Godzilla Movie

Kiryu Vs. Solomon (KBZ Part.1)

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Ganimes V.8

MemberBaragonNov-03-2019 1:02 AM

Hehehehe,here is KBZ,Kaiju Battle Zone,it was a tie between Solomon and Destoroyah,but i noticed that Destoroyah was already in a battle,you probably know it.

Kiryu Information:

Kiryu is 95 meters tall (I made him this big so it can be a fair fight) and weights 36 000 metric tons.

Solomon Information:

Solomon is 95 meters tall and weights 49 000 metric tons.

Kiryu bashed into Solomon,Solomon used his wings to make Kiryu back away,Kiryu then used a combo on Solomon,Solomon could not defend himself nor dodge the attacks.After those attacks,Solomon used his atomic ray and Kiryu used the absolute zero cannon,Solomon quickly dodged that attack,but he also fell down to the ground.

After the Area 51 raid,big noises where heard from inside Area 51,then,a giant hand came out,then the whole creature came out of there,it was Solomon!He roared loudly,the Japan Special Forces heard loud noises,so they sent Kiryu to Area 51.Both creatures used their beams and other special abilities,Solomon flew into the air and used his fire beams on Kiryu,,Kiryu used his jetpack to get to Solomon.Location:Area 51 (After The Raid)

Location:Area 51

Solomon fell back into the base,Kiryu jumped into the base to find Solomon.Kiryu sed his beam attacks on Solomon,Solomon used his fire beam on him,Kiryu tail swiped him.Solomon could not get up,Kiryu stabbed him with his drill.

Kiryu used the absolute zero cannon,it worked,but Solomon activated a bomb and other radioactive stuff,and then,Area 51 exploded into pieces.The two Kaiju were never to be seen...


Reason:Well,Still The Best 1973,they had really good abilities and they could both fly,and i could not decide,also Kiryu defeated Godzilla and Solomon dealed a lot of damage on Chimera and Red

"I hope,one day,i will go to the U.S.A..."

Ganimes V.8,December 10th 2019

14 Replies


MemberRodanNov-03-2019 11:31 AM

...Slashed a bomb and other radioactive stuff? HUH?

Nice fight though.

Zwei Wing is the best singing duo. Change my mind.

Ganimes V.8

MemberBaragonNov-03-2019 11:45 AM

Well,i meant he activated it.

"I hope,one day,i will go to the U.S.A..."

Ganimes V.8,December 10th 2019

Ganimes V.8

MemberBaragonNov-03-2019 11:46 AM

You know when you damage a bomb,its gonna explode,if you shoot it or you damage it,it still explodes.

"I hope,one day,i will go to the U.S.A..."

Ganimes V.8,December 10th 2019


MemberRodanNov-03-2019 11:52 AM

Eh, I get what you mean.

Zwei Wing is the best singing duo. Change my mind.

Ganimes V.8

MemberBaragonNov-03-2019 11:56 AM

EDB is Still The Best 2019.

"I hope,one day,i will go to the U.S.A..."

Ganimes V.8,December 10th 2019


MemberRodanNov-03-2019 12:02 PM


Zwei Wing is the best singing duo. Change my mind.


MemberAnguirusNov-03-2019 1:03 PM

s  t  i  l  l

t  h  e

b  e  s  t

i've officially left. thanks for the memories!


MemberTitanosaurusNov-04-2019 8:52 AM

Still the best.

Nice fight. Can't wait for the other fights.

Ganimes V.8

MemberBaragonNov-04-2019 9:01 AM

Eh,you are gonna choose the next fighters.

"I hope,one day,i will go to the U.S.A..."

Ganimes V.8,December 10th 2019


MemberRodanNov-04-2019 9:40 AM


If people weren't lazy, we wouldn't try to be efficient. If we weren't efficient, we'd never get anything done.

Ganimes V.8

MemberBaragonNov-04-2019 9:41 AM

All i hear from you is "Nice".Im just saying.

"I hope,one day,i will go to the U.S.A..."

Ganimes V.8,December 10th 2019


MemberRodanNov-04-2019 9:42 AM

And I never hear from you XD

If people weren't lazy, we wouldn't try to be efficient. If we weren't efficient, we'd never get anything done.

Ganimes V.8

MemberBaragonNov-04-2019 9:45 AM

Did i comment on any topic of yours lately,HECKS NAW XD

"I hope,one day,i will go to the U.S.A..."

Ganimes V.8,December 10th 2019

Ganimes V.8

MemberBaragonNov-04-2019 9:46 AM

I asked a question that was not answered on another topic,that topic is the Power Rangers topic.

"I hope,one day,i will go to the U.S.A..."

Ganimes V.8,December 10th 2019

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