Godzilla Movie

worst godzilla monster

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MemberMothra LarvaeMay-16-2013 1:18 PM
over the decades the godzilla franchise has spawned some of the best monsters ever. but with allof the cool monsters there has been some bad ones. which ones do you think are the worst. my least favorites are gabarah, hedorah, and ebrah.
KING KAIJU 1 small step for kaiju 1 giant step for godzilla!!!!
52 Replies


MemberMothra LarvaeMay-16-2013 5:01 PM
Gaberah, and hedorah.


MemberMothra LarvaeMay-16-2013 5:09 PM
Hmmmm...probably Gaberah, every other monster is unique in its own way, but not Gaberah...


AdminSpaceGodzillaMay-16-2013 5:15 PM
I'd say Gaberah also. Although I've never been a huge fan of Jet Jaguar either, haha. I actually liked Ebirah, I think he could make a comeback and kick some ass. But Gaberah, no way.
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MemberMothra LarvaeMay-16-2013 6:54 PM
Megalon, Gaberah, Hedorah and Gigan with Titanasaurus as an honorable mention terrible monsters stupid designs, annoying sounds and cheesey powers.


MemberMothra LarvaeMay-16-2013 8:31 PM
Chris picard, I would have to say you got that right. Also Reggie, I like Gigian and I thought hedora was great!! now megalon was a product of a little to much LSD, I think lol. And lets not forget Baragon, that thing has no place in toho but some how has managed to be in feew movies ..


MemberMothra LarvaeMay-16-2013 9:27 PM
So does anyone have any idea or ckue as to what other monsters godzilla will kill ? Will they be remade classics or something totally and completely new ? I gotta say the suspense is fucking killing me..


MemberMothra LarvaeMay-16-2013 9:30 PM
C.P I hear you again on jet jaguar all he had as weapons is his bright light and the fact that he can get really big to kick some ass.. maybe an update on him would be great. Why not??

Gojira 2000

MemberMothra LarvaeMay-18-2013 2:33 PM
Minilla or Minya


MemberMothra LarvaeMay-20-2013 1:58 AM
Biollante is by far the worst monster. I found it to be a stupid concept for a monster by combinding a rose dna with Godzilla dna and what do you get a big useless rose.


MemberMothra LarvaeMay-21-2013 12:00 AM
Minya.......Hated, Hated him when I was a kid and still cringe at the sight of him.


MemberMothra LarvaeMay-22-2013 2:18 PM
minya and that dragon.... manda i think was that things name was


MemberMothra LarvaeMay-23-2013 4:21 PM
yeah i guess minya or Minilla or... the son of Godzilla looked pretty bad...


MemberMothra LarvaeMay-27-2013 3:02 PM
minilla looks like something they found in roswell.......


MemberMothra LarvaeMay-28-2013 5:48 PM
The 'Tri-Star Godzilla' tops the list on the simple grounds that they called it 'Godzilla' when it looked and acted nothing like him! But outside of that, I could list a number atrocious Ultraman villains, however, from the Godzilla universe, I think I'd have to say Gabara, or Hedorah.

Erik Mathews

MemberMothra LarvaeMay-28-2013 5:57 PM
Kumacuras or Spiga hands down. Such lazy and cheesy monsters.


MemberMothra LarvaeMay-28-2013 6:01 PM
Gabara, Ebirah, Hedorah, and Godzilla's son (Minya, or Minilla or whatever he was called) from the Showa series. Thankfully the monsters got better as the movies went on.


MemberMothra LarvaeMay-28-2013 6:15 PM
Gabara. Can't believe most of you don't like Ebirah or Hedorah, In my opinion they were awesome monsters for their time.


MemberMothra LarvaeMay-28-2013 7:15 PM
Minya, I own all the Godzilla movies I can get but Godzilla's Revenge. Monsters no matter how cheesy should be menacing.


MemberMothra LarvaeMay-28-2013 7:44 PM
Minya, Jet Jaguar, and Gabara! Titanosaurus is pretty close by his roar alone... though he was kinda cool looking.


MemberMothra LarvaeMay-28-2013 8:03 PM
One of the worst monsters I ever see.....is Gabara and minya that two worst godzilla monsters and two worst godzilla movies!!!


MemberMothra LarvaeMay-28-2013 9:47 PM
forget you all that say gehdora was the worst he was the top rival to godzilla in like 3 movies the worst is defitnetly minya he was cool and cute but he sucks


MemberMothra LarvaeMay-28-2013 9:47 PM
forget you all that say gehdora was the worst he was the top rival to godzilla in like 3 movies the worst is defitnetly minya he was cool and cute but he sucks


MemberMothra LarvaeMay-29-2013 12:53 AM
I think we can all agree that not only was Gabarah terrible, but the movie that he's in is as horrid as the villain portrayed in it. The only redeeming quality of that movie was Godzilla, and even he was treated like some kind of kid on the playground. A Godzilla fan watches the old movies to see Godzilla kick the asses of all of the monsters that people have come up with, not to watch a kid in preschool daydream! That being said, my second least favorite monster has got to be Minya, just because of those pointless scenes in Godzilla: Final Wars where he leads the guy and his son to where Godzilla is. Then, for some reason, the big ugly fucker grows out of nowhere and swims off into the sunset with Godzilla! You'd think that the maker of that movie would've seen for at least a second how unrelated that side-plot was to the movie as a whole.


MemberMothra LarvaeMay-29-2013 2:18 AM
Oodaka and condra...the giant squid in king kong vs godzilla and the giant condor in godzilla vs the sea monster..that fight gave me motion sickness.


MemberMothra LarvaeMay-30-2013 6:47 PM
I have to say that my least favorite Godzilla monster is a tie between Titanosaurus and Kumonga.


MemberMothra LarvaeJun-12-2013 1:42 PM
I hate Gabarah because he is lame and the film he is in sucks.


MemberMothra LarvaeJul-24-2013 10:33 AM
Godzooky (From the Hannah Barbera cartoons), Minya, Zilla, and Gabara.
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MemberMothra LarvaeJul-24-2013 10:33 AM
Godzooky (From the Hannah Barbera cartoons), Minya, Zilla, and Gabara.
Follow @GodzillaAttacks on Twitter and your city will be spared...... Maybe...


MemberMothra LarvaeJul-25-2013 1:15 AM
Giant Condor, it's just a big annoying bird that pecks at Godzilla!

Davis B

MemberMothra LarvaeJul-29-2013 8:32 PM
Gabara did look stupid and his main attack suck monkeys but the monster that beats Gabara for this question is the monster simply known from the worst Godzilla fight ever...... the GIANT CONDOR
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