JustLink Studios
MemberMothra LarvaeOct-29-2015 4:44 PMI hope you guys can take the time to have a look at this. It's a scene by scene sighting analysis from Gareth Edward' Godzilla. I've never self promoted my channel but a fair few people seem to like it. Thought you guys might appreciate it: Godzilla 2014 all sightings
Link Fixed By GorillaGodzilla
MemberGiganNov-01-2015 1:55 PMWe've had topics on videos like this many times in the past. Thank you for the contribution, but it is essentially old news and people have surely seen more videos like this before. Thank you once again for contributing, but in the future make sure tht the news is new and not something that most likely people have seen before, especially on this forum.
Good grief.