Burning Godzilla vs Fire Godzilla, who wins and why?

MemberRodanSep-26-2019 5:57 PMI need help on my next battle, who wins between Burning Godzilla and Fire Godzilla, and why? I needs the feedback.
All feedback is much appreciated
Zwei Wing is the best singing duo. Change my mind.

MemberRodanSep-26-2019 5:59 PMI really want Burning to win, but Fire would probably win because it's nuclear pulse would kill Burning before it uses its atomic breath enough to the point where it can kill fire... poor burning...
If people weren't lazy, we wouldn't try to be efficient. If we weren't efficient, we'd never get anything done.

MemberRodanSep-26-2019 6:12 PMXenotaris, you didn't tell me why tho
Zwei Wing is the best singing duo. Change my mind.

MemberGiganSep-26-2019 6:16 PMSorry. Umm Fire Godzilla because he vaporized King Ghidorah and turned Boston into liquid metal and concrete soup with his nuclear pulse

MemberRodanSep-26-2019 6:17 PMConcrete soup sounds delicious right about now.
Zwei Wing is the best singing duo. Change my mind.

MemberAnguirusSep-26-2019 6:18 PMHmMMmmmM
Hard choice. I'd say Burning caaauuuusssseeeee.....
He could survive the pulse, or maybe even take in the radiation despite being full to the brim. Although, this would make him start meltdown sooner, he could defeat Fire. He did kill Destoroyah (even though the military helped, he still did lotsa damage.), who is one of the strongest kaiju. Just my opinion tho.

MemberTitanosaurusSep-27-2019 6:30 AMHonestly, I think both of them would just combine into a bigger bomb. No winners, but Humanity would definitely be the biggest loser.
Long live the king...

MemberTitanosaurusSep-27-2019 6:30 AMBut seriously I think Fire Godzilla would win this fight (barely though)
Long live the king...

MemberGiganSep-27-2019 8:37 AMsucks to be human in any Godzilla universe

A simple monster
MemberBaragonSep-27-2019 9:15 AMFire Godzilla because of simple height difference
but if we weren't looking at that and if they're the same size then i have to say burning because of the infinite heat ray and the insane regeneration.
"That moment you realize your signature is a big meme"

G. H. (Gman)
AdminGodzillaSep-27-2019 9:19 AMBurning Godzilla had the power to destroy the world... 'nuff said.

MemberRodanSep-27-2019 9:22 AMUnless fire nukes Burning before he can reach meltdown, which still took an entire day in the film.
If people weren't lazy, we wouldn't try to be efficient. If we weren't efficient, we'd never get anything done.

G. H. (Gman)
AdminGodzillaSep-27-2019 9:49 AMAlthough it's difficult to compare the Heisei and Monsterverse creatures without a frame of reference, consider the fact that the Heisei Godzilla's regenerative powers are far quicker and more instantaneous than King Ghidorah's. And like Burning's nuclear pulse Fire Godzilla's pulse (who is also called Burning now, I'm now sure why we've gone back to "Fire") missed a few buildings. So I question how well it would hold up against the Heisei monsters.
It seems more likely the closest win Fire Godzilla would have is simply igniting Burning's nuclear reactor, which G-Force was afraid of doing with their firearms, destroying the world in an explosion.
Also Burning's infinite heat ray at the end of the film doesn't look like something outside of Destoroyah could've survived.

MemberRodanSep-27-2019 9:51 AMI mean, his attack leveled a city. Though he was supercharged with a nuke too, so not normal Mothra-death Fire...
If people weren't lazy, we wouldn't try to be efficient. If we weren't efficient, we'd never get anything done.

Kamoebas V.6
MemberTitanosaurusSep-27-2019 9:58 AMI hate the Heisei Godzilla,its just my opinion,and Godzilla 2014 was stronger than the normal Heisei Godzilla,so Fire Godzilla has a weaker explosion,but,its stronger.

Kamoebas V.6
MemberTitanosaurusSep-27-2019 10:03 AMI just feel bad about the Godzilla fanbase,i just don't like having conflicts,G.H(Gman)is an admin,admins are supposed to help the network,but we and Gman just start conflicts about which Godzilla is stronger,is that what this platform is for,conflicts that never end?

MemberRodanSep-27-2019 10:05 AMDude... you're kinda the one starting conflicts, no offense Kamoebas
If people weren't lazy, we wouldn't try to be efficient. If we weren't efficient, we'd never get anything done.

Kamoebas V.6
MemberTitanosaurusSep-27-2019 10:11 AMOk,then why were you guys saying:

I'm cursed
Zwei Wing is the best singing duo. Change my mind.

Kamoebas V.6
MemberTitanosaurusSep-27-2019 10:20 AMGmkGoji,
Not only you,i also cause controversy,some of my EDB battles started controversy,especially EDB Part.3.

MemberRodanSep-27-2019 10:47 AMIt's not controversy, it's just a friendly discussion. It's the whole point. Are we we're screaming it at each other or meaning any offense? No! We're just talking about who we think would win lol
If people weren't lazy, we wouldn't try to be efficient. If we weren't efficient, we'd never get anything done.

MemberGiganSep-27-2019 10:55 AMwell I like both Heisei Burning Godzilla and Monsterverse Burning Godzilla

MemberAnguirusSep-27-2019 11:06 AM*controversy screaming*

MemberRodanSep-27-2019 11:54 AMFire Godzilla's body temperature, or at least the area around him was heated to 1370 degrees celsius
Zwei Wing is the best singing duo. Change my mind.

MemberTitanosaurusSep-27-2019 2:24 PMClose-range with quick kill, Burning Godzilla 2019 (Or as you still call it, Fire Godzilla. [Even though it is officially called Burning Godzilla.]) would win because he is a better and faster melee fighter.
But outside of the case mentioned above, long-range, and/or overall, Burning Godzilla 1995 wins because his Infinite Heat Ray increases with every nuclear pulse he does, and combined with 2019 adding to 1995's radiation, he will blast 2019 with what I would call a "Super Infinite Heat Ray", which would definitely kill 2019, and then shortly after defeating him, 1995 would then explode and engulf the entire world in a nuclear bomb-like explosion that hasn't been seen since the extinction of the dinosaurs 65 million years ago that wiped out 75% of all life on Earth (the famous K-T Extinction), or possibly even the Permian Mass Extinction of 250 million years ago that wiped out 90% of all life on Earth (the less famous but more deadly Great Dying), taking out just as many as the former, or even the latter.
And that's why I think Burning Godzilla 1995 will win over Burning Godzilla 2019. (Or as you call him, Fire Godzilla.)

MemberTitanosaurusSep-27-2019 2:36 PMFire Godzilla DOES have increased durability compared to his base state which is already comparable to standard Heisei Godzilla and presumably Burning Godzilla who isn't stated to have better durability.
However, the Infinite Heat Ray and regeneration are definitely a factor. With the amount of radiation being thrown around, neither side will be going down easy.
The pulses from Fire Godzilla are certainly stronger than any from Burning Godzilla, but we haven't seen him use an Atomic Breath attack in that form. It could be a simple case of Fire Godzilla using his overall superior physical abilities to get Burning Godzilla down to beat on him, but it also could easily become a case of the Infinite Heat Ray becoming too much.
It's a close match for sure.

MemberBaragonSep-27-2019 2:39 PMFire Godzilla because he can survive going thermonuclear but burning can't he would just meltdown and fire would eventually outlast and survive go back to his standard state then during burnings meltdown he could just absorb all the radiation go thermonuclear again then eventually go back to his standard state again.

MemberRodanSep-27-2019 3:06 PMI'm calling Burning Godzilla 2019 Fire Godzilla just to differentiate the two.
Zwei Wing is the best singing duo. Change my mind.

MemberBaragonSep-27-2019 7:19 PMIt's a moot point since both versions were somewhat neutralized before they went went full "thermonuclear". Burning Godzilla's radiation was absorbed by Junior and Fire Godzilla had Mothra's life force to help contain his full force. But you do realize we are talking about fictional characters and situations here, right? ;)

G. H. (Gman)
AdminGodzillaSep-27-2019 7:53 PMKoldWarKid62,
It's the stigma of fantasy battles. Who wins? Whoever's writing the fight.
Kamoebas V.6,
I think you need to differentiate between what a debate and a flame war is. If everyone agreed, then what's the point of asking the question?