Godzilla Movie

What happened to Mega Godzilla? Unused Godzilla vs. Kong toy concept that never made it into the film.

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24701 Views19 Replies


AdminSpaceGodzillaApr-12-2021 2:59 PM

Some of you guys will remember early on in Godzilla vs. Kong's production when images of the film's officially licensed toy line leaked online, this was one of the images that leaked showing Mega Godzilla - basically Godzilla with a red dorsal apparatus. No, this was not Mechagodzilla, as Mechagodzilla was also seen in these toy displays as well. This was something totally different and no one has questioned Adam Wingard on it yet. I wonder what this concept was initially intended to be and why it was cut from the film...

Hyped for: Alien: Romulus | Badlands (Predator 6) | Cloverfield 4
19 Replies


MemberAnguirusApr-12-2021 3:31 PM

forst conent

"Do you love it that much? That... monster graveyard?"


MemberGiganApr-12-2021 3:41 PM


“Calling yourself a hero make you a self-mythologizing narcissistic autocrat!”


MemberGiganApr-12-2021 3:59 PM

I think it was just a toy

expecting the worst, sets you up for thr worst


MemberGiganApr-12-2021 4:00 PM

Well sometimes toys are modeled after cut content from the movies they are based on



MemberAnguirusApr-12-2021 4:59 PM

*the clever comment i made last year*

i've officially left. thanks for the memories!


AdminSpaceGodzillaApr-12-2021 5:24 PM

Been noticing a lot of posts where members are just saying "First comment" on a thread or "Hmmmmm" without any other context. I haven't cracked down on this much but lately I'm noticing a lot more replies of this nature and it offers nothing to the discussion so I'll be removing such replies. If you're going to reply to a topic, provide some quality content, offer an opinion, whatever this may be. But warnings will start to be given to members who consistently post 1 word / "first comment" type responses. This isn't the YouTube comment section.

Hyped for: Alien: Romulus | Badlands (Predator 6) | Cloverfield 4


MemberAnguirusApr-12-2021 5:47 PM

It was probably never ment to represent something from the movie. I think the armor on the figure was just a gimmick for the toy, similar to some of the old Trendmasters figures.

(Because Godzilla really needed armor and weapons)

"Neither beast nor man. Something monstrous."


MemberGiganApr-12-2021 6:18 PM

Sorry Chris, I will cease the first comment comments. But yeah Toys sometimes do, do that



MemberGiganApr-12-2021 6:33 PM


Yes I did say Hmmmm, but In context it was being suspicious to the source of an article. Perhaps that didn’t come on clear

expecting the worst, sets you up for thr worst


MemberBaragonMay-05-2021 8:07 AM

You know, there's another toy similar to this. If you look in the back of the Hong Kong Battle Kong or Hong Kong Battle Godzilla toy box, in the collect them all  section, there's a Godzilla labeled Godzilla X-Treme with fighter jet. Now, my best guess is that its actually the Battle roar Godzilla because of the pose, but I don't think it ever came with the fighter jet.

"I have already won"


MemberAnguirusMay-05-2021 8:11 AM

Although this probably would've been awesome, i might add it in my series

i've officially left. thanks for the memories!


MemberBaragonMay-05-2021 8:11 AM

I Found an image of the figure.

"I have already won"


MemberBaragonMay-05-2021 8:12 AM

@Kattozilla you should add it.

"I have already won"


MemberAnguirusMay-05-2021 8:37 AM

i shall

although it might not be used much

i've officially left. thanks for the memories!


MemberAnguirusMay-05-2021 8:37 AM

godzilla x-treme is not the roaring figure, playmates.com says its separate. its just a 6-inch with the roaring figures pose. 

"Do you love it that much? That... monster graveyard?"


MemberBaragonMay-05-2021 8:39 AM

Interesting. I find it weird that Kong x-treme (if it exists) wasn't shown on the box.

"I have already won"


MemberAnguirusMay-05-2021 8:45 AM

its because only leezard is worthy of the x-treme name.

"Do you love it that much? That... monster graveyard?"


MemberBaragonMay-05-2021 8:48 AM

Yeah. Also I found it on the website. I think they renamed it to super charged Godzilla w/ fighter jet.

"I have already won"


MemberMothra LarvaeMay-16-2021 1:04 PM

Thank you so much I was confused 

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