Godzilla Movie

Zilla vs Titanosaurus vs Anguirus

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MemberRodanOct-18-2019 3:55 PM

This was a fun match to write.


A group of scientists surveyed the glacial ice wall in the Antarctic. Shocked at what they had discovered, the scientists took photos and recorded observations of the ice wall. But no, the ice wall itself wasn’t too interesting. It was what was inside that was the real kicker. Trapped in the ice were three colossal monsters of godly proportions. One, a lizard-like creature with gills and a boxy head. Second, a red, finned dinosaur-looking creature, the largest of them all. Third, an Ankylosaur looking creature with spikes all over it. The scientists kept up their observations, until one noticed the ice was melting rapidly . Water dripped into the sea, bolstered by the heat the ship was emanating. The scientists clamored to get out of the vicinity, and told the pilot to turn the ship away. As the ship slowly retreated from the melting glacier, the scientists breathed sighs of relief. One scientist looked through his binoculars, surveying the ice wall. Cracks were slowly forming on the surface, and the scientist knew what was going to happen. The ice exploded, sending chunks of ice everywhere. The scientists on the deck ducked, and slowly looked up to see the monsters gone. Suddenly, the red dinosaur burst out of the waves, warbling a strange cry of prehistoric fury. The lizard and Ankylosaur burst out of the icy water as well, both snarling. These prehistoric monsters were Zilla, Titanosaurus, and Anguirus! Zilla curled his lip. These two had been his rivals for ages, and he was determined to finish them off for good! Zilla roared, lunging at Titanosaurus. The red dinosaur toppled over, crying out in fury. Anguirus grabbed Zilla, and slammed him into the broken ice wall. Zilla screeched in pain, then used the ice wall as leverage to jump over both Anguirus and Titanosaurus. Zilla dove under the water with a splash, grabbing Anguirus’s foot and dragging him down. Anguirus struggled, lashing his tail at Zilla’s face, knocking him away. Titanosaurus then slammed his own tail onto Anguirus’s face. Anguirus grunted, then swam to the surface to gasp for air. Titanosaurus, however, needed not to come to the surface for air. Titanosaurus gripped Anguirus’s tail, dragging him under… but Zilla bit down on Titanosaurus’s leg as well, attempting to take Titanosaurus down with him. The fight had quickly escalated into a one-way tug of war fight. All three monsters scuffled under the freezing water, before Anguirus burst out of the water, up into the air before landing with a thud onto the shore of Antarctica. Anguirus retreated a distance on the shoreline, watching Zilla get flung into the air by Titanosaurus. Zilla hit the ground with a thud, but got up quickly and bolted to where Anguirus was standing. Anguirus waited for Zilla to attack, then dove to the side, but Zilla twisted mid-air and landed atop Anguirus. Anguirus tried to dislodge the iguana, but Zilla held onto Anguirus’s spiky carapace. Anguirus decided to do a risky move, running at the approaching Titanosaurus. Anguirus slammed into Titanosaurus full-force, knocking Zilla off his back. Anguirus and Titanosaurus locked hands, pushing with all of their strength. Titanosaurus overpowered Anguirus however, the ankylosaur flipping over onto his back. Titanosaurus grabbed Anguirus’s tail, throwing the poor ankylosaur into the ocean. Titanosaurus turned to see Zilla slam into him, knocking the dinosaur off his feet. Titanosaurus shoved Zilla away with his feet, and got up to see Anguirus crash into him, bent on revenge. Anguirus used his spiked tail to lash Titanosaurus’s face, than dragged the thrashing kaiju across the shore. Zilla lunged at Anguirus again, grappling with the ankylosaur. Titanosaurus got up, shaking his head. Warbling, Titanosaurus grabbed Zilla and threw him into a mountain. Titanosaurus charged at the dazed lizard, and gripped Zilla’s head, slamming his head over and over onto the ground. Zilla cried out in agony, slashing at Titanosaurus with his claws, but he couldn’t escape. Titanosaurus slammed his fist onto Zilla’s skull, knocking the iguana out. Just as Titanosaurus was going to do the killing blow, Anguirus tackled Titanosaurus, slamming the beast onto the ground. Titanosaurus got up, smacking Anguirus with his tail, then using it to blow the ankylosaur away with strong winds. Titanosaurus attacked again, put this time he had the advantage. Titanosaurus grabbed Anguirus’s tail again, and dragged him into the ocean. Anguirus struggled, fighting against the larger Titanosaurus, but Titanosaurus was relentless. As Anguirus’s air supply began to dwindle, Titanosaurus only dove deeper. Titanosaurus slammed Anguirus’s head onto the seafloor, as the ankylosaur ran out of air. The last thing Anguirus saw was Titanosaurus screeching in victory. 


Zilla awoke, rubbing his head. Looking around, Zilla saw Titanosaurus emerge from the ocean. Anguirus was nowhere to be found. Zilla instantly knew what had happened. Zilla snarled, and roared at Titanosaurus, ready to finish what had gone down millennia ago. Titanosaurus warbled back, and the two leviathans charged at each other. Zilla and Titanosaurus grappled with each other, slashing and biting with their claws and teeth. Titanosaurus bashed Zilla’s head, causing the iguana to cry out in pain. Zilla bit Titanosaurus’s leg, causing the dinosaur to lose balance. As Titanosaurus fell, Zilla bit down on Titanosaurus’s neck. Titanosaurus struggled, raking his claws against Zilla’s gills. Zilla released his hold, allowing Titanosurus to chomp onto Zilla’s gills with his needle-sharp teeth. Zilla slammed his foot onto Titanosaurus’s chest, knocking the wind out of the dinosaur. Zilla slashed Titanosaurus’s head with his claws, drawing even more blood. Titanosaurus kicked Zilla off of him, but staggered slightly when he got to his feet. Zilla hissed, lashing his tail back and forth. Titanosaurus growled, and used his tail to blow wind, ice, and snow at Zilla. Zilla was blown back, hitting the ground with a thud, skidding across the icy ground. Titanosaurus trudged towards the fallen Zilla, but Zilla quickly got up and lunged towards Titanosaurus. Titanosaurus fell over backwards, with Zilla ripping into him. Zilla ripped a chunk of Titanosaurus’s flesh off, and dug his claws into the fresh wound. Titanosaurus howled in agony, desperately trying to get Zilla off him. Zilla sank his teeth into Titanosaurus’s wound, drawing even more blood. However, Titanosurus jabbed his claws into Zilla’s gills in a panicked move, making the iguana retreat. Titanosurus groaned in pain, groggily getting up. Zilla grinned, licking his bloody lips. Titanosaurus tried to slash at Zilla’s head, but Zilla was too quick. Using his dorsal plates to stab into Titanosaurus’s wound, then slashed downward, cutting Titanosaurus’s body. As Titanosaurus cried out in agony, Zilla grabbed Titanosaurus’s neck and forced him to the ground. Zilla ripped into Titanosaurus’s neck, blood pouring out of it. Titanosaurus coughed up blood as Zilla continued to tear his neck open. Finally, Zilla tore Titanosaurus’s head off, the bones and mangled flesh ripping away. Titanosaurus’s headless body went limp, covered with blood and wounds. Zilla tossed Titanosaurus’s head away, roaring victoriously. He had won the age old conflict that he, titanosaurus, and Anguirus had been fighting. Licking his blood-stained lips, Zilla grasped the still bleeding stump of Titanosaurus’s neck and dragged his corpse away, staining the snow red. As Zilla sat down to feed, he saw a large object crash a distance away from him. Zilla cocked his head, wondering what had just happened, but shrugged and bend down to take a bite out of Titanosaurus’s corpse.


Smoke emanated from the object that had fallen out of the sky. The object split open, revealing a dazzling golden light. As the golden light grew in intensity, an eerie, cackling laugh could be heard...

Winner: Zilla

Zwei Wing is the best singing duo. Change my mind.

21 Replies

Kamoebas V.6

MemberTitanosaurusOct-19-2019 12:23 AM

Zilla fanboy...


MemberRodanOct-19-2019 3:45 PM

Nice fight! It was a really fun read! I agree that Zilla would win... but why didn't she use her breath attack?

If people weren't lazy, we wouldn't try to be efficient. If we weren't efficient, we'd never get anything done.


MemberGiganOct-19-2019 4:18 PM

Zilla needs some love



MemberRodanOct-19-2019 4:46 PM

Well, she is. In Zilla V.S. Rodan, Zilla Jr. V.S. Godzilla by A Simple Monster, Gojiverse, Godzilla Extinction, etc.

If people weren't lazy, we wouldn't try to be efficient. If we weren't efficient, we'd never get anything done.


MemberRodanOct-19-2019 5:10 PM

Not to mention uh... cough cough um... never mind (SPOILERS)

Zwei Wing is the best singing duo. Change my mind.


MemberRodanOct-19-2019 5:16 PM

Are you making something with Zilla in it? Hmm...

If people weren't lazy, we wouldn't try to be efficient. If we weren't efficient, we'd never get anything done.


MemberRodanOct-19-2019 5:19 PM

No, it pertains to Godzilla:E

Zwei Wing is the best singing duo. Change my mind.


MemberRodanOct-19-2019 5:22 PM

Well, I mean... that's kind of a spoiler and I already kinda spoiled it... can we just say we heavily reference her and pretend we didn't spoil something?

If people weren't lazy, we wouldn't try to be efficient. If we weren't efficient, we'd never get anything done.


MemberRodanOct-19-2019 5:24 PM

...Sure? Your call on that...mate.

Zwei Wing is the best singing duo. Change my mind.


MemberRodanOct-19-2019 5:25 PM

Wait, how is this my call?

If people weren't lazy, we wouldn't try to be efficient. If we weren't efficient, we'd never get anything done.


MemberRodanOct-19-2019 5:27 PM

Um...because you suggested that? I dunno at this point.

Zwei Wing is the best singing duo. Change my mind.


MemberRodanOct-19-2019 5:32 PM

Let's just pretend we never had this discussion...

If people weren't lazy, we wouldn't try to be efficient. If we weren't efficient, we'd never get anything done.


MemberRodanOct-19-2019 5:39 PM

What were we talking about? ;)

Zwei Wing is the best singing duo. Change my mind.


MemberRodanOct-19-2019 5:57 PM

Nice fight, basically. But why didn't Zilla use her atomic breath?

If people weren't lazy, we wouldn't try to be efficient. If we weren't efficient, we'd never get anything done.


MemberRodanOct-19-2019 6:02 PM

Because I wanted to give the vibe that these animals are primal, prehistoric dinosaurs.

Zwei Wing is the best singing duo. Change my mind.


MemberRodanOct-19-2019 6:04 PM

Eh, good enough an explanation for me. Also, I wonder how the ice didn't crack as Zilla was jumping all over the place... and how she didn't slip... other than that, great fight!

If people weren't lazy, we wouldn't try to be efficient. If we weren't efficient, we'd never get anything done.


MemberRodanOct-19-2019 6:11 PM


Zwei Wing is the best singing duo. Change my mind.


MemberAnguirusOct-21-2019 6:38 AM


Btw, sorry for not being active. I forgot my device at school.


i've officially left. thanks for the memories!


MemberRodanOct-21-2019 8:15 AM


If people weren't lazy, we wouldn't try to be efficient. If we weren't efficient, we'd never get anything done.


MemberRodanOct-21-2019 10:30 AM

Thats gotta hurt.

Zwei Wing is the best singing duo. Change my mind.


MemberTitanosaurusOct-21-2019 12:14 PM

Zilla is awesome. This was a cool fight. Can't wait for more.

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