What were your thoughts on Dragonzord vs Mechagodzilla

MemberRodanSep-11-2019 2:14 PMAfter watching the death battle, I was extremely satisfied.
I rooted for Mechagodzilla!
And I wasn't let down. What were your thoughts?
Zwei Wing is the best singing duo. Change my mind.

MemberAnguirusSep-11-2019 2:18 PMIt was epic! Though, why did they fight in the first place, REALISTICALLY? I thought they were both good, well, after Tommy was freed. Anyways, it was noice . I was scared there for a second.

MemberRodanSep-11-2019 2:29 PMI honestly thought it was one of the best ones yet, on par with that from Godzilla V.S. Gamera. Loved the animation and the music. Loved how they snuck in the Power Rangers theme. Also, it felt true to each character, and what it'd actually be like if they fought. Did I mention the badassness of Mechagodzilla when Gojira took control? He was awesome! Just fucking badass. Loved the ending, just ended awesomely. I was worried through the whole fight for Kiryu, especially when he got speared (because all the monsters in Power Rangers would explode from that), but he pulled through! If you couldn't tell... I was rooting for Kiryu. God, that fight made me feel like a kid again, and even when I think about that fight. Brought back the excitement from Kaiju fights and the excitement from zord fights, even though I never really liked Power Rangers too much... (I grew up with Samurai, cut me some slack!). Hell, I feel like a kid again just writing this comment! I think just how poorly written this is kinda reflects that... damn I just need more time to think about it! The comedy kinda fell flat though, at least in my opinion. Definitely not the funniest death battle. However, the fight more than made up for that. It was the best fight I've seen since Joker V.S. Sweet Tooth, and when Ghost Rider V.S. Lobo was right before it, that's not an easy feat. So good. KIIIIIIIRYUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU!!!!!!!!!
If people weren't lazy, we wouldn't try to be efficient. If we weren't efficient, we'd never get anything done.

Kamoebas V.6
MemberTitanosaurusSep-12-2019 6:15 AMThere is a reason why Kiryu is my fav godzilla character,he is the original G as a robot.

MemberRodanSep-12-2019 11:56 AMDamn spamiel, back at it again with the links to viruses and the completely out of context information.
If people weren't lazy, we wouldn't try to be efficient. If we weren't efficient, we'd never get anything done.

MemberRodanSep-12-2019 3:07 PMGotta love that spam
Zwei Wing is the best singing duo. Change my mind.

MemberTitanosaurusSep-18-2019 1:03 PMBest fight they have ever done since Godzilla vs. Gamera.

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