What is Titanus Camazotz?

MemberMothra LarvaeJan-26-2021 6:22 AMAs many of you know, The upcoming Godzilla VS Kong film will include newcomers to the monsterverse, such as Mechagodzilla and Warbats. However, one kaiju that has alluded us so far is Titanus Camazotz, or simply, "Camazotz". Today I'm gonna give you a rundown on everything we know about Camazotz.
Camazotz' name comes from the mayan god of bats, of the same name. Its appearance follows suit, appearing as an immense bat with greyish white fur, red eyes, and a thick mane. Some depictions of the monsterverse incarnation of camazotz show it with zombie-like traits, such as ripped wing membranes and flesh that appears to be rotting.
In sunday's GVK trailer we actually got a brief glimpse of the monster. Or rather, Monsters? What we actually saw was kong being swarmed by many small cammies, and fighting them off. However, a leaked art piece of Camazotz shows it face to face with kong, meaning at least one individual is the size of a normal kaiju. From this we can infer that Camazotz is actually able to command a swarm of smaller monsters, and will most likely utilize this skill in the scene we saw in the trailer.
What else do we know? ...Not much. We only have limited information about Camazotz. The rest we'll have to see when Godzilla VS Kong releases on March 26th!

MemberGiganJan-27-2021 8:41 AMI don’t think those are camazots, I just think they are the other winged creatures from skull island
expecting the worst, sets you up for thr worst

MemberMothra LarvaeJan-30-2021 1:45 AMCamazotz, also dubbed Titanus Camazotz, is a giant bat-like daikaiju created by Legendary Pictures for the MonsterVerse, that will appear in GvK: Kingdom Kong, in which he will fight Kong before the events of Godzilla vs. Kong Upsers

MemberBaragonJan-30-2021 6:26 AMits confirmed its not camazotz creatures but a new 1 called hellhawk

MemberBaragonFeb-19-2021 8:59 AMcamazotz kind reminds me of that bat thing from monster hunter