Let's hear it for Mothra!

AdminSpaceGodzillaMay-31-2019 7:32 AMAfter watching Godzilla: KoTM, I must say Mothra stole the show for me. Mike Dougherty did such a phenomenal job portraying the Queen of Monsters. Of all the Titans, I felt a soft spot for Mothra above all - yes even over Godzilla and his struggles.
I found I connected with Mothra the most, she was the most "Human" and easily relatable to. She fought hard and did everything in her power, literally, to help Godzilla.
Not gonna lie, any time Mothra would get attacked, I felt upset the way you might see a dog get hurt in a movie. It was strange, but clearly Dougherty did a great job portraying these Monsters to a point of establishing a Human connection.
Mothra kicked ass and I hope we get to see her again for Godzilla vs. Kong.
What did you think?

MemberBaragonMay-31-2019 7:35 AMI agree. Yeah, there were some debate over the Mothra design, but I think she comes off really well in this movie. She displays empathy you can't help but feel for.
My only wish is that she could have use the god ray on Ghidorah.

AdminSpaceGodzillaMay-31-2019 8:34 AMTrue, sadly no God ray, but who's to say she won't come back to steal the show in GvK. I had no issues with her design, I actually loved it. Her roar was perfect as well, really added to the experience.
I do wish she had more screentime, though.

MemberMothra LarvaeMay-31-2019 8:35 AMI would actually agree. I don't usually even like Mothra, but she was the best monster in this movie. Don't even get me started on the portrayal of Rodan. He was a bootlicking stooge.

MemberBaragonMay-31-2019 8:52 AMMothra is going to be in Godzilla versus Kong in the credits, it's stated that a Massive egg was found
Look upon my works, you mighty, and despair

MemberMothra LarvaeMay-31-2019 9:36 AMThat's not Mothra's egg though, at least it doesn't look like the egg that this one had. I think it's a baby Godzilla (I hope it's not Minilla)

MemberTitanosaurusMay-31-2019 2:00 PMMothra was fantastic in this film. Size wise, I think her body (not including her wings) could have been a little bigger. But boy, she was amazing. During the credits, they did find a giant egg and they theorized it was Mothra's. Given Mothra's film history, it would be no surprise if she came back. Like a phoenix rising from the ashes of death to be reborn again.
\"SKREEONGK!\" -Godzilla

MemberBaragonMay-31-2019 3:42 PMFireRodan93: Hehe, maybe Rodan is just smart in knowing which way the wind blows. Can't say he has much in the way of ethical values though. He is very much of a Darwinian mindset I suppose, be on best terms with whoever is the strongest.

MemberBaragonMay-31-2019 5:19 PMThe Queen of the Monsters definitely needs to be highly respected after what she has done in KOTM.
I love Mothra.
She has be my favorite Kaiju since I was a child, and she will always forever be my favorite Kaiju.

MemberMothra LarvaeMay-31-2019 5:31 PMI went into the movie extremely excited to see mothra kick ass and whenever she was on screen she was awesome but sadly she didn't have much screen time (which I get, it's not a mothra movie) and we didn't get to see a lot of her abilities (again not a mothra movie so if the monsterverse continues maybe we will see some more of her power) which left me wondering what she can actually do as she's had way more powers in previous movies, did she have the same powers in KOTM but she just never used them? I guess we wont know unless we see her again but either way I loved her design, she looked beautiful and deadly and every second she was on screen had me smiling, I just wanted so much more of her and now I want a monsterverse mothra movie

MemberRodanMay-31-2019 10:51 PMThat egg could be Mothra, but it might also be Battra.....
If people weren't lazy, we wouldn't try to be efficient. If we weren't efficient, we'd never get anything done.

MemberMothra LarvaeJun-01-2019 10:25 AMGodzillatheking123 Yeah, but I think he's less shrewd and more just the guy that sees who's strongest, and puts up his best fight against them away. He's feisty, and he's got attitude. IDK, maybe you're right.

Im Durp
MemberBaragonJun-01-2019 2:04 PMMothra was a huge surprise for me this movie. I wasn't sold on the design in the trailers but the more I saw it the more I was ok with it. Overall while she didn't have the screentime or focus Godzilla and Ghidorah got I enjoyed her presence when it was there and she was one of the better aspects of the movie.

MemberMothra LarvaeJun-01-2019 5:05 PMI actually cried a little bit. Just the one scene when it was like all hope was lost. Godzilla’s on the ground, then you hear Mothras cry.
The whole theatre went silent in respect as she gave the greatest gift of self sacrifice in devotion to the world. I first feel unbearable sorrow as my eyes filled with tears. Then anger. Then hate. And then I remembered, “Whoops I’m supposed to be Team Ghidorah”
Cough, cough,
quick wipe my eyes, before someone sees...
She brought darn good attitude though. Wish more people on this earth had that kind of spirit.

MemberMothra LarvaeJun-01-2019 7:38 PMI was not expecting that stinger, but I loved the surprise! They did a great job keeping her gentle/feminine side while giving her just the right amount of edge and ferocity. I never was a big mothra fan; I am now!

Christina Barrett
MemberMothra LarvaeJun-02-2019 1:23 AMYea she/he was so sweet and innocent. It was just "trying to make it." An innocent death, though she could rejuvenate.