What is your favorite thing about Godzilla?

Godzilla fan#1
MemberMothra LarvaeJun-04-2019 12:38 PMMy favorite thing about The King of the monsters is his Atomic breath. That radioactive blast from his mouth is cool and it changes colours over time like if he's at his normal power his Atomic breath is blue but in supercharge form his Atomic breath is red or if it's burning Godzilla it's red to. But in 2001 his Atomic breath was blue until King ghidorah shot his electrical beams and hit Godzilla 2001's back or aka GMK Godzilla and is atomic breath turned into Ghidoras electrical yellow beams but instead in one concentrated on to one huge powerful beam out of Godzilla's mouth.
Godzilla has destroyed logic (1973)

MemberRodanJun-04-2019 12:51 PMHmm..
I really like the size and scale of Godzilla
Zwei Wing is the best singing duo. Change my mind.

MemberMothra LarvaeJun-04-2019 3:28 PMIf I had to pick one thing it would be the Roar, but I love him so much!

MemberMothra LarvaeJun-04-2019 3:36 PMI've mentioned it before in another topic but what I really like about Godzilla and all the monsters he faces is how many different variations on him there are all different sizes, looks, alignments, powers, origins, personalities etc.
I especially like how even when he is portrayed as a hero and defender of humanity he continues to be threatening, his looks are deceiving when he is a hero, I love monsters and colossal creatures and dinosaurs and super heroes but it's mostly all of his unique incarnations

G. H. (Gman)
AdminGodzillaJun-04-2019 5:48 PMMy favorite thing about him? I'm going to quote the asshole who wrote this article.
"The monster was born of the post-war's socio-political climate and he continues to embody ideological shifts in Japanese culture. GMK and Shin Godzilla represent the most important facet of the character's career—The ability to encapsulate cultural anxiety and compel the Japanese people to engage it."
Essentially, my favorite thing is how ingrained he is with Japanese culture and how he's opened my mind to learning more about it.

Godzilla fan#1
MemberMothra LarvaeJun-04-2019 6:05 PMWell I'm the one who created this #teamghidorah and I hate ghidorah so much but he is kind of cool but screw you ghman
Godzilla has destroyed logic (1973)

MemberBaragonJun-04-2019 6:21 PMIf your talking about the Godzilla franchises, my answer is the giant monsters. For Godzilla himself, GIANT ATOMIC BREATHING DINOSAUR OF PURE BADASSARY.

Godzilla fan#1
MemberMothra LarvaeJun-04-2019 6:31 PMThis is the creator thank all of you for the comments even gmkgoji and yes I agree fiyaaaa powerrrrr but I will except g h (gman)#TeamGhidorah comment and check it out to to find out why I'm fucking mad at him
Godzilla has destroyed logic (1973)

MemberBaragonJun-04-2019 7:34 PMJust his overall appearance. He looks so cool! very menacing and terrifying while also managing to be a bit friendly looking. Specifically the Legendary Godzilla.
Besides that, it would be the fact that he almost always has a message associated with him in his movies.

MemberBaragonJun-05-2019 1:16 PMTwo equally favorite things 1. The Red super spiral ray not only his most powerful attack but it gets immeasurably stronger each time he uses it. 2. He can absorb energy and become stronger from radiation and electricity. Honorable mentions the nuclear pulse, the regeneration, versions of Godzilla that don't have gills.

MemberRodanJun-05-2019 5:28 PMMy favorite thing about Godzilla? That he's GOOOOODZIIIIIIILLAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!! (Which basically means everything... (Which basically means I really can't decide))
If people weren't lazy, we wouldn't try to be efficient. If we weren't efficient, we'd never get anything done.

Titan of Water
MemberBaragonJun-05-2019 7:50 PMHe is both a terrifying yet majestic force of nature. Similar to how we see lions, canyons, and mountains.
Angering the Godzilla fan base one take at a time

MemberMothra LarvaeAug-07-2019 6:32 AMI like Godzilla, and how he has personality, plus he has a reptilian appearance, his powerful laser of radiation, tbh I love his roar in every era and movie I listen to all day, and no matter how many humans hated him in the movies he is able to stay strong no other movie kaiju gets my like the only one being godzilla. To not offend people I will admit other kaiju are cool in their creative way but all my interests will always go to gojira, tbh I would pretend to be Godzilla back when I was in 5-10 no word can describe how much I like gojira, he is the best movie character/kaiju ever made in my personal opinion. "He picks up a bus then throws back down as he wades through the buildings toward the center of town" -blue oyster cults. Godzilla for life skreeeeonk.

MemberTitanosaurusAug-07-2019 8:15 AMI'd say my favourite thing is his generalizability.
You can make adjustments to his demeanour, personality, origins, etc., without changing the core of his character. As long as you retain core aspects of him like his general frame, abilities, and presence in the story, he's a very flexible character to work with.
Want a heroic saviour? Works just fine. A villainous destroyer? Works just fine. A neutral force of nature? Works just fine.