Die-hard Spino Fan
MemberBaragonJun-05-2021 1:54 PMSo you've seen what the title is, and you're probably wondering, "Die-Hard Spino Fan, what's your theory?" Well here it is:
I know most people say that the MonsterVerse Godzilla was awoken by the Castle Bravo Bomb in the bikini atoll. But in the opening credits of Godzilla 2014, we seem a couple of frames in which his head popped out of the water before the bomb was detonated. This surely proves that Godzilla as awake as me having 2.3 trillion espressos. Well I wouldn't be awake, I would be dead, but the point is, the big guy was awake enough to be attracted by the radiation of a 15 megaton COBRA deuterium-tritium gas-boosted atomic bomb. So then, what did awake him? WB or Legendary never confirmed this, (at least I don't think so), so that's what this theory is all about. I believe he was awoken by the bombing of Hiroshima, then went exploring to see how humanity has wrecked to world, then came to the bikini atoll in 1954 to have a little snack. But why didn't he come to any of the other nuclear tests? Like the Ivy Mike? One thing; yield. He probably thought it wasn't worth his time to go after some puny 10.4 megaton bomb like Ivy Mike. This is where I get a little foggy. What happened after the detonation of Castle Bravo is what I am confused on. One way I think is that he was put back into a dormant state and woke up when the MUTO's arrived. Or he woke up to destroy the power plant in japan in the into of Godzilla 2014. Or was that one of the MUTO's? I don't know. Another way is that he probably just chilled out until 2014, but this is unlikely in my mind because how could he go unnoticed for... hmmm... 60 years? I'm bad at math. That's why I think he was probably put into a dormant state.
Well, if you all already knew this, then...

Die-hard Spino Fan
MemberBaragonJun-05-2021 1:56 PMIf I have anything wrong, tell me.

Die-hard Spino Fan
MemberBaragonJun-05-2021 1:58 PMSorry about some of the mistypes there, my windows 8 laptop hates me as much as I hate it.

MemberBaragonJun-05-2021 4:19 PMHe was awakened by the USS Nautilus in 1954. This is explained in Godzilla(2014). The Castle Bravo bomb test was an effort to kill him. The mission was codenamed "Lucky Dragon".

Die-hard Spino Fan
MemberBaragonJun-05-2021 4:31 PMOhhhh man! God dang it. Well, I’ll be using my theory in my fanfic because Im almost done with the chapter where it matters and I don’t want to restart it.

Die-hard Spino Fan
MemberBaragonJun-05-2021 4:32 PMI’m lazy.

MemberAnguirusJun-05-2021 5:26 PMGodzilla Awakening established that the bombings of Hiroshima woke a monster known as Shinomura. Godzilla sensing both the bomb and the Shinomura woke up and began patrolling the Pacific, hunting the Shinomura. Eventually the US government discovered Godzilla and the Shinomura after Godzilla had a run in with the USS Nautilus in 1954. The Government formed the organization of Monarch to study these monsters, believing them to be a threat (at least one of them was). After finding out that both Godzilla and the Shinomura were attracted to radiation, they decided to lure them to Bikini Atoll by using an atomic bomb, believing that the blast would kill both of them. When Godzilla and the Shinomura arrived in Bikini Atoll, the US detonated the bomb. The blast killed the Shinomura, however Godzilla was unharmed. With the threat of the Shinomura destroyed Godzilla returned to hibernation. Believing that they had killed Godzilla and not wanting to alert the general public, the US covered up the incident, stating that it was just another one of the nuclear tests that the government had been conducting for the past decade.

Die-hard Spino Fan
MemberBaragonJun-06-2021 9:45 AM@SquashaDash, that theory is weirdly similar to what I am writing and I didn’t even know what shinomura is. Also, we found another spam bot.

MemberAnguirusJun-06-2021 11:46 AMHE HAS A THEORY!

Die-hard Spino Fan
MemberBaragonJun-06-2021 5:28 PMShe*

MemberAnguirusJun-07-2021 10:50 AMo

MemberAnguirusJun-07-2021 10:50 AMSHE HAS A THEORY!