Sci-Fi King25
MemberGiganJun-17-2019 9:49 AMJust an idea I thought of. What would King of the Monsters be like if Gareth Edwards hadn’t left it? All I can think of is we’d probably get it a year earlier, Godzilla would stick with the 2014 design, and maybe a few less monster scenes.
“Banana oil.”- George Takei, Gigantis: The Fire Monster

The Realist
MemberMothra LarvaeJun-17-2019 10:06 AMIt would have been darker in tone and more grounded. Very different feel imo. I like 2014 a lot because its very moody and does a good job of world building, but I don't think he would have made a very action packed sequel. It would have been divisive.

G. H. (Gman)
AdminGodzillaJun-17-2019 11:52 AM^Because the current film isn't already fairly divisive?

MemberMothra LarvaeJun-18-2019 12:17 PMIt would have been a more serious film, which is why I really enjoyed the 2014 film. He really approached the monsters as horrific giant beasts, wreaking havoc on our world that could slowly lead us to extinction- unlike the latest 2019 film that morely is just a huge kaiju brawl that isn't very serious at all. I also know for a fact that Gareth would also provide us more ground-shots, really emphasizing the size and scale of the kaiju. The kaiju would have slower movements which would also help emphasize their size.

The Realist
MemberMothra LarvaeJun-19-2019 6:21 AMI think KOTM is much less divisive than 2014 within the G fandom. I don't care nor am I referring to general audiences.
That being said, my point wasn't to say KOTM is not divisive, but I feel an Edwards sequel would have been for sure. In other words, Edwards returning would not have been a cure all.

G. H. (Gman)
AdminGodzillaJun-19-2019 9:18 AMI suppose we'll see more later. To step back a bit, a lot of the division regarding 2014 didn't become really vocal until months after the release. I think we'll see something similar with KotM. Right now the fandom is on the defensive, trying to surmise critics are wrong and the movie is great. I don't think everyone will remember it as well as its being pushed by the fandom right now. Everyone's still on their honeymoon period with the movie. Once it's over, that will eventually cause some division.

The Realist
MemberMothra LarvaeJun-19-2019 10:10 AMIts also possible that the opposite will happen and KOTM becomes a "cult classic" for lack of a better term. I am curious tho, where do you stand on KOTM? I personally enjoyed it more upon my second viewing, so I am optimistic that it will age well.
I like that it has a different feel than 2014 and I enjoy both movies for different reasons.

G. H. (Gman)
AdminGodzillaJun-19-2019 11:29 AMI'm giving it more time before I state my opinion. Right now I find it interesting to watch how it all pans out in terms of reception and box office.

MemberBaragonJun-19-2019 11:39 PMG. H. (Gman): Seems like you really jumping the gun to pronounce KOTM a failure...

G. H. (Gman)
AdminGodzillaJun-20-2019 12:24 AMGodzillatheking123,
The topic raised isn't about whether or not it's a failure, but rather if it will cause division. I've been with the online fan community, and conventions, since 1996. After watching the production, release and reactions for 13 productions since then, I believe my suggestion to be fairly realistic--Especially since it's largely happened, to varying degrees, each time.

MemberBaragonJun-24-2019 10:38 PMIf he hadn't left? The Monsterverse would be a corpse. At least now there is some sort of breath of life with GvsK.