Godzilla Movie

My GMK Review

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MemberAnguirusJul-02-2014 9:08 PM

I just watched GMK the other day and I thought I might as well post my review. GMK isnt half bad, my only problem with it is that King Ghidorah is small and a good guy, thats basically opposite of what Ghidorah stands for. I absolutely loved Godzillas spine glow when he used his Atomic Breath. I actually felt sorry for Baragon when he died because he looked helpless yet he kept on fighting. I didng really understand what it meant when Godzillas heart was still beating. Does that mean Godzilla is not really dead or is another Godzilla gonna surface.

Anyway i give it, an ok 7/10

Remember that chap, I forget his name, he climbed Everest without any oxygen, came down nearly dead. They asked him, they said, "Why did you go up there to die?" He said, "I didn't, I went up there to live."
12 Replies


MemberBaragonJul-02-2014 9:25 PM

Personally GMK is one of my least favorite entries in the series, but I will admit it does have some of the best effects in the series


MemberMothra LarvaeJul-03-2014 12:57 AM

GMK is my favorite. Godzilla looks really evil there. The heart beating means Godzilla is not really dead, and that another Godzilla might surface again.

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MemberAnguirusJul-03-2014 12:59 AM


Thanks for that i was really confused there.

Remember that chap, I forget his name, he climbed Everest without any oxygen, came down nearly dead. They asked him, they said, "Why did you go up there to die?" He said, "I didn't, I went up there to live."

G. H. (Gman)

AdminGodzillaJul-03-2014 2:04 AM

Love this film. Easily one of the top 2 best of the last 30 years.

Godzilla's heart beating is probably best interpreted through metaphor. In a literal sense, Gabjira nails it. But there's a prominent idea, in this movie, that Godzilla embodies man's arrogance-- Our history of war, violence and the ignorance to forget past mistakes, specifically through generational gaps, stems from that stereotypical metaphor. Luckily GMK focuses on the aspect of historical ignorance and uses Godzilla as a walking warning sign against bygone disrespect. As long as a blatant disregard for humanity's mistakes exist so will Godzilla. Thus, his heart continues to beat.

"'Nostalgic' does not equal 'good,' and 'standards' does not equal 'elitism.'" "Being offended is inevitable. Living offended is your choice."


MemberAnguirusJul-03-2014 2:15 AM


Thanks for that, again. Im gonna put that in my English Essay about war.

Remember that chap, I forget his name, he climbed Everest without any oxygen, came down nearly dead. They asked him, they said, "Why did you go up there to die?" He said, "I didn't, I went up there to live."


MemberMothra LarvaeJul-03-2014 7:49 AM

i just love gmk its my 3d favorite godzilla movie of all time

id give it a 8.5/10

@JRR300 on discord @JesusRamirex13 on Twitter 


MemberAnguirusJul-03-2014 8:08 AM


I actually change my rating to 8/10, I just coudnt stop laughig at the "STUPID GIRL" part

Remember that chap, I forget his name, he climbed Everest without any oxygen, came down nearly dead. They asked him, they said, "Why did you go up there to die?" He said, "I didn't, I went up there to live."


MemberMothra LarvaeJul-03-2014 8:52 AM

i laugh when the drunk yuri sais

''im yuri reporting for duty''

@JRR300 on discord @JesusRamirex13 on Twitter 

G. H. (Gman)

AdminGodzillaJul-03-2014 11:49 AM

Yeesh, hopfully when it gets re-released on bluray it will have accurate subtitles... The dubbing/subtitle translation of Sony's DVD may be the worst and most inaccurate of the series...

"'Nostalgic' does not equal 'good,' and 'standards' does not equal 'elitism.'" "Being offended is inevitable. Living offended is your choice."


MemberBaragonJul-03-2014 2:15 PM

GMK is so highly over rated but in the end it is the best godzilla millenium series, then it would be godzilla 2000 for me, nice review though. :)

http://hugeben.deviantart.com/  check out my gallery of Godzilla artwork! Follow me on Twitter@thebigbadben90.


MemberMothra LarvaeJul-04-2014 7:44 AM

Agree with Gabjira, Catzilla and Gman, GMK is my third favorite behind the original and '64 GvsMothra. And what's always killed me about it is Shusuke Kaneko gave us Godzilla's best film in nearly 40 years (at the time) in my opinion AND the Gamera trilogy and Toho went in a different direction. Mind boggling

G. H. (Gman)

AdminGodzillaJul-04-2014 11:51 AM

^To be fair, Toho asked Kaneko back for the following year, but he was already committed to other movies. GMK was the highest grossing Millennium film-- no way they weren't going to at least try to get him back.

"'Nostalgic' does not equal 'good,' and 'standards' does not equal 'elitism.'" "Being offended is inevitable. Living offended is your choice."
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