MemberMothra LarvaeJul-25-2014 5:41 PMBecause you read the title, I don't think I need to explain reasons why the original Godzilla movie could be recognized as art (of course, not by the majority of American mainstream audiences, because they hardly ever give Godzilla a chance to be good in their book). With all of the subtext of nuclear warfare and the dangers that can come with it, it may be no Godfather, but it could be as deep in thought as 2001. So what do you guys think? Is "Gojira/Godzilla, King of the Monsters" art?

G. H. (Gman)
AdminGodzillaJul-25-2014 5:49 PMThis conversation can go many places, but to keep it short I think many movies can be considered "art" for specific aspects-- And with that reasoning, I find several Godzilla movies "artistic".
But in a fairly mundane point of view of the subject, at least with how I think you want it answered, yes. The original Gojira, could be considered art for the reasons you've writtn and many, many others. When it was re-released early this year in theaters you would only find it in "art-house" motion picture venues. So if that says anything for a more official answer, then why not?
But the reality of your question is a very...eh... 'broad' subject open for interpretation in and of itself. We could argue the merits of art until we've died and not even reached whether or not Godzilla is.

MemberMothra LarvaeJul-25-2014 5:54 PMi consider it art aside from what you and Gman saidd, the filming and the special efects are simple but preety spectacular, and the proces of making miniatures is an art itself

G. H. (Gman)
AdminGodzillaJul-25-2014 5:57 PMthe proces of making miniatures is an art itself
You're beating around the right bush with this comment. If more people keep searching, they'll find the key to the whole genre in it.

MemberMothra LarvaeJul-25-2014 6:01 PMI'll probably be asking making more topics like this one on the forums. I was wondering if that would be interesting to any of you guys?

MemberMothra LarvaeJul-25-2014 6:03 PMWell this is preety interesting Ariccio, more pepole need to apreaciate this tipe of Cinematography

MemberMothra LarvaeJul-25-2014 9:04 PMDagnabit, video embedding doesn't work! Here's a link instead:

MemberMothra LarvaeJul-25-2014 9:13 PMOh, M Bison! You're part of a terrible video game tie-in!

MemberMothra LarvaeJul-25-2014 9:42 PMOh! And sorry for my Muto topic. The last paragraph of that confused people, but I thought people would have gotten the joke, because I did explain it in the last couple of sentences in the last paragraph. Let's hope that confusion doesn't happen again.