Spider or Scorpion In King of the Monsters

MemberBaragonApr-24-2019 5:47 PMI contend that the Kaiju seen rising from the ground in the oil field... legs first... is a scorpion... but some are saying it's a spider. I want to know what you think.

MemberRodanApr-24-2019 8:11 PMI'm not sure, it doesn't have the pincers of a scorpion, and we don't see the tail. It overall looks more like a spider to me. I'm not entirely sure though, and it could be something like a Spider-Scorpion mixture, like how Godzilla has been described as "a whale and a Dinosaur put together" in the original films, or like the giant lion-turtles from Avatar the Last Air Bender. Overall though, it seems much more likely t me that it's a spider or something that more resembles a spider, perhaps as an homage to Kumonga from the original movies, yet still being different enough to be it's own new Kaiju.
If people weren't lazy, we wouldn't try to be efficient. If we weren't efficient, we'd never get anything done.

MemberRodanApr-24-2019 8:32 PMDo you care about spoilers? If you do, I won't post my actual reply
Zwei Wing is the best singing duo. Change my mind.

MemberBaragonApr-25-2019 4:33 AMit has the lind of bumbs on the legs like a scorpion
King and Queen of The Skies.........

MemberRodanApr-25-2019 2:17 PMI'm just going to put it out there that I know which one it is.
It's a spider, but it only has six legs. It also has tentacles coming from it's mouth sort of like Cthulhu.
This picture was drawn by a person who works at toho and has seen a finished cut of the movie.
Zwei Wing is the best singing duo. Change my mind.

MDK 2 (MinecraftDinoKaiju)
MemberBaragonApr-25-2019 2:42 PMGmkgoji Oh, so it's more like a mutated tick.
"Let's just wait and see." - MinecraftDinoKaiju

MemberRodanApr-25-2019 2:55 PMI guess you could call it that
Zwei Wing is the best singing duo. Change my mind.

MemberBaragonApr-25-2019 8:14 PMTo the one who says it's a spider... 6 legs does not a spider make. If it were a spider... it would have 8 legs for certain. I have seen that "spoiler pic" when it first was shown on a youtube channel. It could very well be the creature in the sand... but it's no spider. The one on Skull Island had 8 legs. This is an insect if it has 6 legs... not an arachnid, which has 8 legs.
So far... all anyone has seen is legs coming out of the ground... how many... hard to tell for sure... and as for a body shot... we have yet to see that.
People thought the drawings of spider like creatures that were alleged to be in the 2014 movie... were not spiders at all... and we know that those drawings were speculative at best... but as we found out... they did not resemble the MUTOs at all in that movie.
The drawing here that you've shown... looks very similar to the ones that were shown prior to the 2014 movie.
It remains to be seen and take that drawing with a grain of salt.

MemberBaragonApr-25-2019 8:24 PMIf that turns out to be the creature in the sand... it's not very original in my opinion. A scorpion would be a better fit for this movie... but a giant insect... well... we already have mothra. Ticks too... have 8 legs.

MemberRodanApr-26-2019 9:13 AMYeah, I guess so
Zwei Wing is the best singing duo. Change my mind.

MemberRodanApr-26-2019 9:13 AMBut i'm pretty sure that the drawing is legit
Btw, the titans name is Titanus Baphomet
Zwei Wing is the best singing duo. Change my mind.