Godzilla Movie

Your Godzilla Dreams

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MemberAnguirusJul-03-2014 11:48 AM

Not sure where this topic goes but here it is:

Have you ever had a dream while sleeping and Godzilla was included somehow. Whether it be boring/exciting share it with me.

(Thanks to Stenclowski for giving me this idea)

Here are my dreams if you havent seen them

1. I believe Bigfoot (Sasquatch)is real, and I do watch Finding Bigfoot, so I have always wanted to go Bigfooting the team. So I had a dream where we are "squatching", and Bobo asks me to do a howl. So I do one and I get a weird response, LegendaryGoji's roar, they ask what the hell was that?? Then I woke up like "dafaq just happened"


2. So I am on a plane, I dont know where it is on the ground not even in a airport, but im with my dad, my mom and my baby cousin who is really fat and is 7. I didnt know where my sister was. The plane was 600 ft tall, about 200 ft wide and 2000 ft long. At the back was a playground, there was this antique ship at the back which said no entry. Also inside the playground was a statue of Godzilla 2000, articulated, coloured it looked real but frozen. So anyway my cousin went in the shil but got lost inside. I found him and went outside then 2000 started to move. We exited through the back just when MogeGoji normal form came to defeat this "evil" Godzilla,  but he was quickly overpowered and killed. I saw MogeGoji die, refusing to bow down to his superior and ultimately got killed. I ran half crying away with Godzilla Jr mourning the loss of his father. We run farther and farther while 2000 is chasing us. We kept on running to complete darkness I looked behind and saw 2000s spines glowing, then Godzilla Jr suddenly looked happy, and we saw a patchy blue glow light up several times in front of us. I realized it was LegendaryGoji, pissed off about the death of MogeGoji and the orphanage of his "nephew", Godzilla Jr. He then beats the hell out of 2000, punishing him slowly. 2000 begs for mercy but Godzilla simply responds with a Spiral Ray right to his face. So yeah I learn that MogeGji was Legendarys brother, and that Godzilla Jr and Minilla are now cousins as Godzilla claimed Minilla as his own. So Minilla and Godzilla Jr play happily everyday with LegendaryGoji their father. I woke up like dafaq, did that really happen.


So my dreams might be inaccurate with power levels but it sure as hell was an awesome dream. For some reason I remember dreams with Godzilla in them crystal clearly. I dont know maybe thats the way my brain works. BTW I am NOT lying about these dreams. Godzilla 2000 was the same size as MogeGoji



Remember that chap, I forget his name, he climbed Everest without any oxygen, came down nearly dead. They asked him, they said, "Why did you go up there to die?" He said, "I didn't, I went up there to live."
18 Replies

High FLYERS Tag Team

MemberMothra LarvaeJul-03-2014 11:55 AM

I was 7 years old. I love Godzilla so much. I was having a dream. Me and my family went into a forest. When we got attacked by ninjas with swords. Me and my dad started fighting them back with swords. When all of asudden Godzilla popped up. He step on a few ninjas. Some of godzilla's blood fell on the ground. So I put it in a shot. I took it and put it in me. I turn into the 1954 godzilla. And I killed all the ninjas with my atomic breath. Then me and godzilla became friends and then I woke up.

There are strong men and weak men. The strong ones are here to keep the weak ones up when ever they fail.


MemberMothra LarvaeJul-03-2014 12:23 PM

i had a dreem where i controlled an army of monster and cruched all the world power and brougth pece to the earth

@JRR300 on discord @JesusRamirex13 on Twitter 


MemberMothra LarvaeJul-03-2014 12:39 PM

Ehem...my brain is....SO MUCH WIERD


Third dream : 


Also had a dream.but it was so horrible.Possibly the most horrible dream in entire godzilla-movies forum.

I dont remember when but i had a dream.The dream appeared after 2 days of doing this : 

1.Im loving horror stories/creepypastas and other stuff.I managed to play many games with gore and blood such as Outlast And Amnesia.

2.I countinued playing at 3:00PM.I stopped after 30 minutes cause i was so much sleepy.

3.I managed to watch some clips from godzilla and make scripts for Army Of Death 2014.

4.Even MOAR horrors with gore and stuff.

5.The Dream.

The dream contained my AOD2014 character "DestroyerZilla" and Adult Godzilla Junior.Phew....Good thing there wasnt LegendaryGoji in the dream...I would be so sad about it D:

DestroyerZilla and her brother,Adult Junior managed to stop.....Evil Mothra?!!?!? with red eyes and bloody skin and scary roar?!?! they were some kilometers away until...The monster from game Amnesia The Dark Descent called "Grunt" was gigantic.He had red eyes instead of white in game and darker skin.He ran into junior and.....You would better not hear this.you can skin this part ATTENTION TO JR FANS,DO NOT READ THIS PART : The gigantic grunt ripped junior to pieces...I was so scared.Then i was standing right next to DestroyerZilla and...Brute from game amnesia was also gignatic and had red eyes.He ran into DestroyerZilla but before he did that,My dream ended.

I was like "*panting*....WHAT...THE...HELL...WAS...THAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAT" and from that moment i played horror games so rarely D:

My other dream

i had a dream that was before reveal of godzilla 2014 real face.

Note : this dream was a...game! :O

I was in a desert.Then junior with his father LegendaryGoji appeared.but...the face was same as first 2014 godzilla reveal which was later...I had 3 barreled rocket launcher and i shot at godzilla.Then the game started.It looked so much like Strike Zone i had similar gun to the ones in strike zone.I was walking on rooftops,while i saw dog from horror game "Penumbra".It was a bloody dog with yellow eyes.Though it acted like normal wolf.


MemberMothra LarvaeJul-03-2014 12:47 PM


Hope i will get dreams just like Godzilla316.His two dreams were so much interesting.

What u did so u got those dreams? D: (xD)


MemberAnguirusJul-03-2014 12:52 PM


For dream no 1 I think it was this video I watched 

For no 2 i think i thought of LegendaryGoji compared to Moge and MireGoji in terms of design

Remember that chap, I forget his name, he climbed Everest without any oxygen, came down nearly dead. They asked him, they said, "Why did you go up there to die?" He said, "I didn't, I went up there to live."


MemberAnguirusJul-03-2014 12:54 PM

Sorry it didnt pitch up heres the linl Matt and Cliff get a response

Remember that chap, I forget his name, he climbed Everest without any oxygen, came down nearly dead. They asked him, they said, "Why did you go up there to die?" He said, "I didn't, I went up there to live."


MemberMothra LarvaeJul-03-2014 1:19 PM

Well thats awesome.really

How about my dream?

u can rate it very badly as i did :O if someone will rate jr`s death highly,he`s wierd.

High FLYERS Tag Team

MemberMothra LarvaeJul-03-2014 1:38 PM

I loved jr.'s death 100/10 :) lol

There are strong men and weak men. The strong ones are here to keep the weak ones up when ever they fail.


MemberMothra LarvaeJul-03-2014 1:46 PM



:O *stays with face like for 10000 years

This was too brutal! You do not respect junior? :( (lol)

At least my DestroyerZilla didnt die and LegendaryGoji wasnt in that dream.Phheeeeeewwww............. *pants for 120 hours*



MemberBaragonJul-03-2014 1:49 PM

well i haven't had any recent dreams about godzilla but when i was 7 i had a dream where godzilla and this weird looking fire bird thing were fighting one another and godzilla ripped this bird's mouth right off and the blood started pouring profusly. O_O

http://hugeben.deviantart.com/  check out my gallery of Godzilla artwork! Follow me on Twitter@thebigbadben90.

High FLYERS Tag Team

MemberMothra LarvaeJul-03-2014 1:50 PM

No I love jr. That was a joke.

There are strong men and weak men. The strong ones are here to keep the weak ones up when ever they fail.


MemberMothra LarvaeJul-03-2014 1:56 PM

Well thats good u love jr.Cause i cant understeand person which doesnt at least like him.


:D *suicides with TNT*

nah seriously,....This is also scary like mine.we should never play horror games.that only destroys our love (friendship,lol) between godzilla and you (lol better love story than twigli...what?...whatever...)



MemberBaragonJul-03-2014 1:58 PM


Would you be interested in seeing what i am working on?

Here is the link incase you are. :)



http://hugeben.deviantart.com/  check out my gallery of Godzilla artwork! Follow me on Twitter@thebigbadben90.


MemberMothra LarvaeJul-03-2014 2:06 PM


These are probally on of the best drawings.

OK! Now i know that everyone loves godzilla :p If not godzilla,Army Of Death 2014 would be a borning as hell.


MemberBaragonJul-03-2014 2:10 PM

Thanks there man. :)

http://hugeben.deviantart.com/  check out my gallery of Godzilla artwork! Follow me on Twitter@thebigbadben90.

High FLYERS Tag Team

MemberMothra LarvaeJul-04-2014 9:56 AM

I'm a predator! :)

There are strong men and weak men. The strong ones are here to keep the weak ones up when ever they fail.


MemberMothra LarvaeJul-30-2014 10:16 PM

only one this guy had godzillas face and a top hat i also fell down a never ending hole


MemberMothra LarvaeFeb-25-2015 3:48 AM

I just woke up from one. I am doing another thread about it on fan creations as I kinda had control in it, so I would like to expand the story a bit on the thread.

Ok, so, I dreamed of it, with the viewpoints and stuff, much like a movie where instead of being one of the actors, I was like a mix between the spectator the cameraman and a narrator.

For some reason, Godzilla dies in an city(not the Legendary Godzilla as this one had white tipped spines) and releases his soul which is a tiny, almost microscopic Godzilla, that floats into a forest nearby. As days pass, the Micro Godzilla soul, starts growing bigger as he eats the beings that are the same size of him, starting with other microscopic beings, and going to small rodents like the occasional mice and moles until he is found by a father and his daughter. The keep him on their home, with the girl and Godzilla's soul befriending each other and one night, for some reason the father takes Godzilla's soul into the part of the city where Godzilla's body still lies.The street is deserted with the exception of another old car that had the Legendary logo on it (I swear!) (and as the father's car was old as well, I assume that it were the 1950's). The father exits the car carrying Godzilla's soul in is arms and notices the owner of the car awkwardly holding a big camera while up in a tree, filming the deceased Godzilla. Then, the dream ends.

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