Godzilla Movie

Godzilla Series Tier List

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G. H. (Gman)

AdminGodzillaJan-31-2023 5:02 PM

Alright, let's try to get the forums back on the topic of what they're meant for.

Post your Godzilla Film Series Tier List after creating it here: https://tiermaker.com/create/godzilla-series-1954-2021-923415

What do you agree or disagree with others about? Why did you rank them the way they are? Do you have any taste at all?

Post outcome of your list here.

"'Nostalgic' does not equal 'good,' and 'standards' does not equal 'elitism.'" "Being offended is inevitable. Living offended is your choice."
116 Replies


MemberGiganJan-31-2023 5:21 PM

Can we see yours?

“Calling yourself a hero make you a self-mythologizing narcissistic autocrat!”


MemberAnguirusJan-31-2023 6:31 PM

Ironic that a bot shows up in a topic thats supposed to "get the forums back on the topic of what they're meant for".

heirs my list:

"Do you love it that much? That... monster graveyard?"


MemberBaragonJan-31-2023 7:44 PM

G. H. (Gman)

You forgot the best Godzilla media ever made. Don’t worry tho, I fixed it.



MemberBaragonJan-31-2023 7:45 PM


Cool Godzilla

MemberGiganJan-31-2023 7:48 PM

G. H. (Gman) Thanks for your effort in making this and bringing it back to the topic but I think I'll make it some other time. I haven't fully watched all the older movies so I can't judge yet.

As long as we set a goal and we are determined to achieve our passions and goals, our determination is limitless.

Cool Godzilla

MemberGiganJan-31-2023 7:50 PM

HinikunaGoji Whoa, you replied almost the same time I replied.

As long as we set a goal and we are determined to achieve our passions and goals, our determination is limitless.

Cool Godzilla

MemberGiganJan-31-2023 7:52 PM

HinikunaGoji Godzilla vs Kong is in F rank, that's a little too low in my opinion.

As long as we set a goal and we are determined to achieve our passions and goals, our determination is limitless.


MemberAnguirusJan-31-2023 8:15 PM

Here's Mine.

(The Hanna-Barbera cartoon would be in "C", Godzilla: The Series would be in "B" and Singular Point would be in "D".)


S - Masterpiece

A - Great

B - Good/Average

C - Mid

D - Poor

F - Bad/Terrible

(I got rid of "E" because it made it easier to sort them)

"Neither beast nor man. Something monstrous."


MemberBaragonJan-31-2023 8:37 PM

Cool Godzilla

I just hate that movie.

It just makes me irrationally angry.



MemberBaragonJan-31-2023 8:39 PM


Obviously because I like it, that means you should too. And since you are not conforming I have no choice but to make a mean post about how I don’t like you.

Singular Point has science. Which we all know is the determining factor of what makes anything good. And we cannot appreciate anything that is scientifically inaccurate whatsoever.



MemberAnguirusJan-31-2023 9:03 PM


For Me, Singular Point was pretty disappointing. 

It had great animation, some cool monster scenes, and some interesting ideas. But personally I felt that the story was kind of a mess with character's motives and roles randomly changing, too many characters being introduced only to be dropped, certain events that just happen without explanation and are never mentioned again, certain plot points that contradict themselves, "New" monsters that felt like uninspired copies of classic kaiju, way too much focus on physics and math to the point where it became tedious and hard to follow, a really abrupt unsatisfying ending, and Godzilla himself feeling like an afterthought at times, with a lot of his scenes trying too hard to copy Shin Godzilla.

"Neither beast nor man. Something monstrous."


MemberBaragonJan-31-2023 9:32 PM


in seriousness, I really do like the show (hence s) but I do agree with some of your points. Often times it does feel like the leads are just doing things for no reason other than just work (Yun especially suffers from this). But honestly having rewatched it again recently I feel the writing is a lot better than people give it credit for.

Idk, just the quick exposition also dialogue is something enjoyed in Shin and SP immensely.

But one problem I have is the lack of care the story took with Li’s death. Honestly it didn’t have much impact other than providing the otaki crew with the OD. Mei and maybe even BB should have reacted to it a lot more.



MemberGiganJan-31-2023 9:43 PM

I need to rewatch all of the godzilla movies again before making a final judgement


Cool Godzilla

MemberGiganJan-31-2023 11:14 PM

Xenotaris Same

As long as we set a goal and we are determined to achieve our passions and goals, our determination is limitless.


MemberGiganFeb-01-2023 10:31 AM

GVK in F tier is a little harsh.  Though I would give a C to G'14.

“Calling yourself a hero make you a self-mythologizing narcissistic autocrat!”


MemberBaragonFeb-01-2023 12:59 PM

I can see that was an unpopular choice. But Im prepared to die on this hill.



MemberBaragonFeb-01-2023 1:00 PM

But if GvK were released in any other year than COVID, I don’t think it would have preformed nearly as well as it did



MemberMothra LarvaeFeb-01-2023 9:57 PM

This is a very fun idea. Within the tiers mine are in no particular order. I made an effort to disperse everything across all tiers, but honestly I could make do with 3. Favorites, Would Watch Again, and Would Not Watch Again which would only consist of the anime trilogy.

Singular Point is a solid B to me, I definitely had fun with it and I love new takes on classic monster designs. Godzilla: The Series is probably a C, I loved it as a kid but I have trouble getting through it on rewatches. Hanna-Barbera has to be an F, the only Godzilla media other than the anime trilogy I would actively avoid watching again lol.


MemberBaragonFeb-01-2023 10:47 PM


Im the weird one. 

idk why I’m surprised


Cool Godzilla

MemberGiganFeb-02-2023 12:45 AM

sonictiger Agreed

As long as we set a goal and we are determined to achieve our passions and goals, our determination is limitless.

Cool Godzilla

MemberGiganFeb-02-2023 12:47 AM

EliteFreakozoid I kinda agree with the F's.

As long as we set a goal and we are determined to achieve our passions and goals, our determination is limitless.


MemberMothra LarvaeFeb-02-2023 2:47 AM

Cool Godzilla I went into those movies wanting to love them, but I was really disappointed. I remember a behind-the-scenes video the studio put out not long before the first movie dropped with all of this concept art for about a billion classic monsters and name dropping even more and then it came out and... almost none of it mattered. It was all just for a little intro and throwaway references. The first movie had Godzilla in it, whatever the generic dragon dorks were called, and maybe some reference to a mythical Mothra?

I fully understand the draw of a post-apocalypse monster movie, but that series just didn't do it for me. The only non-Godzilla monster we saw in any meaningful way was Ghidorah, and while I thought his design had potential I didn't like the religious plot that surrounded it.

Admittedly, I'm somewhat biased. I have no problem with anime as a whole, I enjoyed Singular Point, but I hate the recent trend of everything being 3D animated. I can forgive it in some cases, but it's used as a way to make animated productions with a lower budget. I would've liked to see a version of this trilogy that was beautifully hand drawn. While that alone wouldn't have saved it, I think it would've made the whole experience a lot more palatable.


MemberAnguirusFeb-02-2023 7:34 AM


Same. I remember being genuinely excited to see that trilogy, mainly because I had been wanting to see a post-apocalyptic Godzilla film with monsters ruling the Earth for a while, but they ended up being some of the worst films in the franchise in my opinion.

I initially gave Planet of the Monsters a pass. Even though I thought it was underwhelming, there were some entertaining moments (specifically the reveal of Godzilla Earth) and there were some ideas that were introduced that I thought were interesting (which unfortunately ended up being dropped completely).

City on the Edge of Battle just left me bored and confused, with me being a bit annoyed at how they completely wasted Mechagodzilla and didn't really do anything with the advanced robotic city idea. Not to mention the blatant false advertisement of it being a Godzilla vs Mechagodzilla film.

I went in to The Planet Eater with really low expectations and it ended up being one of the only Godzilla films to actually make me angry while watching it due to how annoyingly pretentious it was and it managed to do something I didn't think was possible, it made a fight between Godzilla and Ghidorah boring (if you can even call that a fight).

Not to mention that the trilogy also wasted most of the classic kaiju and, in my opinion, Haruo was one of the most obnoxious human characters in the entire franchise.

"Neither beast nor man. Something monstrous."


MemberAnguirusFeb-02-2023 7:38 AM

Also, looking at these tier lists, it's great to see Godzilla vs. Destoroyah getting a lot of love.

"Neither beast nor man. Something monstrous."


MemberMothra LarvaeFeb-02-2023 9:34 AM

Here's my list.

Singular point would definitely go in S tier for me. 


MemberGiganFeb-02-2023 11:47 AM

I'm sorry but Godzilla (2014) is getting way too much love.

“Calling yourself a hero make you a self-mythologizing narcissistic autocrat!”


MemberBaragonFeb-02-2023 12:48 PM


Haruo isn’t a character. Haruo is an emotion.



MemberBaragonFeb-02-2023 12:48 PM


well, where would you put it?



MemberGiganFeb-02-2023 8:51 PM

I'd put it in C.

“Calling yourself a hero make you a self-mythologizing narcissistic autocrat!”


MemberBaragonFeb-02-2023 10:38 PM


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