Godzilla Movie

Godzilla's best battle?

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MemberMothra LarvaeNov-19-2014 8:49 AM

I think Godzilla's best battle was when he fought Monster X in Godzilla Final Wars. What is your guys favorite Godzilla Battle?

17 Replies


MemberBaragonNov-19-2014 9:55 AM

Godzilla fighting Anguirus in Osaka in Godzilla Raids Again

People always wanna talk about the brutality and fierceness in the new Godzilla and I just laugh and think back to Godzilla Raids Again.


MemberGiganNov-19-2014 10:06 AM

Durp but thats not saying the new battle wasnt fierce, the Anguirus fight was tough...For a weak Godzilla. He had to put his all into that battle with Anguirus, also who was just one monster. He nearly got defeated by Anguirus, Godzilla 2014 took on 2 creatures at once who most likely could defeat Anguirus.

The Muto's most likely would kill that version of Godzilla, so if your saying the fierceness of the fight was intense it was, but no greater then the Brutality of 2014.

Good grief.


MemberBaragonNov-19-2014 10:16 AM

Anguirus never got close to winning that fight, whether the MUTOs could or could not beat Anguirus or that version of Godzilla doesn't really apply here since this isn't a battle of strength between the two this is objectively looking at both fights individually and judging them. I found the Godzilla Raids Again battle much fiercer and Brutal than the battle with the MUTOs for various reason.


MemberGiganNov-19-2014 10:21 AM

Well it was brutal im not denying that. But the fight between the Muto's was just as brutal, blood shot out impailing biteing the graphic brutality was shown in more detail in 2014 then it was in Raids again.

Good grief.


MemberMothra LarvaeNov-19-2014 11:07 AM

Id say the battle against ghidorah in gmk and against mothra and kiryu in Tokyo sos

@JRR300 on discord @JesusRamirex13 on Twitter 


MemberBaragonNov-19-2014 11:42 AM

I don't necessarily agree with a few shots of Godzilla's blood that we saw in G14 being more graphically brutal than the blood we saw rain out of Anguirus's neck.


MemberBaragonNov-19-2014 11:43 AM

Actually since Anguirus was actively trying to escape only to get chased down and killed I think that's what puts Godzilla Raids Again above it.

Something Real

MemberGodzillaNov-19-2014 1:02 PM

DINOCROC13 - Oh, now this is a very fun topic! Hmm...I'd have to say the battle that stands out the most for me with regards to Godzilla is the fight between him and Biollante. There was just something extremely exciting about that battle! This was very fun to think about - thank you ever so much for presenting this topic! :)


MemberBaragonNov-19-2014 1:38 PM

Got to agree with durp on this. Godzilla and anguiru's battle was one the first fierce animalistic fitght ever to grace the monster movie. All the biting and clawing, good god, great battle between the two.

2nd best fight for me would have to probably be godzilla vs king ghidorah 1991, only because we get to see the middle head go flying off after godzilla uses his atomic breath on him.

http://hugeben.deviantart.com/  check out my gallery of Godzilla artwork! Follow me on Twitter@thebigbadben90.


MemberBaragonNov-19-2014 2:31 PM

Hmm, good question. I have to agree with Durp on Raids Again. That was a brutal animalistic fight. A few other great fights for me would be King Kong, Mothra and her larvae in MvsG (64), Ghidorah in GvsKG, MechaG in GvsMG II and Destroyah. They all gave the Kaiju King all he could handle.


MemberBaragonNov-19-2014 2:34 PM

^All great fights. Biollante was the first monster to recieve godzilla's atomic breath down her throat, which i thought was very cool to watch.

Oh, i sent you a PM there koldwarkid.

http://hugeben.deviantart.com/  check out my gallery of Godzilla artwork! Follow me on Twitter@thebigbadben90.


MemberMothra LarvaeNov-19-2014 3:32 PM

The fight am goning with is when Godzilla fought Biollante, lots of blood and gore, sweet effects, and both had amazing roars!


MemberGiganNov-19-2014 4:17 PM

Actually, Biollante recieved the beam to her lower mouth. And it wasnt a domination like how 2014 dominated the Muto when he blasted her.

Good grief.

G. H. (Gman)

AdminGodzillaNov-19-2014 5:20 PM

Interesting topic. Best battle as in Godzilla's most iconic? Our favorite? The most brutal? The most challenging?

For purely cinematic purposes Godzilla vs. Anguirus from Godzilla Raids Again wins out for a lot of reasons. It was brutal, animalistic, fast and it was the first giant monster fight to take place in a city. A real trend setter.

King Kong vs. Godzilla is a great one because of the pure absurdity behind that fight. It's all fun and it was an unlikely crossover that really lives up to the title, "Brawl of the Century".

Godzilla vs. Mothra and Godzilla vs. Rodan in Mothra vs. Godzilla and Ghidorah: The Three Headed Monster, respectively, are great battles because they're the first time Toho's own monsters crossed over to each other. Plus the Godzilla vs. Rodan stalemate is absolutely one of the most drawn out, pummeling battles he's ever fought.

On a personal level I'm partial to the Godzilla vs. Baragon domination in GMK, Godzilla taking on both MechaGodzilla and Titanosaurus in Terror of MechaGodzilla and the Kiryu fights were a lot of fun too.

If I had to pick one though... Godzilla vs. Anguirus just has too much history behind it. We wouldn't have all these fights unless that one started the trend. And it was a brutal trend few lived up to. Including the new movie.

"'Nostalgic' does not equal 'good,' and 'standards' does not equal 'elitism.'" "Being offended is inevitable. Living offended is your choice."


MemberMothra LarvaeNov-19-2014 7:54 PM

Destroy All Monsters is one of my favorites, so many monsters at once. Im hoping that the sequel to Godzilla(2014) will have a lot more screen time on the actual monsters, might be my new favorite when the movie comes out.


MemberMothra LarvaeNov-20-2014 10:02 AM

Hi people Godzilla is cool!!!!!!! :)


MemberMothra LarvaeJan-06-2015 2:59 PM

Can't we just say all Godzilla battles are the best?

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