How Pacific Rim, Godzilla & Kong: Skull Island could all fit into the same timeline!

AdminSpaceGodzillaJul-25-2016 7:48 AMBefore I get started, I will say that I know it isn't Legendary's intent to combine the Pacific Rim franchise with their existing Godzilla / King Kong series. That being said - evidence in all three films suggest a crossover could in theory take place given that they all seem to line up on a "realistic" timeline. Here is my (very simple) reasoning:
In Pacific Rim, we learned that the Kaiju were merely organic Jaegers to their own, Human-sized Alien race. These beings had attempted to inhabit Earth millions of years prior, but the Earth was too toxic and they waited it out until the environment was more habitable for them.
In Pacific Rim, we as Humans realized that fighting giant monsters with conventional weaponry was useless, so we built towering Mechs to pilot in order to put us on a more equal footing with the Kaiju.
WHAT IF.... The Alien race who pilot the Kaiju began developing their Kaiju as a response to coming across giant creatures the first time they tried to take over Earth? Giant creatures like... The MUTO, Godzilla and even King Kong?
Think about it, both Skull Island and Godzilla (2014) make reference to the fact that these massive beings are from an ancient time in Earth's history - a time when the Earth was significantly more toxic than it is today - an unfavorable environment for the intruding Aliens as well.
Pacific Rim also takes place well in the future and Monarch could have developed into the PPDC following the numerous run-ins with giant monsters.
Now, Pacific Rim 2 will be exploring more of the Kaiju's origins, so we may be introduced to new info which would render this topic useless, but until then, it's a fun and interesting hypothetical plotline to consider!
Did you notice any other clues which could suggest the two could co-exist in the same timeline? Let me know your thoughts below!

MemberAnguirusJul-25-2016 8:21 AMThis is actually a fantastic and compelling theory. I actually started a Godzilla vs Pacific Rim fanfic, i never finished it as studies and rugby got in the way. I said Godzilla was transported to the Pacific Rim universe via a portal similar to the Breach. This theory is very interesting indeed. Only thing that would dull it, would be the theory where why Godzilla and Kong are not fighting against these kaiju. Both would want to protect their home, Earth. I can picture perhaps Kong being outgunned, but Godzilla would put up more of a fight.

MemberBaragonJul-25-2016 9:01 AMThe timeline makes sense in the past for the aliens and kaiju, but I think in Pacific Rim the kaiju show up in 2013, and G14 takes place one year later with no one addressing the kaiju. This works for kong and Godzilla since it's established in movies and from what we've seen of Skull Island only a small group of people know about them before 2014 when the Mutos and Godzilla appear before the world, but in Pacific Rim the kaiju appear for city destruction almost immediately.

AdminSpaceGodzillaJul-25-2016 1:15 PMGood point, Durp. I hadn't considered the 2013 K-Day attack. Also - that would mean the San Francisco Golden Gate Bridge got destroyed twice in two years by Kaiju... woops. Perhaps by 2013 in this universe, giant monsters were not as "rare" to the general public.
The best way I see that event being ignored in Godzilla would be the fact that besides the isolated attack in G2014, Monarch's involvement and research into these giant beasts went relatively unnoticed by the general public - Goverment cover-ups and all.
But in 2013, the Pacific Rim aliens decided then was the time to try again at taking over Earth - expecting to be met by Godzilla and monsters alike, hence the Kaiju mechas.
I'm sure a talented screenwriter could merge them all into a coherent plot, haha.

MemberBaragonJul-25-2016 1:32 PMI like the driving force behind why Kong & Gojirra would not just be against the OrganicKaijuu & Jaegers as a 4 way Battle Royale; They would want to protect their Homeland (like you pointed out CHRIS). If the Kaiju Simultaneously attack Skull Island, Monster Island, & Monarch; a great way to have a climatic bout for that MonsterMash would be to have the BattleSetting in a City where there is an area to reopen an even more massive Portal to release a MotherShip of HyperSleepedAliens & contents from a forgotten time (imo) ^_^

MemberBaragonJul-25-2016 4:26 PMActually @Durp, Pacific rim takes place in 2020. The scene in which the gypsy danger pilots are getting out of bed to go after knifehead, it's written in green the location they are at and says 2020 above it. check out my gallery of Godzilla artwork! Follow me on Twitter@thebigbadben90.

MemberBaragonJul-25-2016 4:27 PMEdit: after 2013. Forgot about the opening. check out my gallery of Godzilla artwork! Follow me on Twitter@thebigbadben90.

AdminSpaceGodzillaJul-25-2016 4:43 PMYeah, if it wasn't for the opening scene it would totally work. But as I said it could work if we were to assume nobody mentioned the K-Day attack in Godzilla because it happens to often lol

MemberBaragonJul-25-2016 5:08 PMI mean they could do it, but the film would kinda have to be tongue-in-cheek and totally give into its ridiculousness and not even attempt to explain things.
Just give the people the clown fiesta that would come from merging all these franchises and leave the serious stuff to the wayside for that installment

MemberTitanosaurusNov-06-2017 7:17 PMThe only way this crossover could happen is if (like The Hood stated) a portal to the time of or maybe a few years after Pacific Rim: Uprising opens up in the after-credits of Godzilla vs. Kong: 2020 (assuming Godzilla wins in 2020).

MemberTitanosaurusNov-07-2017 4:17 AMI've always played around with the fan idea that the Precursors were messing around with multiple versions of Earth, since they're an alternate universe and whatnot and could probably do that sort of thing.
Thus, the main PR timeline is the one they decided to mess around in first, and maybe at a later point in another timeline, they go to the Monsterverse Earth. Again, just an idea I was playing around with in my head.

MemberTitanosaurusNov-07-2017 5:56 AMThis needs to be a labor of love, not a way to make a time line coexist with each other. If they try to connect these two franchises by a timeline they are going to hit a wall. Just have Godzilla show up fighting a kaiju and everyone just say "oh! Godzilla is here!", if they just recognize him then we can get the movie moving along much faster. Timeline lameline. Just get to the insanity this film would already asking to bring.
We are all willing to forego a lot of liberties to make this happen anyway, why even bring timeline and continuity up?