Godzilla Movie

Gigan or Megalon who you like more?

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MemberMothra LarvaeFeb-17-2014 5:17 AM

I prefer Megalon cuz, for my opinion he has more cool abilities, Digging under ground, spitting bombs.

and of course his apearance looks great.

Loved the way they made him in the video game Godzilla Melee (Xbox), as a kid I feared him alot cuz of his looks he was animated so very well and realisticly.

17 Replies


MemberMothra LarvaeFeb-17-2014 6:45 AM

gigan- cyborg dino chicken with metal claws, laser eye and a buzzsaw belly is cunning and traitorous

megalon- giant beetle, King ghidorah lighting horn, drill hands, fire bombs, acts like a stubon child.

yeah gigan wins hands down


MemberBaragonFeb-17-2014 7:00 AM

You should change the "cunning and traitorous" to cowardly.

I'd have to say Gigan too but it's not by much


MemberMothra LarvaeFeb-17-2014 7:03 AM

yeah actually i change my statement, but gigan is still better


MemberTitanosaurusFeb-17-2014 7:29 AM

Ooh, hard to say. Gigan is cunning and dangerous. Megalon is resiliant and a bit trigger-happy. I like them both equally. Why are these decisions so hard?!

\"SKREEONGK!\" -Godzilla


MemberMothra LarvaeFeb-17-2014 8:17 AM

To me it will be Gigan because he's a total badass.

Like a Bossk

MemberMothra LarvaeFeb-17-2014 10:39 AM

@GODZILLAFAN1995- "cyborg dino chicken with metal claws" that was the best description of Gigan ever! Hahaha


MemberMothra LarvaeFeb-17-2014 2:29 PM

Tough one... Going to have to go Gigan (Showa) then Megalon, then Gigan (Final Wars).


MemberMothra LarvaeFeb-17-2014 2:29 PM

Double post, sorry


MemberMothra LarvaeFeb-17-2014 3:17 PM

Gigan- He was resurrected numerous times. Megalon- Does not back down easily but he is THE most annoying monster in all the Godzilla games. Gigan wins.



MemberMothra LarvaeFeb-17-2014 4:09 PM

Gigan wins hands down because Megalon is basically a stubborn child who's weird.Gigan is cunning,fast and can shoot lasers from is one chicken eye.So,Gigan wins because he's a cunning,fast robo dino chicken alien thingamajiger from weird aliens who can shoot lasers!LAZERZ FOR PETE'S SAKE!Megalon can only fly and shoot rocks and shoot a horn laser.That's my opinion.




MemberMothra LarvaeFeb-17-2014 4:51 PM

Let's see, badass metallic alien made of blades, or a giant beetle? Hmmmm. Yeah, Gigan is just too epic to be compared to Megalon, it's not fair


MemberMothra LarvaeFeb-17-2014 4:53 PM

@instinctivegigan hmm something tells me you would've chose gigan even with that vague answer but i can't tell what it is.


MemberMothra LarvaeFeb-17-2014 7:40 PM

Kind of obvious, but Gigan.


MemberBaragonFeb-18-2014 8:24 AM

gigan hands down

http://hugeben.deviantart.com/  check out my gallery of Godzilla artwork! Follow me on Twitter@thebigbadben90.


MemberMothra LarvaeJun-27-2021 3:31 PM

Of the two i always preferred Gigan considering that he looks so cool for a hook-handed alien chicken with a buzzsaw stomach. That said i don't mind Megalon considering that though he's not as iconic or cool-looking as Gigan despite that he's not bad-looking for a giant drill-handed beetle who lives underground and is controlled by underground people who want to take over earth. Add to the fact that both monsters appeared in Godzilla vs. Megalon (which happens to be the first Godzilla movie i ever saw) makes them two of my favorite Godzilla monsters.


MemberGiganJun-28-2021 11:01 AM

i like both of them, they're both cool

expecting the worst, sets you up for thr worst


MemberMothra LarvaeJul-21-2021 12:49 PM

Is there any competition? Gigan is way cooler. Final Wars Gigan is the absolute best, my second favorite kaiju, second only to the big G himself.

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