The Destroyer. Part 1

G theorist
MemberBaragonFeb-04-2022 9:15 AMThe Dog
Jason Adderman, a Monarch Public Services man or MPS, was tasked with helping the people of Isla de Mara rebuild after the “Incidente del triple titán” or “Triple Titan Incident ''. After Monarch, ERC, and NRC confirmed that there were no residual harmful effects from the oxygen destroyer(besides the weeks of severely low oxygen levels in that area) the MPS was quickly dispatched to help locals in not only rebuilding but helping find the people(or in many cases the corpses of people) who had not evacuated in time. Jason had his doubts however. The people of the island kept talking of a sea monster which kept attacking rescue boats. Monarch quickly dispatched this idea, as they had not detected such a creature nor any matching titans(besides Titanus-Gojira) in that area. Jason would have believed them, if he hadn't seen it for himself.
The incident happened on a thursday. Jason was busy helping 5 other men and women move rubble and debris in case anyone was trapped. They searched for about 5 hours near the coast until they were only 10 yards from the water. So far, they had found no one, no one alive anyway, and were about to finish for that day. Jason saw one of his team's rescue ships. It was a surveillance boat, dark gray with Monarch’s logo crudely drawn on the hull. Jason was walking towards it, eager to talk to a friend who was on the boat. He only made it a few feet before the ship was suddenly pulled completely beneath the water. Everyone near the docks started sprinting away as something emerged from the water.
It looked vaguely mammalian, almost like a large brown dog. Unlike most mammals however, it had a line of blue scales trailing from the sides of its mouth(filled with razor sharp teeth of course) to the base of its tail. It also had translucent spines along its fur covered back. Its tail looked(relatively) normal until its tip, which ended in what looked like 5 thin pale tentacles. The creature shook the water from itself(pronouncing its “dog-like” features even further) and took a tentative step completely out of the water. The most unusual thing about the creature, however, was that it was only a fraction of the size of most titans. Jason, from his experience measuring newly discovered titans on the field, clocked it at only 10 meters.
Jason gathered all of this info in his head for later use at a Monarch base and started running. He didn't get very far when he heard a loud roar(which sounded ominously like a baby) and heard rapid and loud footsteps beyond him. He felt slimy appendages wrap themselves around him. Panicking, he attempted to pry them off of him. The third unusual thing to happen to Jason that evening was for this desperate move to work. The tentacles went slack in his hands and fell off of his body. Confused, he turned around and saw the fourth(and the last) unusual thing that day.
The dog titan was gone. The only part remaining of it was the tail. Blood trailed back to the ocean. The trail of blood also had what looked to be a blackish substance in and around it. This substance rapidly dissolved the surrounding concrete and made the blood bubble. Even as he was evacuating 10 minutes later in a Monarch military vehicle, he knew that Monarch was about to face a threat unlike any other.

G theorist
MemberBaragonFeb-04-2022 9:18 AMHope you enjoyed :)
This was really fun to write. I shouldve done this a long time ago.
Part 2 will likely release next friday.
and yes, the dog titan was inspired by the Ahuizotl, from aztec mythology

MemberGiganFeb-04-2022 2:34 PMSounds like a job for....

Trash panda
MemberAnguirusFeb-06-2022 7:41 PMThat’s really cool. I liked how you described the Titan, and made it fit into the familiarity of the Monsterverse

G theorist
MemberBaragonFeb-10-2022 4:44 PMPart 2 will release tomorrow