Godzilla Movie

How Godzilla can win a fight against Superman.

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g-man fan

MemberBaragonApr-03-2022 3:29 PM

Superman is a very powerful character, but before you say '' Superman can just fling Godzilla in to space'' or '' Superman can just punch Godzilla out of existence I have some very good reasons on how Godzilla can win. 1 In GMK Godzilla was able to comeback from the dead without having ANYTHING to regenerate from. 2 In Godzilla vs Hedorah Godzilla was able to fly so he won't have any problem flying back to earth. 3 Superman has a weakness to radioactivity since kryptonite itself is radioactive. 4 Also Godzilla can feed off of kryptonite since its radioactive. 5 Godzilla has beaten all the greek gods Satan and God himself. 6 Godzilla was able to match the strength of classic Thor. 7 Godzilla was able to fight Rodan for 12 hours STRAIGHT. 8 Superman is too kind and tries to avoid killing while Godzilla is out for BLOOD. 9 In Godzilla vs Megaguirus Godzilla was able to escape a black hole. 10 After defeating God, Godzilla was able to wipe away the universe and create his own by pure WILL.                                                                                                                                                        What do you think about my reasons? Comment down below!

15 Replies


MemberGiganApr-03-2022 4:11 PM

Well if your talking about an amalgamation of all godzillas then yeah.

Nothing can beat SO in my opinion though

expecting the worst, sets you up for thr worst

g-man fan

MemberBaragonApr-03-2022 4:21 PM

 what is SO?


MemberGiganApr-03-2022 5:15 PM

SP typo sorry

expecting the worst, sets you up for thr worst


MemberAnguirusApr-03-2022 6:10 PM


"Neither beast nor man. Something monstrous."


MemberGiganApr-04-2022 9:23 AM

Just to be fair, Superman can defy physics and turn back time by spinning the earth backwards

expecting the worst, sets you up for thr worst

g-man fan

MemberBaragonApr-04-2022 2:05 PM

but god Godzilla  controls the universe and time


MemberGiganApr-04-2022 2:31 PM

g-man fan

Just because godzilla beat an opponent with that power, does not mean he has that same power.

expecting the worst, sets you up for thr worst


MemberBaragonApr-04-2022 8:38 PM

“Superman has a weakness to radioactivity since kryptonite itself is radioactive”

That’s not how radiation works. Superman gets his powers from solar radiation. Also, I personally think it’s pointless to match two completely different characters with many varied iterations against one another. 


MemberGiganApr-04-2022 8:50 PM


"pointless to match two completely different characters with many varied iterations against one another."

Pointless, but fun

expecting the worst, sets you up for thr worst

g-man fan

MemberBaragonApr-06-2022 4:07 PM

1 for this battle Godzilla does have god power 2 death battle did a battle on this and THEY said Godzilla can feed off kryptonite 3 spiderman would not last a second against godzilla


MemberGiganApr-06-2022 4:52 PM


Depends, what if all the spider men starting fighting

expecting the worst, sets you up for thr worst

g-man fan

MemberBaragonApr-06-2022 5:45 PM

there's nothing the spidermen can really do to beat Godzilla, like I said he came back to life without having anything to regenerate from


MemberGiganApr-06-2022 6:32 PM

g-man fan

and if it were burning godzilla couldnt he just nuclear pulse in all directions?

expecting the worst, sets you up for thr worst

g-man fan

MemberBaragonApr-06-2022 6:33 PM

he sure could


MemberBaragonDec-13-2022 8:42 AM

Godzilla feeds on radiation, and kryptonite is full of it, so godzilla absorbed it, and it seemingly made him more powerful, but since superman is powerless against it, and godzilla litterely ate it, godzilla would win

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