MemberMothra LarvaeNov-03-2014 8:38 PMWith Godzilla's 60th birthday coming to a close, I want to know what you did! Anything special? Lay around posting on forums? Watch a few movies?
When I got home from school I watched Gojira (1954), Godzilla Raids Again, and Godzilla (2014).
G. H. (Gman)
AdminGodzillaNov-03-2014 8:54 PMAfter enjoying Ben's graphic novel adaptation, I watched Criterion's gorgeous Bluray release of Godzilla (1954) and the excellent Classic Media DVD of one of my top favorite Godzilla films: Monster Zero-- English language this time so I can enjoy Nick Adams' lines. Wrapping it all up with a Scified article I hope to post late tonight.
MemberBaragonNov-03-2014 8:58 PMI watched Godzilla vs Mothra: Battle for Earth and wrote a review.
Still contemplating if i wanna do the same with Godzilla vs King Ghidorah since they're on the same disk
MemberMothra LarvaeNov-03-2014 9:01 PMI watched both the 1954 and the 2014 Godzilla's, and read the Godzilla graphic novels I had on hand with me, as well as listiening to Godzilla soundtracks.
MemberGiganNov-03-2014 9:05 PMI watched Godzilla 2014 roar at my face. And then jogged around my apartment in a Godzilla sweatshirt????.
Good grief.
MemberMothra LarvaeNov-03-2014 11:26 PMI had as much of a Godzilla movie marathon as I could in one afternoon; started with GMK, then Godzilla vs. Destoroyah, then Terror of Mechagodzilla (one movie from each era), then finally watched the original masterpiece that is now 60 years old!
MemberMothra LarvaeNov-03-2014 11:36 PMI drew a picture of Godzilla in my Japanse classroom on the whiteboard with a large "60 Years" next to him. Then, later on in the day, I did a brief "presentation" on Godzilla (all we really did was watch some video clips after I explained his origin/conception in a rather unfinished keynote) while we ate Gojira rolls from a local sushi restaurant in my Japan Club after school. Other than it being, you know, unfinished, I think it went rather well. We had plenty of movie clips to watch and had a great time.
And I have to say, Godzilla Sushi is delicious. X)
Daikaiju Danielle
MemberMothra LarvaeNov-04-2014 3:31 AMI just celebrated with pizza and brownies, awhile watch Criterion's Blu-Ray release of Gojira as well!
I also drew a little tribute for Goji during class. :)
"Daddy's home- cake every night,"
MemberBaragonNov-04-2014 3:52 AM@GMan2887 - "On Earth you gave this terrifying monster the name, Ghidorah. Here, everything is numbered. The monster... is Zero."
One of my favorite lines. Didn't do anything Godzilla specific yesterday, but should hopefully get in 2-3 of my favorites over the weekend.
MemberTitanosaurusNov-04-2014 5:19 AMI watched the original, the modern reboot, and then spent hours without any technical know-how making my tribute video :P
MemberGiganNov-04-2014 7:27 AMOh gosh how many mistake's can be made on your phone xD.
I watched the original Godzilla 54 roar at my face, and also the 2014 one.
And then joged around my apartment complex in a Godzilla sweatshirt (Is it that hard autocorrect?)
Good grief.
MemberMothra LarvaeNov-04-2014 7:39 AMI made a godzilla stop motion video for Godzilla's birthday, ate a crap ton of food for him, and watched 1954-1992, I got so close to finishing
MemberMothra LarvaeNov-04-2014 8:29 AMI wrote more of my Godzilla story All Hail the King. And read Ben's novel. Plan to do more.
"There is nothing noble in being superior to your fellow man; true nobility is being superior to your former self." - Ernest Hemingway.
MemberMothra LarvaeNov-04-2014 9:23 AMI whached Gojira 54 and played Godzilla destroy all monsters mele all day.
Sci-Fi King25
MemberGiganNov-04-2014 12:40 PMI read BBB's graphic novel, then I listened to Godzilla's theme and the JSDF Military March. Then, after watching my favorite scenes in Godzilla 2014, I ended the day listening to Go Go Godzilla.
“Banana oil.”- George Takei, Gigantis: The Fire Monster
MemberMothra LarvaeNov-04-2014 3:15 PM@HeiseiKing
I'd say, 1954-1992 is pretty damn good for a day's watching. I don't think it's physically possible to watch all 30 or so of Godzilla's films in one day. I mean, each one is about an hour and a half to two hours long and you only have 24 hours in the day. You'd have to overlap some in order to make it.
MemberBaragonNov-05-2014 1:25 PM@Nerdybandgeeks,
Well, this is what i did.
You might want to grab a bag of popcorn and a few sodas if you are interested in taking a look. :) check out my gallery of Godzilla artwork! Follow me on Twitter@thebigbadben90.
MemberMothra LarvaeNov-17-2014 5:47 AMI just sat down and watched my Classic Media dvd of "Gojira". I really need to get the blu ray version by Criterion.