Could you design Godzilla in a way that he doesn't break the Square-Cube Law?
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MemberMothra LarvaeMay-27-2014 8:59 AMThe possibility of Godzilla's existence is far from possible, without of course, breaking the Square-Cube Law. So I'm wondering if it is possible for Godzilla to comply with the Law and live provided you could change the structural anatomy of him in any way?
Life is very simple, but we insist on making it complicated.
MemberMothra LarvaeMay-27-2014 10:11 AMthere is a link to an article someone wrote basically explaining this, I am too lazy/don't have the time to find it right now but with minimal effort you should be able to do so, it's pretty good, although it was written right before the last movie was released.
MemberMothra LarvaeMay-27-2014 11:30 AMi dont think its posible for a land animal but it migth be posible for a deep sea creature that can´t walk on land and should be maximum of 50m or so
and it migth get its energy and nutrients from getermic activity like tubeworms
MemberMothra LarvaeMay-27-2014 1:04 PMMaking the bones, muscles and skin durable enough to resist the square-cube law.
"I fear all we have done is to awaken a sleeping giant and fill him with a terrible resolve."
MemberMothra LarvaeMay-27-2014 2:11 PMI'm not exactly knowledgeable on the subject but what if most of Godzilla's early development was focused on bone density and growth? Like if instinct led him to see out bone fortifying souces of food or nutrients?
That plus his brain routing a great deal of resources to laying the foundation that all that muscle would later rest on?
Kind of like a Kaiju puberty?
MemberMothra LarvaeMay-27-2014 2:17 PMI found this a while back,
MemberMothra LarvaeMay-27-2014 3:45 PMzillas design is actually less realistic
king of the monsters
MemberMothra LarvaeMay-27-2014 3:54 PMGodzilla already follows the square-cube law. If his skin, bones and muscles are strong enough to withstand a nuclear explosion, they should be able to support his weigh with no problem.
MemberMothra LarvaeMay-27-2014 3:58 PMOk, i made this account waiting for a coversation like this. I have actually been having this discussion for a week. And i believe if he was around 30-40 feet tall, close to 1954 gojis height that he would be able to withstand his weight. Their are dinosaurs that i have seen that if they were to stand on only two feet they would be along that height. Idk, im only just learning about this in school.
Top Hat Gyaos
MemberMothra LarvaeMay-27-2014 5:15 PMMake him silicon based, like the kaiju from Pacific Rim? Slattern was almost 200 feet taller than Godzilla 2014, but still weighted almost 15 times less.
Be yourself, for everyone else is taken.
MemberMothra LarvaeMay-28-2014 12:19 PM@A-ZILLA Godzilla '54 is 164 feet tall, not 30-40 feet.