MemberMothra LarvaeAug-07-2014 3:39 AMI'm back! After a long period of absence. Anyway, that's not why I'm here. I recently got hooked to Marvel's incarnation of the Big G. So I did a little bit of research and found out he's not just the biggest Godzilla ever, but also the STRONGEST. Here's a link to his stats:
So, I decided to start a debate about him! Let's see how he fares against these universes:
1. Fairy Tail verse
2. One Piece verse
3. Bleach verse
4. Naruto verse
5. Attack on Titan verse
6. Man of Steel Superman AKA Movie version
7. Mega Mewtwos X and Y, Deoxys, Rayquaza and Genesect
8. Starman Mario and Super Sonic
9. Saitama from One Punch Man
10. Gurren Lagann (Base form only, post-time skip)
11. Dragon Ball Z verse
And the final battle...
12. All the Toho Godzilla Kaijus, including the other incarnations of Godzilla (Except Composite Godzilla)
All of Marvel G's enemies don't know what they're facing.
Marvel G is recovered after every battle (Not that he needs this..)
Win by death/total annihilation. No battlefield removal (BFR)
All characters are bloodlusted, and character induced stupidity is off(CIS)
So, can the Marvel incarnation of the Big G clear this? Or does he bow to a different King?
*breathes deeply*
"Listen kid. There are two things you don't know about the earth, kid. One, is me. The other... is Godzilla." - Captain Gordon from Godzilla: Final Wars (2004)

MemberAnguirusAug-07-2014 5:15 AM1. I doubt he is 185 meters tall, probably 150 meters MAX,
"in comparison to the Golden Gate"
If thats the case G14 is close to his size, because in a topic True American Godzilla said that G14 would have to be over 630 ft tall to be able to reach out of the water.
2. Im pretty sure he aint the strongest, Burning Godzilla or Final Wars would probably beat him up pretty bad, he might be able to beat G14 if G14 is over 630 ft tall in this scenario

MemberMothra LarvaeAug-07-2014 10:41 AMid say he looses in every sceneario size dosen't mater, he only schoots normall fire

MemberAnguirusAug-07-2014 11:18 AM@Duratok
Yeah he is pretty huge but size isnt everything and it says he is that size in comparison to the Golden Gate Bridge, yet when we compare LegendaryGoji to the Golden Gate Bridge he also reaches 636 ft tall. PLUS LegendaryGoji's true height is 355-400 ft tall, so if Marvel is over 636 compared to the Golden Gate then his true size too should probably be around 400-450 ft tall. Also, he is damn oversized and I personally dont see him as Godzilla

MemberMothra LarvaeAug-07-2014 11:46 AMIn the Marvel comics he off screen knocks out Galactus, so saying he's not strong isn't accurate.

MemberAnguirusAug-07-2014 11:55 AM@Duratok
I never said he aint strong, I just said he might be as big as he is said to be and might not be the most powerful, although he cant beat alot of G14 incarnations

MemberAnguirusAug-07-2014 11:56 AMDammit
*Godzilla incarnations

MemberAnguirusAug-07-2014 11:56 AMDOUBLE DAMN
*can beat

MemberAnguirusAug-07-2014 12:08 PMAlso I cant seem to find proof of MG knocking out Galactus, would you mind giving me the link or showing and telling me where you got that information

MemberMothra LarvaeAug-07-2014 5:57 PMHm, I can't seem to find it either, but I remember reading it when I had the compilation.
It was entirely text, it didn't show them fight just Dum Dum Dougan reporting to Fury that Godzilla "sent Galactus packing".
Maybe it wasn't scanned because it was only text and therefore not interesting enough to scan. Maybe it was another encounter that I'm misremembering.

MemberBaragonAug-07-2014 7:05 PMI have no knowledge of most of those universes so I can't really comment on a few
6. Superman
11. Dragon ball z
12. toho kaiju

MemberMothra LarvaeAug-08-2014 5:36 AMYou guys are underestimating Marvel G. If you read the link I put up, then you'll understand why. First of all, his roar alone will cause significant damage since it is equivalent to 239 megatons of force. How much more if he used his Atomic Breath? Second, he withstood the Mjolnir, which is a heavy as the core of a dying star. Third, Thor himself compared him to the Midgard Serpent, who can crush the Earth with it's weight. Hercules also stated that battling against Godzilla is harder than his labors. Fourth, he faced against human-sized planet busters like Thor and Hercules and even Hulk. He fought the Avengers and overpowered The Thing when Godzilla was shrunk. Add to the fact that he towers over the Golden Gate Bridge, and you got a casual-planet busting radioactive dinosaur of death.
"Listen kid. There are two things you don't know about the earth, kid. One, is me. The other... is Godzilla." - Captain Gordon from Godzilla: Final Wars (2004)