Godzilla Movie


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MemberBaragonApr-05-2019 8:24 AM

   Trailer 3 has been leaked online. The five minute preveiw is packed with alot of action and monster battles. The link to the video is below 


 King and Queen of The Skies.........

14 Replies


MemberRodanApr-05-2019 9:40 AM

Wow. Just wow. I can't express my excitement. OKAY I CAN! REEEEEEEEEEEEEee! THIS IS SO COOL!

Zwei Wing is the best singing duo. Change my mind.

MDK 2 (MinecraftDinoKaiju)

MemberBaragonApr-05-2019 11:53 AM

You know, I bet it's awesome, but I'm doing two things:

1) Waiting for this to be online and HD so I can see it.

2) Waiting until after the movie to see it. (So that I'm not spoiled of one of the most intense, dramatic, and climactic moments of the film.)

"Let's just wait and see." - MinecraftDinoKaiju

G. H. (Gman)

AdminGodzillaApr-05-2019 1:34 PM

There's a few different angles of this floating online. I think this is the second one that was uploaded last night--And probably the best angle.

"'Nostalgic' does not equal 'good,' and 'standards' does not equal 'elitism.'" "Being offended is inevitable. Living offended is your choice."

Titan of Water

MemberBaragonApr-05-2019 1:52 PM

Ugh I hate leaks! I’m not gonna watch them. I’m gonna see the trailer when it’s actually released, not this crap.

Angering the Godzilla fan base one take at a time


MDK 2 (MinecraftDinoKaiju)

MemberBaragonApr-05-2019 2:24 PM

Titan of Water Same here. I would rather that than to get mad at a "leak" that turns out to be a hoax or a prank.

"Let's just wait and see." - MinecraftDinoKaiju


MemberRodanApr-05-2019 2:27 PM

MDK 2 (MinecraftDinoKaiju)Titan of Water

Bad news guys

According to Toho kingdom, which has connections to legendary, there is no plan to release the trailer online. Therefore, the only way to see it is to either watch the leaked videos or go to imax to watch it with Shazam.

Zwei Wing is the best singing duo. Change my mind.

MDK 2 (MinecraftDinoKaiju)

MemberBaragonApr-05-2019 2:34 PM

Gmkgoji Well that sucks. Unless that means anytime soon? Or is it referring to at all?

"Let's just wait and see." - MinecraftDinoKaiju


MemberRodanApr-05-2019 2:36 PM

Zwei Wing is the best singing duo. Change my mind.


MemberMothra LarvaeApr-05-2019 2:40 PM

The quality kind of sucks, but I don't think it spoils to much. Just expands on things we've already seen. I may be the weird minority here, but even "spoilers" can't spoil a film for me. I heard about the end of Jurassic World a couple months before I saw the film and it was still awesome. So I wouldn't call this trailer a "spoiler" but that's just me. I would imagine this would probably release alongside the movie when it comes out or just before. Something to really get the hype going

Titan of Water

MemberBaragonApr-05-2019 2:47 PM

Well, since I’m not going to see Shazam (it looks like a good movie but I got to save money), I can handle not seeing trailer 3. We’ve seen enough in trailers 1 and 2 anyway.

Angering the Godzilla fan base one take at a time



MemberMothra LarvaeApr-05-2019 4:14 PM

Warner Bros. has already taken them down off YouTube, I have a feeling they are none to happy about his at this point. But maybe it will prompt them to release the full thing online themselves.

G. H. (Gman)

AdminGodzillaApr-05-2019 4:25 PM

^They wouldn't do do that. They want people to go see Shazam! Why take away extra incentive to see it?

I imagine it may go up after King of the Monsters is released in theaters.

"'Nostalgic' does not equal 'good,' and 'standards' does not equal 'elitism.'" "Being offended is inevitable. Living offended is your choice."

I Meme Everything

MemberGiganApr-05-2019 7:39 PM

It already got taken down

"Part of the journey is the end..."


MemberMothra LarvaeApr-06-2019 8:47 AM

G. H. (Gman) a fair point.

And I absolutely agree, it'll probably come out after the movie goes live. Or just before as a 'final trailer' kind of thing.

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