A writer has been hired for an upcoming, untitled original Monster movie directed and produced by Kong: Skull Island director Jordan Vogt-Roberts! Rodney Barnes has been tapped by film production company New Regency to pen the script for Vogt-Roberts' new Monster flick set in his home town of Detroit, according to THR.
If there's one thing we learned about Jordan Vogt-Roberts and his work directing Kong: Skull Island is that the man has a talent for producing high-octane, action-packed and overall fun Monster movies.
Although this new project is totally unrelated to King Kong, Godzilla and the Monsterverse, we're still very eager to learn more about what Vogt-Roberts has planned for this new original property and we're confident he'll bring us another glorious Monster flick to enjoy alongside the likes of Kong: Skull Island and Godzilla.
As we learn more about this new Monster movie by Jordan Vogt-Roberts, we'll be sure to keep you updated!
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