Godzilla Movie

New Godzilla: Singular Point Poster Unveils Horrific New Godzilla Design

Scified2021-02-23 16:04:24https://www.scified.com/articles/new-godzilla-singular-point-poster-unveils-horrific-new-godzilla-design-16.jpg
Written by Jacob17,371 Reads32 Comments2021-02-23 16:04:24

A new poster for Godzilla: Singular Point has been released.

Following on the heels of a new Godzilla vs. Kong poster, Toho has unveiled a new poster for the upcoming anime series Godzilla: Singular Point. Featured in the artwork is a brand new look at the newest Godzilla incarnation, which highlights the character's shockingly grotesque appearance.

Singular Point's Godzilla design will be unlike any previous version of the iconic kaiju to-date. The new iteration of Godzilla will seemingly feature fangs, a partially-split jaw, and numerous rows of vicious teeth.

Do you like the new Godzilla design? Let us know in the comments below!

Godzilla: Singular Point will be released on Netflix Japan on March 25 and will begin airing on Tokyo MX starting on April 1. The series will be released worldwide at a later date in 2021 on Netflix.

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MemberGiganFeb-23-2021 6:29 PM

First comment. 

I’ve always wanted a creepy godzilla


MemberTitanosaurusFeb-23-2021 6:40 PM

I really hope Godzilla just looks weird in this poster. I hope that in the anime Godzilla's face doesn't look so thin from the front. He just looks bizarre in this poster.


MemberGiganFeb-23-2021 6:57 PM

He looks so derpy


MemberGiganFeb-23-2021 6:58 PM

This is my new favorite design

Kane 55

MemberMothra LarvaeFeb-23-2021 8:34 PM

He has tunes for his atomic breath it doesn't come directly from his mouth  which is weird 


MemberGiganFeb-24-2021 12:02 AM

This Godzilla's face reminds me of Jobe from Lawnmower Man


MemberBaragonFeb-24-2021 8:22 AM

so thats what thiccgoji looks like when he looks forward... i really dont like it. Its like when simpsons charachters look forward, it just looks unnatural, though considering the desiens that they gave anguirus and titanosaurus and gabera, i guess thats what this series is going for.


MemberBaragonFeb-24-2021 8:40 AM

Was very stoked for the see the old school Dinosaur Godzilla looking like a Harryhausen Allosaurus seeming to be like G94 USA unmade but then we get this and I wonder if Toho will ever make another traditional Godzilla or if they are just done with the atomic Dinosaur thing. HEISEI Shark teeth were cool but this Biollante mouth is pushing it too far. He doesnt look bad ass, he just looks ****ed


MemberBaragonFeb-24-2021 8:43 AM

 Was stoked I mean. This **** wont let me edit my mistake but Toho needs to edit that mistake 


MemberBaragonFeb-24-2021 11:37 AM

The mouth is no weirder than Shin Godzilla.  Still...wait and see how it plays out.


MemberMothra LarvaeFeb-24-2021 6:12 PM

Oh wow, i like it. Something completely different and menacing looking. 


MemberGiganFeb-24-2021 10:20 PM

Awww no got The Lawnmower Man Reference 


MemberGiganFeb-24-2021 10:21 PM


sorry double post


MemberBaragonFeb-25-2021 7:52 AM

tiamatzilla, dont swear. and also one of the diagrams next to  the logo shows a mazer cannon.



MemberGiganFeb-25-2021 8:34 AM


Thank you.


MemberGiganFeb-25-2021 10:50 AM

Worst.  Godzilla.  Design.  EVER.


MemberGiganFeb-25-2021 10:50 AM

Oh wait, Zilla is worse.  But that's still a bad design.


MemberGiganFeb-25-2021 10:54 AM

I disagree. This is less backlash than Goji 14. And Shin goji


MemberGiganFeb-25-2021 11:17 AM

I actually like Godzilla98's design


MemberGiganFeb-25-2021 1:14 PM

Me too. But I like this design


MemberGiganFeb-25-2021 1:46 PM

Singular Point Godzilla needs some tweeks, the fat Hartman hips don't look good on a theropod body structure and its face reminds too much of the Lawnmower man


MemberGiganFeb-25-2021 2:05 PM

I like the lawnmower man face


MemberGiganFeb-26-2021 7:00 AM

also his chin kind of reminds me of Thanos


MemberGiganFeb-26-2021 7:46 AM

I don’t see that


MemberAnguirusFeb-26-2021 8:25 AM

I likie


but i like scary/strange designs, like his ungodly wide jaws.


MemberBaragonFeb-26-2021 2:47 PM

I’m not feeling it. The mouth and head are just weird.


MemberBaragonFeb-26-2021 2:47 PM

I’m not feeling it. The mouth and head are just weird.


MemberMothra LarvaeFeb-26-2021 6:29 PM



MemberGiganFeb-26-2021 9:44 PM

oh wait those are the tooth socket bumps beneath his lips, for a second there I thought he had Thanos wrinkles on his chin


MemberBaragonFeb-27-2021 5:19 AM

Worst design besides shin. This is a ****ing joke. He looked fine till we got this image. WTF??????


MemberBaragonFeb-27-2021 5:22 AM

Trap jaw umbrella faced Biollante hybrid is making Godzilla98 look real good. Sorry Tristar we didn't know how bad it could get.


MemberMothra LarvaeMar-05-2021 3:45 PM

The virgin Shin

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