Godzilla Vs. Kong: Is It Going To Be A Good Movie Or Bad Movie?

MemberGiganFeb-22-2021 12:37 PMAnyways based on the previous efforts, I think GvK will be a good movie. I never did see 2014 Godzilla but I did see Kong: Skull Island and Godzilla: King Of The Monsters and those were good movies. There is the reputation of crossover brawlers to worry about though. Most of these iconic character brawls like Batman v. Superman: Dawn Of Justice and Alien Vs. Predator have been regarded as bad movies, but some of these movies have been well-received (examples: Freddy Vs. Jason (I never watched that), Captain America: Civil War). The trailers have done a great job of selling the idea and hopefully the movie will live up to it's promise, scale, and hype.
My Verdict: It may not be a perfect movie, but I think it will still be a great movie.
Number scale prediction: 8/10
If you want to share your thoughts about if Godzilla Vs. Kong will be good or bad, please comment!

MemberGiganFeb-22-2021 12:38 PMFirst comment on my own thing xd

G. H. (Gman)
AdminGodzillaFeb-22-2021 12:48 PMI'll say this much, even before Godzilla: King of the Monsters was released I said I had more faith in Wingard than I did Dougherty.
After the mess that was Godzilla: King of the Monsters, I'm cautious-to-cautiously optimistic, but not expecting much. Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice, well...

MemberGiganFeb-22-2021 12:55 PMDougherty actually knew that Godzilla deserved more than 10 minutes, unlike what Gareth did. Kong: Skull Island totally nailed everything but KOTM just was better. Effects, stakes, camera shots, everything but I do say that KOTM had major flaws.

MemberGiganFeb-22-2021 12:56 PMAnd also G.H, if it's bad it'll kill the MonsterVerse.

G. H. (Gman)
AdminGodzillaFeb-22-2021 1:04 PMGodzilla got roughly 8 minutes and 40 seconds of screen time in Godzilla: King of the Monsters which is about the same as he got in 2014. It just feels like more due to the pacing and extra monsters.
But Godzilla's screen time doesn't make or break a movie. The film was still a mess in terms of character work, the fairly by-the-numbers treatment of the monsters, the forced stakes, the unnecessary fan service, the confused themes, etc. I've gone over this time and time again, but it's just not a very good movie. Skull Island was solid though--I think that's a significantly better film in spite of the thin character work. At least they were likeable.
And I'm fine with this being the end of the Monsterverse, good or bad.

MemberGiganFeb-22-2021 1:29 PMHonestly, I have disliked most of the human characters in the MonsterVerse (besides Madison, but that's for different reasons) and the plot of KOTM was not as solid as KSI but I think KOTM did a great job of setting up GvK. Let's face it, Godzilla 2014 was meant to be a standalone movie. But WB and Legendary wanted a cinematic universe, so the last two movies have spent a lot of time trying to build to an Avengers-like battle except it's Godzilla vs. Kong. But this seems more like the end of a phase 1 than a finale. Legendary isn't done with the MonsterVerse just yet...

MemberGiganFeb-22-2021 1:31 PMalso you were right about the screen time thing.

G. H. (Gman)
AdminGodzillaFeb-22-2021 2:08 PMI wish the producers would've allowed (or mandated) the writers to spend more time on putting together better movies than world building.
Whatever the case, after three movies I'm already bored with the Monsterverse and am currently more interested in what Toho will do next. So if it ends after GvK or not, I don't really care. There will still be more Godzilla from somewhere.
The deciding factor is always money, however, and given the state of things currently, I don't know how much Legendary/WB are expecting in order to consider it a success.

MemberGiganFeb-22-2021 2:11 PMWell, that’s the way it goes
expecting the worst, sets you up for thr worst

MemberGiganFeb-22-2021 2:22 PMGman. Give it a chance.
Actually, what destroyed DC's cinematic universe is that WB wanted to change Justice League after people complained about it. Adam Wingard said in an interview that the response to KOTM did not make him change anything about GvK. Warner Bros could've gotten rid of him, but they didn't. Also, Warner Bros has been very concerned more about critics and fans than money.

G. H. (Gman)
AdminGodzillaFeb-22-2021 2:56 PMWhere did Wingard say that? And why would WB get rid of him? He didn't do anything they disagreed with.
And every studio is worried about money. That's why so many movies have been delayed in the pandemic and that's why WB came up with their streaming/theatrical release plan. Whether it works or not is unclear.

MemberGiganFeb-22-2021 2:59 PMIn an interview like today, Wingard said the negative response to KotM did not affect the making of GvK.

MemberGiganFeb-22-2021 3:15 PMHonestly I don’t trust movie ratings. One example of an hated movie is Signs. It’s a good movie. I know people hate for the ending and so called “Plot hole” but the ending is hinted at the entire time and the plot hole is super easy to debunk. I will debunk if asked. But that’s not the point. The point is many critics rate films wrong, because film critics go off of opinion. Of course me saying they rate it wrong is an opinion, but Tomatometer and IDMb and all that is just the average of a certain group of people’s opinions.
expecting the worst, sets you up for thr worst

MemberGiganFeb-22-2021 3:20 PMI don't either because I like a lot of movies the critics call "bad" (Example: KotM).

G. H. (Gman)
AdminGodzillaFeb-22-2021 3:39 PMA lot of stuff was released from Collider today. I read an interview with Wingard, but didn't run into anything like that. Could you provide a link?

MemberMothra LarvaeFeb-23-2021 5:37 AMRegardless if it is going to be a good movie or a bad movie. KoTM gave us G-fans what we wanted to see. Heavy Kaiju Action! If this movie does the same then I do not care if its bad or good.

MemberGiganFeb-23-2021 8:23 AMBut Fan service isn’t always a good thing, Movies are also supposed to surprise the viewers. The trailers for KOTM should have really shied away from burning Godzilla and Emma releasing Ghidorah
expecting the worst, sets you up for thr worst

MemberGiganFeb-23-2021 10:36 AMFan service is good in the MCU, but bad in the DCEU. Anyways, what's your opinion on GvK

G. H. (Gman)
AdminGodzillaFeb-23-2021 10:38 AMJordan502,
Speak for yourself. It certainly didn't deliver what I wanted to see.
I've already seen Godzilla fight King Ghidorah plenty of times and we've seen Rodan and Mothra in lots of other movies. Other than some CG, it was largely the same stuff we've seen over and over.

MemberBaragonFeb-23-2021 10:54 AMI feel like this movie is taking better steps in the right direction given the marketing and how things are shot, however KOTM tricked me the same way so I'm being reserved. That being said though, from the cinematography and action we're seeing so far I think its gonna be miles better than the disappointment that was its predecessor.
I don't care who wins, what I personally care about is walking out of my room or theater (whichever I watch it in) and being able to say contently, "That was a good movie" rather than lie to myself and say "I enjoyed it for what it was".

MemberGiganFeb-23-2021 10:58 AM@Gman
Without CG, I think GhidoraH fights would always be the same, I mean think about how many wires and tangles would happen if you wanted to achieve something differne than the normal (my exaggeration here:) floppy Ghidorah we have seen. That probably accounts for repetitiveness, the restrictions for such a wire dependent puppet.
expecting the worst, sets you up for thr worst

G. H. (Gman)
AdminGodzillaFeb-23-2021 11:00 AMChrisRemix,
Agreed with everything you said. #TeamGoodMovie is more important than #TeamGodzilla or #TeamKong. I don't care who wins either as long as the film succeeds in what it's trying to do on all fronts.
Although, I find some recent comments from Wingard a bit worrisome.

G. H. (Gman)
AdminGodzillaFeb-23-2021 11:04 AMSarcasticGoji,
Regardless of how it's executed, we've still seen it over and over. It's nothing new. If I'm to be honest, I found the confrontation in Godzilla: The Planet Eater more interesting due to King Ghidorah's terrifying circumstances and the impossibility of Godzilla being able to land anything on him. The stakes felt higher and the story made me actually wonder how he would be defeated.
I never worried about King Ghidorah being defeated in King of the Monsters, since the story established Godzilla had put him on ice before the movie.

MemberGiganFeb-23-2021 11:15 AMSarcasticGoji, Gman, Jordan502. ChrisRemix is right, I may be Team Kong but the real win is walking out of the theater (or turning off HBO Max, which will be me since GvK is coming to HBO Max and theaters in the USA) and say "This was a great movie." Honestly, don't base your opinions on the failures of past movies. Just look at the next and just be generally hyped.

MemberGiganFeb-23-2021 11:17 AMAlso Gman, Godzilla needed a fricking assist from Mothra to beat Ghidorah in KotM.

G. H. (Gman)
AdminGodzillaFeb-23-2021 11:26 AMAnd King Ghidorah needed an assist from Rodan.
He was able to take on all three by himself in the Showa era.

MemberMothra LarvaeFeb-23-2021 11:43 AMSonictiger
Well good thing i don't base my opinions on the past failures. Went in with my group of 6 friends and came out overly excited for what we watched. Holding our popcorn buckets themed in the KoTM movie. Talking about it days after with a smile on our faces.
I genuinely enjoyed the movie, it gave me what i always wanted to see. Epic action on an epic scale that the originals couldn't give. For me that's all that matters.

G. H. (Gman)
AdminGodzillaFeb-23-2021 11:50 AMI'd argue the originals had equally high stakes to be just as epic. Personally, I was bored.

MemberGiganFeb-23-2021 12:11 PM@Gman
actually Ghidorah didn’t need an assist from Rodan,
Godzilla and Rodan Never fought at all in that move. So in a one on one KOTM Ghidorah would win.
Mothra and Goji would have defeated him but Rodan intervened making it again just Godzilla vs Ghidorah and Goji gets pummeled. So in a one on one KOTM Ghidorah would win.
expecting the worst, sets you up for thr worst

MemberGiganFeb-23-2021 12:12 PMGman, you're worrying about the failures of the predecessors too much. Give GvK a chance.
Jordan502, I really did like KotM too. It gave me mostly what I wanted. Action, scale, stakes, good casting choices, and awesome CGI. The dialogue was a bit shaky, but I still finished the movie being thoroughly satisfied. You're right.