Godzilla Movie

G vs KK question

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MemberGodzillaDec-11-2019 7:42 PM

Sorry if this sounds lazy, but I thought King Kong died in the original movie by getting knocked off the Empire State Building and pummeling to his death. I haven't really followed all the movies, but why is Kong even around?

16 Replies


MemberRodanDec-11-2019 7:49 PM

So you see, THIS version of Kong was never brought to new york, and has been of skull island his whole life. 

Zwei Wing is the best singing duo. Change my mind.


MemberGodzillaDec-11-2019 8:03 PM

Gmkgoji LOL! OK- I will ride the ride and enjoy. I was just sayin'. Thank you.

G. H. (Gman)

AdminGodzillaDec-11-2019 8:44 PM

The Monsterverse takes place in a separate continuity from the other King Kong movies. As of right now, the only Kong movie that has happened is Kong: Skull Island--Which takes place after the end of the Vietnam War.

Kong was never brought to New York. Kong has never left the island.

"'Nostalgic' does not equal 'good,' and 'standards' does not equal 'elitism.'" "Being offended is inevitable. Living offended is your choice."

Trash panda

MemberAnguirusDec-12-2019 6:29 AM

Yeah. He wants nothing to do with the other Titans and doesn't care about them. And he hopes that they don't come for him. Also, Kong is a metaphor for Mother Nature fighting back.

Ah shit I’m using my wrong eye again. Sorry that was meant to be behind your back

Trash panda

MemberAnguirusDec-12-2019 6:31 AM

Kong — A metaphor for racism... There is a near unanimous agreement among scholars and critics that King Kong, released in 1933, “is a kind of racist allegory, symbolically depicting White America’s view of Black people at the time.” The US society was marred by racial and social tensions at that time. Even though the plot seems like an epic adventure on paper, observe the plot carefully: A heroic film crew sails to an uncharted island, which is home to a gigantic ape, known as ‘Kong’. Here, the film’s ‘white’ leading lady is abducted by Kong, only to be rescued later by her ‘white’ knight in shining armour. The ‘brute’ Kong is captured and taken to New York to be exhibited as the Eighth Wonder of the World. But Kong somehow breaks free, kidnaps the leading lady, and goes on a destruction spree, before being shot down atop the Empire State Building. Many film scholars believe that the capturing and chaining of Kong is metaphorically linked to the US slave trade. Released 35 years prior to the birth of The Civil Rights Act of 1964 — a landmark law that outlaws discrimination based on race, colour, religion, sex, or national origin — the movie implies if black men (represented by Kong) were given total freedom, destruction and chaos will ensue. Directed by Merian C. Cooper and Ernest B. Schoedsack, the movie is also viewed as a cautionary tale about interracial romance. 
... and colonialismKong films also draw uncomfortable parallels with colonialism. A team of explorers from West invade the fictional Skull Island, whose inhabitants are depicted as Blacks. In fact, Kong is viewed by many as a fearless leader of these people – a warrior who is forcefully shackled and transported to a different world for the amusement and profit of white people. The rebellion by Kong is seen as a movement by the natives to overthrow the colonist power. Whereas, the killing of Kong in the end, signifies the crushing of that rebellion by brute force. 
Don’t mess with nature King Kong is a warning against mankind’s desire to exploit Nature for personal gain. He is personified as the unbridled force of nature, which when belittled by men, unleashes a fury that has severe repercussions.  Ironically though in every Kong movie till date — there have been 8 so far — the ‘beast’ exudes more empathy than other ‘human’ beings. 

Ah shit I’m using my wrong eye again. Sorry that was meant to be behind your back

G. H. (Gman)

AdminGodzillaDec-12-2019 9:39 AM

Cite the article, when you copy and paste it.

The Symbolism Of King Kong

"'Nostalgic' does not equal 'good,' and 'standards' does not equal 'elitism.'" "Being offended is inevitable. Living offended is your choice."

Trash panda

MemberAnguirusDec-12-2019 9:41 AM

Dang it. Always one step ahead of me, aren't you?

Ah shit I’m using my wrong eye again. Sorry that was meant to be behind your back

G. H. (Gman)

AdminGodzillaDec-12-2019 9:45 AM

Just stop trying to take credit for stuff you didn't write. It's very obvious you didn't write that.

"'Nostalgic' does not equal 'good,' and 'standards' does not equal 'elitism.'" "Being offended is inevitable. Living offended is your choice."

Trash panda

MemberAnguirusDec-12-2019 9:51 AM

Yeah, I know that.

Ah shit I’m using my wrong eye again. Sorry that was meant to be behind your back


MemberGodzillaDec-12-2019 1:16 PM

I need to back track and see Skull Island and then G vs K. I started with KOTM and was very impressed.


MemberRodanDec-12-2019 1:29 PM

Kong Skull island is probably the "Best" Monsterverse film.

Zwei Wing is the best singing duo. Change my mind.


MemberTitanosaurusDec-12-2019 1:52 PM

Well, if you really want to know the dynamic, watch the following in the order listed:

#1: Godzilla (2014)

#2: Kong: Skull Island (2017)

#3: Godzilla: King of the Monsters (2019)

#4: Godzilla vs. Kong (2020)

And that's how you should watch all of the Monsterverse movies. You're welcome. :)


MemberTitanosaurusDec-12-2019 1:54 PM

MinecraftDinoKaiju If you want to go chronologically, I suppose you could watch K:SI, and then go through the two Godzilla movies before GvK.

A true fan can acknowledge the bad while still appreciating and cherishing the good.


MemberTitanosaurusDec-12-2019 1:55 PM

Gmkgoji Haven't managed to see it, but from what I have heard and seen, it does sound like, from a film-making level, it did get the long end of the stick compared to the two Godzilla movies.

Oh, well. As of now, KOTM is still my favorite, warts and all.

A true fan can acknowledge the bad while still appreciating and cherishing the good.


MemberRodanDec-12-2019 1:58 PM

KOTM is my favorite as well, but Kong skull island was the better movie.

Zwei Wing is the best singing duo. Change my mind.


MemberGodzillaDec-12-2019 2:01 PM

MinecraftDinoKaiju That's the plan. I saw 2014 and was kind of meh about it. K:SI will be next.

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