Who is the new Red / Evil Kong in the Godzilla x Kong: The New Empire trailer?

AdminSpaceGodzillaApr-20-2023 8:43 AMThe first teaser for the upcoming Godzilla vs. Kong sequel teased what we can only assume to be the film's new antagonist and it's very clear the mysterious new Titan looks a lot like a member of the Kong species. However, a few distinctive features separate this new Titan from Kong aesthetically which begs the question - what or who is this new Kaiju?
Theory 1: It's King Kong
Throughout the entire Monsterverse, Kong has never once been referred to as KING Kong - the title of King has always been reserved for Godzilla. This new Red Ape Kaiju could be the original King Kong - from a time predating the current Monsterverse, somewhere in Hollow Earth. King Kong could have laid dormant in a pocket of Hollow Earth, undiscovered until recently. This could explain the glowing blue eyes - signifying King Kong's power to conjure electricity.
Theory 2: A Rival Kong Species
The red fur and the longer, leaner arms are quite a contrast to Kong's shorter, bulkier build. This new Red Kong looks to have the body shape more like an Orangutan than a Gorilla. Perhaps a branch of bipedal Kong species formed their own army back in ancient times and rivaled both the Godzilla and Kong species. Unearthing this dormant rival then poses a new threat to the established hierarchy.
Theory 3: It's a Godzilla / Kong Hybrid
This one is a bizarre theory and one that seems the most far fetched - but it's possible a Kong and Godzilla had a baby and that abomination offspring grew up to be Kongzilla - who now possesses powers of both Godzilla and Kong. I can't really see a Kong and Godzilla getting busy, so maybe if this is the case, the writers can chalk it up to alien genetic splicing or something. I'm not a fan of this theory at all.
Many questions remain and with a year to go, the speculation train is only just leaving the station now. What do you think of these theories? Who do YOU think the new Evil Kong is supposed to be? Give us your best guesses below!

MemberAnguirusApr-20-2023 10:42 AMHe's most likely another member of Kong's species (or a closely related species) who is more aggressive and warlike. The glowing blue eyes indicates that he's either able to harness the Hollow Earth energy or that he's absorbed energy from the other titans he's killed (as indicated by all of the bones in his lair).

MemberGiganApr-20-2023 4:08 PMKongzilla. Easily.

MemberBaragonApr-20-2023 6:10 PMThis Kong is probably a different individual. Kinda think it’s cool

G. H. (Gman)
AdminGodzillaApr-21-2023 9:29 AMKing Louie, obviously.

MemberGiganApr-21-2023 12:42 PMOBVIOUS WIN TO G. H. (Gman).

MemberAnguirusApr-21-2023 5:02 PMI saw a fan theory suggesting that he was the one who built the axe that Kong found in GvK. The theory also suggests that he was the one who put the red handprint on the door to the Kong temple since the paint that it was made with matches the red war paint he wears on his face, which indicates that he might have lived in that temple at one point.

Cool Godzilla
MemberGiganApr-24-2023 3:10 AMIf it was Kongzilla, it would be so funny to see what's Mothra's expression. XD