Top Hat Gyaos
MemberMothra LarvaeJan-16-2015 7:31 PMGoing to the very reason all of us are even here on this site, giant monsters have captivated our imaginations for quite some time and sometimes I'm sure we asked ourselves which monster best suited our personalities best. However, with all the little quizzes and personalitiy tests floating around the internet, I just want to know from your opinion which monster best suits your character. I may have Battra as my all-time favorite kaiju being the sexy thing he is, but trust me, I would fit along the lines of something like Zilla or the winged MUTO, preferring to stay my distance from trouble whilst going on mostly pure animalistic instinct, but have a speedy and seclusive side to myself. Also, I like sushi. Like Zilla's appetite for fish? Ah, forget it.
Ranging from the cheerful and protective late-Showa Godzilla, the benevolent and kind Mothra, the evil and malevolent King Ghidorah, the list goes on and on of which one suit you. And it is not just restricted to the Godzilla universe, as Gamera, Ultraman, and other franchises have kaju, right? So get picking!
(Note:Hail your Lord and Savior Cloverfield, so he doesn't banish you to the depths of Hell where Cthulhu will devour your soul)
Be yourself, for everyone else is taken.

Something Real
MemberGodzillaJan-16-2015 7:42 PMBATTA - It is so very good to see you again! Hmm...What kaiju characterizes me the best? I would have to say Mothra! I greatly enjoy caring for others and helping them as best I can! Not only that, but I really dislike evil-doers and will do what I can to thwart them at every turn! This was a very fun topic! Thank you for presenting this to us! :)

MemberGiganJan-16-2015 7:52 PMYou know, i think i am most characterized by the Legendary Godzilla. Mind's his own business, protector of the peace, will battle if needed to. But then there are those times where i feel like Ghidorah....Mwuahahahaha!
Good grief.

MemberMothra LarvaeJan-16-2015 8:48 PMI'm most characterized by Biollante. Usually calm and nondestructive, caring, but when someone starts a fight with me, I will finish it, no matter what it takes. But, like Gorilla I get those times were I feel like King Ghidorah.
"There is nothing noble in being superior to your fellow man; true nobility is being superior to your former self." - Ernest Hemingway.

MemberMothra LarvaeJan-16-2015 10:08 PM+Gojira2K That is the best GIF ever! MireGoji, I will take what I need if anyone stands in the way I will take them down.
I? I am a monument to all of your sins.

MemberBaragonJan-17-2015 4:43 AMKing ceasar cause that dude loves sleep. Maybe godzilla or Rodan ala Ghidorah the three-headed monster since they just kind of did what they wanted and didnt care.

Daikaiju Danielle
MemberMothra LarvaeJan-17-2015 5:53 AMI probably relate to Gabadon (a.k.a Gavadon) from the original Ultraman series. He's a kaiju of art, and loves to sleep rather than fight. He's also been looked over and in the background throughout the series, but he doesn't care, at least he's a constellation and makes kids happy.
"Daddy's home- cake every night,"

Sci-Fi King25
MemberGiganJan-17-2015 7:20 AMI'd have to go with LegendaryGoji. I like sleep, not the most active person in the world, and I prefer to stay out of trouble to complete one major goal (yes, I procrastinate a lot, but that's beside the point).
“Banana oil.”- George Takei, Gigantis: The Fire Monster

MemberBaragonJan-17-2015 7:35 AMI always felt like i was the 1991 Ghidogoji.
In other words, don't provoke the beast that slumbers in me or he can get nasty.
http://hugeben.deviantart.com/ check out my gallery of Godzilla artwork! Follow me on Twitter@thebigbadben90.

MemberMothra LarvaeJan-17-2015 4:34 PMI was looking at the Colossal Kaiju Combat roster and I came up with a second idea! Tursacra! http://kaijucombat.com/wiki/doku.php?id=ckc_monster_list:tursacra
Basically he doesn't care when he gets there and he knows all will right itself in time.
I? I am a monument to all of your sins.

MemberMothra LarvaeJan-17-2015 4:37 PMJet Jaguar. I'm smart and caring and somehow get my ass kicked all the time

MemberMothra LarvaeJan-17-2015 7:53 PMGodzilla 2014/ Motha: Basically don't care what goes on and minds my own business untill I make it my business.
Kiryu: My battle spirt sleeps but watch out when awakened.
Biolizard (Sonic Adventure 2/ Battle, Sonic Generations 3DS): I may start off slow but the longer you take to defeat me, the faster and stronger I get.
Metal Overlord (Sonic Heroes): Let Me Show What I'm Made Of...
Perfect Chaos (Sonic Adventure/ DX Director's Cut, Sonic Generations):My rage can burn for eternity.
Godzilla 2000: My ferocity is unmatched and I won't back down.
Nemisis (Project Nemisis, Project Maigo, Project 731): Any pain you feel you deserve it and you know it.

Something Real
MemberGodzillaJan-17-2015 10:29 PMGFAN2014 - Awww! It is okay! All that matters is that you fight for what is good and just! :)

MemberMothra LarvaeJan-17-2015 10:36 PMI realte to the Minged MUTO most of all. I seem big at first, but compare me to others and I'm really the weakest one of the group. And until they get to know me, others mistake me for quite a few things I'm not.
That could all work for Zilla as well. If Zilla then add on the fact that I run from all my battles, I destroy everything by accident, and all I want is to just mind my own business.

Something Real
MemberGodzillaJan-18-2015 5:09 AMNERDYBANDGEEKS - You are not the weakest! Never doubt yourself! Some of the absolute most powerful forces in creation are smaller than individual atoms! Size is never an indication of power. Your spirit is what makes you truly powerful, and its size, shape and weight cannot be measured - only the impact it has upon the world! :)

MemberMothra LarvaeJan-19-2015 7:52 AMProbably MegaroGoji. I can be goofy and fun like Godzilla is in Megalon, but I can be tough and determined like he was in Terror of MechaG. If I had to choose how I looked I guess I would resemble the Terror Of MechaG Goji face cause I have huge eyes but I look angry all the time lol