I suggested for these two designs.

MemberGiganSep-30-2019 9:01 AMwell Nature plagiarizes itself via convergent evolution ;^)
I'll adopted both designs as Sexual Dimorphism

MemberGiganSep-30-2019 3:26 PMSo far it seems everyone likes Sundera and Aquilamimus.
What do everybody think of Thantora?

MemberTitanosaurusSep-30-2019 3:50 PMIt looks like a small-eyed MUTO, but if we could see a full body side shot, then we may change our opinions (me especially).

MemberGiganSep-30-2019 3:54 PMwell Thantora's main body resembles a Zerg Lurker but I'm currently trying to find a better body plan.

MemberTitanosaurusSep-30-2019 3:56 PMWell until then, all I can say is that it might as well be better off as being Destoroyah.

MemberRodanSep-30-2019 4:00 PMNot even final form Destoroyah, more like his second or third form, when he was going after cops XD. But I agree, Destoroyah would be a better fit... unless the body plan changes.
If people weren't lazy, we wouldn't try to be efficient. If we weren't efficient, we'd never get anything done.

MemberGiganSep-30-2019 4:10 PMyeah I suppose he is too close to looking like Destoroyah, I was planning on having Thantora be like Godzilla's Battra. Being a balancer of Nature but more of kill off 80-90% of life and allow evolution to take its course. SPOILER: He help caused the great dying

MemberRodanSep-30-2019 4:34 PM... So because of him, we lost the Gorgonopsids... damn, we could have had the first episode of Primeval EVERY DAY!!!! Or... not exist XD
If people weren't lazy, we wouldn't try to be efficient. If we weren't efficient, we'd never get anything done.

MemberGiganSep-30-2019 4:52 PMYup, he also isn't a fan of Godzilla or Destoroyah. He think the Godzillas served their time as the Balancer for far too long and Destoroyah gluttonous freaks

MemberRodanSep-30-2019 5:02 PM... What about Ghidorah?
If people weren't lazy, we wouldn't try to be efficient. If we weren't efficient, we'd never get anything done.

MemberGiganOct-01-2019 2:33 AMHe thinks the Ghidorahs are ruthless killers and must be destroyed and he thinks the GMK King Ghidorah which i renamed Prince Ghidorah is a coward for betraying his own species.

MemberAnguirusOct-25-2019 8:46 PM...I like eagles