Godzilla Movie

"True" and "Fake" Fans: Do they mean anything?

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MemberTitanosaurusDec-29-2019 7:02 PM

Perhaps this is more of a general fandom discussion, but given the divisive reception of pretty much any of the newer Godzilla installments, be they MonsterVerse or Shin or Anime, I guess this could apply here.

I've noticed quite a bit of talk about "true" fans and "fake" fans. Or "fanboys" or "shills" or things like that. But do those kinds of labels really have any sort of merit, or is it just a cheapo dehumanization tactic?

I dunno, this is something that's been on my mind a lot recently across pretty much every fandom I'm a part of.

A true fan can acknowledge the bad while still appreciating and cherishing the good.

13 Replies

Titan of Water

MemberBaragonDec-29-2019 7:08 PM

Every fan is a true fan.

Angering the Godzilla fan base one take at a time


Titan of Water

MemberBaragonDec-29-2019 7:11 PM

I fell into a bad crowd that had the true fan fake fan mentality. Glad I got out.

Angering the Godzilla fan base one take at a time


Gomi: Ninja Monster

MemberBaragonDec-29-2019 7:31 PM

Hmm, I'd say some people initially join a fandom just to seem cool or relevant, like how being with the "popular kids" makes you more important somehow. I wouldn't list them as "true fans" at that point, however since what happens once they're in is completely up to them and I can't pretend to read people's minds, I try very hard to treat everyone with as much courtesy as possible. Bad communication seems to cause the majority of issues in fandoms, so anything I can do to reduce that feels like the right thing to do.

Do I think there is such a thing as "fake fans?" Yeah, but I sure as heck ain't gonna go around calling anyone that. It solves nothing and only exacerbates whatever issue is at hand. 

G. H. (Gman)

AdminGodzillaDec-29-2019 7:51 PM

I think the "not a true fan" line is pretty presumptuous. People enjoy things for different reasons and as long as those reasons are reverent and passionate of the franchise they're true fans. For example, I enjoy the franchise these days for its filmmaking achievements, creativity and unique style. I've grown overwhelmingly bored of diving too far into monster biology/taxonomy and absolutely abhor fantasy monster match-ups and their mindnumbing discussions.

But, by that same token, many of those fans aren't as interested in the films' themes, actors, filmmaking techniques, etc. But they're no less passionate and loving of the franchise. Poe-tay-toe, Poe-taw-toe I suppose.

People who say those who don't like Shin Godzilla aren't "true fans" or those who don't like King of the Monsters aren't "true fans" are fans themselves--But their passion and excitement has sort of blinded them to think Godzilla can only be seen one way. I for one think Shin Godzilla is the only great thing to come out of the franchise since it returned in 2014 and that King of the Monsters is one of the worst in the series. But I'm not going to hold it against them if they like the latter over the former. (I just accept they have bad taste. ;) ) People look for different things in a franchise that spans 65 years--Some movies scratch that itch better than others.

The only thing that gives me pause are people who claim they like these films, but then casually proclaim they're all terrible schlock. Again, I never use the "not a true fan" line, but I don't understand being a fan of anything you think is actively awful.

That said... I used to see the, "not a true fan" tag way more in the late 1990s and early 2000s. But I also stay away from Youtube, so...

"'Nostalgic' does not equal 'good,' and 'standards' does not equal 'elitism.'" "Being offended is inevitable. Living offended is your choice."


MemberTitanosaurusDec-29-2019 8:19 PM

G. H. (Gman) I think you hit the nail on the head here.

As a Godzilla fan, a part of me has always been intrigued by the behind-the-scenes construction of the sets and suits and such. I've always been fascinated by miniature models and props and such, and watching behind-the-scenes features on the movies is always a treat for me.

Likewise, I'm also a creature nut, so I'm really fascinated by these creatures and their biology, and the ideas of how they work. How does Godzilla generate his atomic heat ray? Is he a true dinosaur or some other type of archosaurian? Does Kumonga have spinnerets on both her head and abdomen or just the former? What type of creature was Gigan originally? Stuff like that I can't help but dive into.

And you know, I think that's one of the reasons why I want to become a writer. I've always wanted to be a filmmaker, but more and more do I realize that my favorite part is developing the stories themselves, and the worlds in which they take place. It's the lure of an alternate life that does it for me, and helping to create one to tell stories in. And maybe, just maybe, being able to take some lessons from those worlds and apply them to ourselves, and in doing so make a better reality.

"The only thing that gives me pause are people who claim they like these films, but then casually proclaim they're all terrible schlock. Again, I never use the "not a true fan" line, but I don't understand being a fan of anything you think is actual awful."

Yeah, that's always confused me to. I think what they mean to say is that they like to laugh at them. A sort of "so-bad-its-good" complex.

A true fan can acknowledge the bad while still appreciating and cherishing the good.


MemberGodzillaDec-29-2019 9:18 PM

They should just be ignored. They seem to get some sort of superior feeling by judging fans with some kind of imagined fan scale. They are probably the ones at parties everyone avoids. 


Im Durp

MemberBaragonDec-29-2019 10:32 PM

I hate this concept and it comes up a lot in the larger franchises that have their own cliques within them. It's basically a way some group tries to paint themselves as superior in some way. Bottom line of you enjoy something you're a fan. The degrees of enjoyment may vary but they're all fans.


MemberMothra LarvaeDec-30-2019 7:40 AM

i am not a TRUE fan yet, but i do really like godzilla. i have a friend who is a HUGE fan of godzilla, he dumps hundreds of bucks at G-Fest. 


MemberTitanosaurusDec-30-2019 9:10 AM

giraffeboy329 The amount of collectibles you buy is not a measure of whether your a true or false fan. You like Godzilla, and that's enough.

A true fan can acknowledge the bad while still appreciating and cherishing the good.

G. H. (Gman)

AdminGodzillaDec-30-2019 4:05 PM

No, it's a measure of a rich fan or fan that doesn't really have much self-control regardless of personal finances.

"'Nostalgic' does not equal 'good,' and 'standards' does not equal 'elitism.'" "Being offended is inevitable. Living offended is your choice."

The Hooded Figure

MemberTitanosaurusDec-30-2019 5:36 PM

A fan is a fan if (s)he believes (s)he is a fan. No more, no less.


MemberRodanJan-05-2020 9:04 PM

We all are fans, more or less. A "Fake" fan would be someone who pretends, an imposter. If you ACTUALLY like something, you are a fan.

Zwei Wing is the best singing duo. Change my mind.

Trash panda

MemberAnguirusJan-06-2020 9:47 AM

There is no fake fan. You are a fan or you are not. It's that simple.

Ah shit I’m using my wrong eye again. Sorry that was meant to be behind your back
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