Godzilla Movie

Top 15 Godzilla Monsters

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MemberMothra LarvaeApr-12-2013 3:55 AM
A Countdown maker by the name of Obsidusfan is a huge fan of the Godzilla franchise..and to celebrate his love for the franchise he created a countdown based on the Godzilla Franchise..Top 15 Monsters From Godzilla Movies..check it out:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7OhFBOReEOg
16 Replies


MemberMothra LarvaeApr-16-2013 5:45 PM
15 King seesar 14 Kamacuras 13 Kumonga 12 Biolantte 11 Desostroyah 10 Megaguirus 9 Gigan 8 Mothra 7 Rodan 6 King Ghidorah 5 Anguirus 4 Jet Jaguar 3 Titanosaurus 2 Minya 1 Godzilla Theese are miine!!!!!!

Member Of The Planet X

MemberMothra LarvaeApr-28-2013 6:26 PM
15: Hedorah 14: King Kong (1962) 13: Megalon 12: Anguirus 11: Kumonga 10: Rodan 9: King Ceaser 8: Gigan (Both 1972 and 2004) 7: Biollante 6: Mothra 5: Godzilla Jr 4: Destoroyah 3: King Ghidorah 2: MechaGodzilla (1970's Version and Kiryu) 1: Godzilla Those are my picks


MemberMothra LarvaeApr-30-2013 9:34 PM
15. Zilla 14. Biollante 13. King Caesar 12. Space Godzilla 11. King Kong 10. Rodan 9. Godzilla jr 8. Anguirus 7. Destoroyah 6. Mechagodzilla 3(kiryu) 5. Mothra 4. Orga 3. Gigan 2. King Ghidorah 1. Godzilla


MemberMothra LarvaeMay-12-2013 3:06 AM
1. godzilla, 2. gigan, 3. king kong, 4. angiuris, 5. rodan, 6. kiryu, 7. zilla, 8. mecha king ghidorah, 9. king ghidorah, 10. space godzilla, 11. megalon, 12. mecha godzilla, 13. titanasaurus, 14. mothra, 15. king ceasar.
KING KAIJU 1 small step for kaiju 1 giant step for godzilla!!!!


Co-AdminMemberMothra LarvaeMay-12-2013 3:29 AM
No mention of Ultraman, sad... Very sad peeps! [img]http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-a6Y3B6roGUY/T4X4ROmX-mI/AAAAAAAAh-k/bKsnMvcxPus/s1600/ultraman120607um5.jpg[/img]
[url=http://www.madmax4-movie.com/]Visit the Mad Max: Fury Road Forums today![/url]


MemberMothra LarvaeJul-12-2013 9:46 PM
15. Mothra 14. Jet Jaguar 13. Space Godzilla 12. Zilla 11. King Kong 10. Biollante 9. King Caesar 8. Rodan 7. Anguirus 6. Orga 5. Destroyah 4. Mechagodzilla 1 3. Gigan 2. King Ghidorah 1. Godzilla


MemberMothra LarvaeJul-16-2013 7:28 PM
15. Orga 14. King Kong 13. Bagan 12. Zilla 11. Varan 10. Manda 9. Biollante 8. Mecha King Ghidorah 7. Kiryu 6. DESTROYAH!!! 5. Mothra 4. Anguirus 3. Rodan 2.Baragon 1. Godzilla(GMK)


MemberMothra LarvaeJul-20-2013 5:35 PM
1. Megaguirus 2. Anguirus 3. Destoroyah 4. Orga 5. Varan 6. Gigan (2004) 7. Mechagodzilla 2 8. Megalon 9. Godzilla 10. Mogeura 11. Space Godzilla 12. Biollante 13. Kiryu 14. Baragon 15. King Ghidorah


MemberMothra LarvaeAug-05-2013 4:31 PM
Only picking one Godzilla 15) Megalon 14) King Kong 13) Orga 12) Destroyah 11) Mechagodzilla 1 10) Kiryu 09) Battra 08) Gigan 07) Biollante 06) Megaguirus 05) Mothra 04) Rodan 03) King Ghidorah 02) Mecha King Ghidorah 01) Godzilla - Heisei


MemberMothra LarvaeSep-03-2013 9:36 PM
Godzilla, Rodan, Baragon, King Ghidorah, King Seesar, Hedorah, Battra, Mechagodzilla 1 Megalon, Ebirah, megaguiras, gigan, mogera, gorosaurus, King Kong


MemberMothra LarvaeSep-05-2013 6:26 PM
15 ) Biollante 14 ) Titanosaurus 13 ) Jet Jaguar 12 ) Gorosaurus 11 ) Bagan 10 ) Baragon (GMK) 9 ) Kiryu 8 ) Anguirus (GFW) 7 ) Spacegodzilla 6 ) King Ghidorah (Heisei) 5 ) Gigan (GFW) 4 ) Monster X 3 ) King Caesar (GFW) 2 ) Mothra 1 ) Godzilla (GFW)


MemberMothra LarvaeSep-17-2013 3:46 PM
15 zilla 14 varan 13 megalon 11 megaguirus 10 space godzilla 9 mecha ghidorah 8 orga 7 destroyah 6 anguirus 5 gigan gfw 4 kiryu 3 baragon gmk 2 king ghidorah gmk 1 Godzilla gmk


MemberMothra LarvaeSep-25-2013 7:41 PM
15: king ceasar 14: rodan 13: anguruis 12: mechaghidorah 11: biolante 10: minilla (appearances: son of Godzilla, Godzilla's revenge, final wars) 9: little Godzilla (appearances: Godzilla vs space Godzilla) 8: baby Godzilla (appearances: im not sure) 7: gigan 6: gorosaurus 5: kingu kongu 4: mothra 3: mechagodzilla 2 2: kiryu 1: Godzilla


MemberMothra LarvaeDec-16-2013 8:19 PM

15. Jet Jaguar

14. Angirus

13. Orga

12. Battra

11. Megalon

10. Gigan (showa)

9. Biollante

8. SpaceGodzilla

7. MechaGodzilla 2

6. MechaGodzilla 

5. MechaGodzilla 3/Kiryu

4. Megagirus

3. Titanosaurus




MemberMothra LarvaeJul-28-2014 10:25 PM




12mechagodzilla 1 2 and 3 hes my sisters favourite she wants you to know






6king ceaser




2GODZILLA king of the monsters dont hate me because hes not at number 1

1GHIDORAH this includes all things called ghidorah and monster x


MemberMothra LarvaeJul-28-2014 10:27 PM

keep in mind this is my opinion

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