Godzilla Movie

What were your overall thoughts on Godzilla Vs. Kong?

Forum Topic
7711 Views77 Replies
What did you think of Godzilla Vs. Kong?
Great Movie!
53% (9 Votes)
Good, but not great.
12% (2 Votes)
Just Ok.
6% (1 Votes)
18% (3 Votes)
I had no opinion on it, I enjoyed it for what it was.
12% (2 Votes)


MemberGiganMay-24-2021 11:52 AM

I, obviously thought GVK was a good movie.  It certainly delivered what I wanted from this epic crossover.  The film as a whole has been all over the place when it comes to everyone's individual thoughts.  So, now I'm going to see which users on Scified thought this movie was good and which users thought it wasn't good.

I thought this was a good movie myself.  While it was frustrating at parts, it still managed to be a winner in my eyes.  How about you? Share your thoughts in the poll and in the comments below!


Godzilla Vs. Kong is now out on Blu-Ray, DVD, and Digital.

“Calling yourself a hero make you a self-mythologizing narcissistic autocrat!”
77 Replies


MemberAnguirusMay-24-2021 1:37 PM

saw the topic, knew immediately what was about to happen

i've officially left. thanks for the memories!

Die-hard Spino Fan

MemberBaragonMay-24-2021 1:41 PM

I feel like we are beating a dead horse with the GvK topics. 

That is one big pile of shit - Ian Malcom, 1993


MemberAnguirusMay-24-2021 1:42 PM

7/10 (flawed, but overall a pretty good entertaining movie)

"Neither beast nor man. Something monstrous."


MemberGiganMay-24-2021 1:44 PM

Die-hard Spino Fan

I do too. We’ve had serveral topics about whether GvK was good or not and i’m ready to move on. I’ve been trying to focus on singular point which seems really cool. 

expecting the worst, sets you up for thr worst

Die-hard Spino Fan

MemberBaragonMay-24-2021 1:45 PM

I loved the movie, but as SarcasticGoji said, how much you enjoy a movie doesn’t make it good. Overall, and I know this is a stretch but, it was like JPIII. I loved it but it was not good. 

That is one big pile of shit - Ian Malcom, 1993


MemberGiganMay-24-2021 1:46 PM

Die-hard Spino Fan

That comment about JP3 would trigger so many people if they were still around lol

expecting the worst, sets you up for thr worst

Die-hard Spino Fan

MemberBaragonMay-24-2021 1:47 PM


That is one big pile of shit - Ian Malcom, 1993


MemberGiganMay-24-2021 1:48 PM

I’ve just had a random thought. If news sources in UsA are still talking more about GVK are new sources in Japan talking more about Singular Point? 


I don’t think toho will sell godzilla back

expecting the worst, sets you up for thr worst

Die-hard Spino Fan

MemberBaragonMay-24-2021 1:48 PM

Would they get triggered by the “love it” part or the “not good” part?

That is one big pile of shit - Ian Malcom, 1993


MemberGiganMay-24-2021 1:48 PM

GvK did ok in japan but I think Toho wants to take over again

expecting the worst, sets you up for thr worst


MemberGiganMay-24-2021 1:49 PM

expecting the worst, sets you up for thr worst

Die-hard Spino Fan

MemberBaragonMay-24-2021 1:53 PM


That is one big pile of shit - Ian Malcom, 1993


MemberGiganMay-24-2021 1:53 PM

Do y'all think Gman clicked bad or good but not great

“Calling yourself a hero make you a self-mythologizing narcissistic autocrat!”

Die-hard Spino Fan

MemberBaragonMay-24-2021 1:57 PM

I have no idea. 

That is one big pile of shit - Ian Malcom, 1993


MemberGiganMay-24-2021 1:59 PM

nevermind SarcasticGoji answered that for me

“Calling yourself a hero make you a self-mythologizing narcissistic autocrat!”


MemberBaragonMay-24-2021 2:02 PM

On the bright, Godzilla Vs. Kong lived up to it's title.

"I have already won"

Die-hard Spino Fan

MemberBaragonMay-24-2021 2:02 PM


That is one big pile of shit - Ian Malcom, 1993

Die-hard Spino Fan

MemberBaragonMay-24-2021 2:03 PM

It has to otherwise they are getting sued or something like that. 

That is one big pile of shit - Ian Malcom, 1993


MemberBaragonMay-24-2021 2:06 PM

Die-hard Spino Fan I know, I meant like it wasn't just one fight and done.

"I have already won"


MemberAnguirusMay-24-2021 2:12 PM


yeah, lets focus on epic stuff like this

i've officially left. thanks for the memories!


MemberAnguirusMay-24-2021 3:28 PM

Godzilla vs Kong deleted scene:


"Neither beast nor man. Something monstrous."

Die-hard Spino Fan

MemberBaragonMay-24-2021 3:30 PM

You guys better not be rickrolling us.

That is one big pile of shit - Ian Malcom, 1993


MemberAnguirusMay-24-2021 3:31 PM

no, better

i've officially left. thanks for the memories!


MemberGiganMay-24-2021 3:32 PM

Actual Deleted Scene



put an animation

expecting the worst, sets you up for thr worst


MemberGiganMay-24-2021 3:34 PM

You saved me....why?

Hmm, Monke

“Calling yourself a hero make you a self-mythologizing narcissistic autocrat!”


MemberGiganMay-24-2021 3:36 PM

SarcasticGoji, you have forced my hand.

I shall summon my Titan team now....

“Calling yourself a hero make you a self-mythologizing narcissistic autocrat!”


MemberGiganMay-24-2021 3:39 PM

Godzilla Earth

expecting the worst, sets you up for thr worst


MemberGiganMay-24-2021 3:42 PM

Planet Eater Ghidorah

“Calling yourself a hero make you a self-mythologizing narcissistic autocrat!”


MemberGiganMay-24-2021 3:42 PM

Destroy Garbetrium bead, godzilla earth wins

expecting the worst, sets you up for thr worst


MemberGiganMay-24-2021 3:43 PM

All nuclear godzillas go!

“Calling yourself a hero make you a self-mythologizing narcissistic autocrat!”
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