MemberGiganMar-20-2022 12:51 PMWelp, Goji may be in future movies then

MemberAnguirusMar-20-2022 1:07 PMHinikunaGoji
I kind of figured that Godzilla would be in future MonsterVerse movies. I doubt Legendary would've renegotiate their contract with Toho to continue using Godzilla in the MonsterVerse, only to use him in one show. So it makes sense that they would use him in future movies.

G. H. (Gman)
AdminGodzillaMar-20-2022 3:04 PMDoesn't really specify what it is exactly though and other sources have done better to note that.
A better way to word this would've been, "another movie in the Monsterverse," not a confirmation of another Godzilla movie. Or Kong movie for that matter. Though the latter seems more likely.

AdminSpaceGodzillaMar-20-2022 6:23 PMIndeed it likely is a Kong-focused sequel as we expected following the release of GvK, but the source for this report seems to be confident in their wording calling it a Godzilla vs. Kong sequel:

Dunno how else to take "confirmed" while still remaining skeptical. Either way it's exciting news!

G. H. (Gman)
AdminGodzillaMar-20-2022 7:50 PMTechnically, nothing is confirmed until studio issued press releases go out, but this is seems pretty iron clad unless someone screwed up tremendously.
I'm sure Legendary/WB will announce something pretty soon. They're really playing with their Pacific Rim Uprising announcement window here.

MemberAnguirusMar-20-2022 8:10 PMBut why? I thought godzilla and kong were on good terms by the end of gvk, with godzilla ruling the land and kong ruling the hollow earth, so why would they fight again?
If this news is true, I think the people over at warner bros. and legendary are just doing a sequel for the cash.

MemberGiganMar-20-2022 8:16 PMBetting that Kong: Hollow Earth is going to film there, and if not it's going to be a solo Godzilla movie most likely. I wouldn't be surprised if this was actually the TV show that's coming to Apple TV Plus...

G. H. (Gman)
AdminGodzillaMar-20-2022 8:40 PM"I think the people over at warner bros. and legendary are just doing a sequel for the cash."
The code has been cracked.
No one tell Hollywood.

MemberMothra LarvaeMar-21-2022 3:32 AMas to why Kong and Big G would fight again possibilities being
1. Mind control either on Kong of Big G weve seen it in a few Toho G movies
2. maybe a Mechani Kong
3. Kong or more stupid power tripping Humans find another Cave/temple and activates something that pisses Big G off or Makes Big G go crazy So Kong has to go calm Big G down or otherwise stop him (least possible as thatd basically be redoing GvsK nearly exactly) slight more possible Kong finds a another G thats younger and they get into a fight and G stomps down to Hollow Earth to save the Youngling

MemberBaragonMar-21-2022 5:13 AMIt might not have them fight, they could be allies over som new overpowered hollow earth character. Either way, this is amazing

MemberGiganMar-21-2022 1:15 PMAgain most likely not a GVK sequel. I'm most likely betting at a Kong sequel, as they'll probably wait to see how the Godzilla TV show performs before looking at another movie.

MemberGiganMar-21-2022 9:58 PMsonictiger
Well even if Goji wasnt in it, it would still be a sequel to GvK.

MemberBaragonMar-22-2022 7:07 PMI believe it picks up right after Godzilla vs. Kong and takes place mainly in the hollow earth.

MemberBaragonMar-25-2022 5:50 AMIt would be cool as we need to know a lot more about Hollow Earth

MemberBaragonMar-30-2022 8:31 AMWOAH