MemberBaragonJul-19-2017 10:33 AMSo according to the Monarch timeline, there was some sort of creature that was studied by Monarch in Siberia, Russia. What is the likely identity of that creature? Is likely some Toho kaiju or something unique kaiju introduced in the Monsterverse?
And why did the Soviet Union tolerate Monarch, some American led government operation, on it's soil?

MemberMothra LarvaeJul-19-2017 11:07 AMI was under the impression that Monarch was international. So far in the Monsterverse we've seen members from the US, Japan, and the UK.

MemberBaragonJul-19-2017 11:18 AMYah, but still Fanzilla, wouldn't the Soviet Union still view Monarch with a great deal of suspicion? I guess that the Soviets allowed Monarch to continue it's operation, with the condition that it allowed Soviet surveillance.

The Jurassic Bootleg
MemberBaragonJul-19-2017 12:05 PMThird monster for GvK?
Godzilla Generations was a beautiful game! I loved the fact that there's a laser cannon inside of Dr. Serizawa's eyepatch.

MemberBaragonJul-19-2017 8:25 PMI hope and dream for Anguirus, but I don't believe it is flashy enough for the studio to agree to it. I would be even more happily surprised if it was Titanosaurus, but I think that has even less of a chance.
Host of the podcast Giant Monster Messages where we watch EVERY giant monster film and look for the messages.

The Legend of Brian
MemberBaragonJul-19-2017 10:28 PMI'm thinking it's going to be a new monster. I want to know what was in Pakistan tbh.

MemberTitanosaurusJul-20-2017 9:48 AMI would be ridiculously happy if it was Anguirus, but I don't think it'll be him.

MemberBaragonJul-24-2017 9:36 AMI would rather something like Bagarah (but I wouldn't even bet a single penny on it) as the creature in Siberia.
Or maybe even that centipede like place holder creature that showed up in the 2012 comicon trailer for Godzilla 2014. It would be a shameful waste just to ignore such a potential creature design.
It would also be nice to see Biollante or Destroyah as the Kaiju in Siberia.
Wonder when (or even if) the creature in Siberia will be revealed?

MemberTitanosaurusJul-25-2017 8:50 AMI think its King Ghidorah. frozen in time. I think its says on KSI facebook page that when surveying the area they mentioned that they found a "devil" and it has 3 heads!

G. H. (Gman)
AdminGodzillaJul-25-2017 9:26 AMriggzamortis86,
The KSI facebook page and twitter videos revealing the Monarch Timeline say King Ghidorah is under the Antarctic ice sheet. Not Siberia, which is over 10,000 miles away from Antarctica.

MemberTitanosaurusJul-25-2017 2:04 PMI stand corrected. thank you G.H.(Gman)
well now im really curious what it is!

MemberMothra LarvaeJul-27-2017 3:22 PMI know this would never happen but wouldn't it be sweet if it was gamera or a gyaos trapped in the ice. I'd find that a cool way to introduce the Gamera world into the monsterverse.

MemberTitanosaurusJul-28-2017 12:38 PMThat would be sweet! Fans have been asking for that for years! I think everyone here agrees that they would all love to see that really happen in a Toho or Legendary universe. Not the classic Daiei universe. although i loved the 90's series of gamera. that was pretty awesome.

MemberTitanosaurusJul-28-2017 12:47 PMI honestly hope it's a new kaiju.
Godzilla... Truly a God incarnate.

MemberTitanosaurusMar-08-2018 2:19 PMit better be! maybe a new Kaiju for GVK?