Godzilla Movie

Godzilla x Symphogear chapter 1: Serizawa meets S.O.N.G.

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MemberRodanDec-09-2019 4:58 PM

This is the first, and WAY-too fast paced, chapter of my Godzilla x Symphogear story. Hope it isn't too fast-paced for you. 


It was an ordinary school day for Hibiki Tachibana, until the news of giant monsters happened. Hibiki and her friends, Chris, Kirika, and Shirabe were brought to the S.O.N.G. headquarters to find out why they were called to the HQ. “I assume none of you know why you have been brought here,” said the commander, Genjuro. “It is because we have a new threat on the loose.” “Another one? After the bout with the Illuminati and the Gods?” complained Chris. “Unfortunately, yes. May I introduce you all to Dr. Serizawa.” Out of the shadows, an older man in a suit wearing spectacles walked into view. “Pleased to meet you all.” remarked Serizawa. “Serizawa will explain the situation at hand.” said Genjuro. “The so-called threat you speak of is… the titans. Pointing to the screen, Serizawa showed a blurry photograph of a massive creature with protrusions rising out of its back. The creature’s face was obscured by water cascading off its massive form. “What...is that?” asked Kirika. Serizawa faced the symphogear wielders and said its name. “Gojira.” “It looks...so...big!” said Shirabe. “Yes. This is one of the titans that inhabits the earth, and the only one that is...active.” “You mean this thing is...roaming the ocean?” asked Tsubasa. “Yes. The others are currently in deep hibernation.” “But...what are these...titans exactly?” “The photo on the screen switched to several cave paintings depicting giant creatures. “These are the titans. The first gods. They were here long before the dinosaurs, and they fed off the radiation leaking from the earth’s core. These prehistoric creatures are giant, massive organisms that are so large, they match an entire skyscraper in height.” “THAT big? These things...they are monsters!” said Chris. “No. They are not monsters. They are animals that will rise to reclaim a world that was once theirs! And if we stick our heads in the sand...they will take it back. But we must find ways to coexist with these titans!” “You're crazy, old man. Look at these things!” argued Chris. “I believe that Gojira, the titan in the photograph, is a power to restore balance. Any imbalance in nature detected by Gojira will be stopped by him.” “If I may interject...if this...Gojira is the restorer you say he is, why didn’t he stop the noise, Carol, or the bavarian illuminati?” inquired Maria. Genjuro stepped forwards. “We believe Godzilla did not stop them because they are not nature caused, and rather forign and caused by entities not of this world.” “Wait, I thought is was called Gojira?” “We call it Godzilla as a code name.” “Godzilla…” whispered Hibiki. Serizawa pointed to the screen again, showcasing a cave painting of Godzilla locked in battle with two strange insect-like creatures. “As you can see, Godzilla has fought many creatures that threaten the balance of nature.” “What are those things exactly?” asked Kirika “Those are parasitic creatures of the classification Jin-shin mushi. The code name for them is the MUTO.” The screen switched to cave paintings of several other titans. “There are more, however.” “How many exactly?” questioned Tsubasa. “Seventeen, and counting after Gojira.” “SEVENTEEN?” Chris yelled. “Yes.” Suddenly, the alarm went off. “What is it?” asked Genjuro urgently. “It seems one of Dr. Serizawa’s titans has woken up!” yelled Saykuya, one of the S.O.N.G. crew. “WHAT?” yelled everyone in the room except Serizawa. “Do not worry. Gojira will bring balance.” “Are you crazy? We don’t even know what the hell this thing looks like, nor whether your monster is going to show up!” said Chris. Serizawa looked at Chris, and said “Gojira will bring balance.” “Bring up camera footage of the attack.” Ordered Genjuro. Appearing on the screen was footage of a city in North america, with portions of it aflame and smoking. The real kicker was the giant creature who was the perpetrator of the destruction. The monster was a massive scorpion, with an uneven, rocky armoring around its body. It had several glowing yellow dots on its head as eyes, a large tail with a stinger, and large scorpion claws that were thick and jagged like an unpolished obsidian fragment. Serizawa pointed to the scorpion and said it’s name. “That is Sargon, the scorpion king.” Everyone looked at the massive titan, which slammed its claws onto a building, bringing it down effortlessly. “What are we waiting for? We just can’t sit here and watch!” “Commander! A large unidentified object is rapidly approaching the target!” “What?” inquired Genjuro. Seizawa closed his eyes and said once again “Gojira will bring balance.” “I hope so…” said Hibiki as she looked at Sargon tear another building to shreds.

Leave suggestions down in the comments please! Thanks.


Zwei Wing is the best singing duo. Change my mind.

17 Replies


MemberRodanDec-09-2019 6:21 PM

Nice job Goji! Can't wait for the next chapter!

If people weren't lazy, we wouldn't try to be efficient. If we weren't efficient, we'd never get anything done.


MemberRodanDec-09-2019 6:23 PM


Zwei Wing is the best singing duo. Change my mind.


MemberAnguirusDec-09-2019 6:29 PM

Should I watch the anime to understand? Lol.

i've officially left. thanks for the memories!


MemberRodanDec-09-2019 6:45 PM

No, not really. I'll do my best to keep it focused on the monsters.

Zwei Wing is the best singing duo. Change my mind.


MemberTitanosaurusDec-09-2019 6:47 PM

I haven't been this excited to read a fanfiction since Xenotaris' Gojiverse.

Awesome job. Can't wait for more. :)


MemberRodanDec-09-2019 6:59 PM

I'm insane, as I just finished the second chapter. Should I go full throttle and post it?

Zwei Wing is the best singing duo. Change my mind.


MemberRodanDec-09-2019 7:07 PM


In my opinion, you should save it. It's builds up hype and makes it so you don't have to immediately stress about writing the third chapter. Hell, even if you DO write chapter 3 during the wait, it'll give you some more time to think about how you want the story to go and to rest before you have to write the 4th, 5th, etc.

If people weren't lazy, we wouldn't try to be efficient. If we weren't efficient, we'd never get anything done.


MemberRodanDec-09-2019 7:28 PM

Ight. I'll post chapter 2 tommorow.

Zwei Wing is the best singing duo. Change my mind.


MemberGiganDec-10-2019 4:53 AM

I've am currently developing a spinoff-interquel to the gojiverse called Pokeverse. Don't worry I'll still make Gojiverse chapters


Trash panda

MemberAnguirusDec-10-2019 8:38 AM


What's Symphogear? Is it that anime girl on your signature? But great story,BTW. Can't wait for more. I also wrote a Godzilla fanfic. Don't know what happened to it cause I gave it to friend to read, who "claims" that someone stole it from him and threw it in the trash can at school, and he didn't even tell me about it until a month later, when the person that threw it away told me that she did it, which i don't understand why, sincw it wasn't hers to begin with.

Ah shit I’m using my wrong eye again. Sorry that was meant to be behind your back


MemberRodanDec-10-2019 8:42 AM

"I also wrote a Godzilla fanfic. Don't know what happened to it cause I gave it to friend to read, who "claims" that someone stole it from him and threw it in the trash can at school, and he didn't even tell me about it until a month later, when the person that threw it away told me that she did it, which i don't understand why, sincw it wasn't hers to begin with."


Ouch. That's gotta hurt. Next time you write one, though, make sure to write it on a google doc. That way it automatically saves and your friend can't really throw it in the trash. Also, not wasting paper, easier to read, you don't have to re-type it to put it on Scified, etc.

If people weren't lazy, we wouldn't try to be efficient. If we weren't efficient, we'd never get anything done.

Trash panda

MemberAnguirusDec-10-2019 8:49 AM

Thanks, LazyFish! I will. I'm currently writing a sci-fi story that takes place in the year of 2048, where self-expression and creativity has been outlawed by the Orion Unity, which has been going to war against the Outcasts since 2025. Also, it's in space , so there's also planets and aliens and really cool spaceships.

Ah shit I’m using my wrong eye again. Sorry that was meant to be behind your back


MemberRodanDec-10-2019 8:58 AM

"Thanks, LazyFish! I will. I'm currently writing a sci-fi story that takes place in the year of 2048, where self-expression and creativity has been outlawed by the Orion Unity, which has been going to war against the Outcasts since 2025. Also, it's in space , so there's also planets and aliens and really cool spaceships."

Awesome! Can't wait to see it, even though I don't know what the Outcasts and Orion Unity are... lol

If people weren't lazy, we wouldn't try to be efficient. If we weren't efficient, we'd never get anything done.

Trash panda

MemberAnguirusDec-10-2019 9:07 AM


Here's the first part of chapter one. I still writing it. 

"Getting thrown like a rag-doll by a four-armed cyborg ape was bad enough.Getting help from my rival only made it worse. Maybe I should introduce myself first. My name’s Zachary Renolds. I’m nineteen and for the past six years, I’ve been the one and only master swordsman, Black-Lobo.Two years ago, I and 43 others, were recruited by the Orion Unity into their special tactic forces. Our job is to bring down anyone ,political, famous or ordinary, that has been helping the Outcasts and stop them at all costs. There’s been an ongoing war between the Orion Unity and the Outcasts for 23 years since it started in 2025. Anyway, tonight I was tasked with bringing in this dude, Dr.Ford, My intel shows that he lives either in La Quinta or Coachella Valley, California, which is 22 minutes apart from each other but 3 hours and something minutes away from Phoenix, so that means that I have to take my ship. On the way there, I made twelve pit stops for food and bathroom breaks, listened to Creedence Clearwater Revival and almost had two idiots hit me. I stopped at La Quinta first but it was just a bunch of small and weird stores that I think only really famous or popular teenage girls on social media go to spend their money on useless items and  there was no sign of Ford. I flew to Coachella and my tracker started beeping. I pulled up my map and it pinpointed his location to an abandoned warehouse. By the time I got there, night had fallen, so it was easy for me to fly over the warehouse. I turned on the auto-pilot and opened the hangar doors, grabbed both of my katanas and jumped right as the ship passed of the building. I fell about 50 feet before landing on the roof ninja-style and grateful that I didn’t smash through the glass panels on the roof, fall three stories, face plant into the concrete and embarrass myself. I dusted myself off and went over to the panels. It was dark inside the building so I had to turn on my night-vision lenses on. I broke one of the window panels and quietly, jumped into the building. I pulled my map up again and it showed me that he was on the bottom level."

Ah shit I’m using my wrong eye again. Sorry that was meant to be behind your back

Trash panda

MemberAnguirusDec-10-2019 9:15 AM

also, I made a topic on the member lounge. Finally i figured it out! Go Check it out. Please.

Ah shit I’m using my wrong eye again. Sorry that was meant to be behind your back


MemberRodanDec-10-2019 9:57 AM

Nice chapter!

If people weren't lazy, we wouldn't try to be efficient. If we weren't efficient, we'd never get anything done.

Trash panda

MemberAnguirusDec-10-2019 10:35 AM


Ah shit I’m using my wrong eye again. Sorry that was meant to be behind your back
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