Coming Thursday (or Friday): Godzilla Vs Kong review

MemberGiganMar-30-2021 12:27 PMSo anyways, I'm going to be making my Godzilla Vs. Kong review. I will most likely watch GvK tomorrow or Thursday, and I will be posting a spoiler-filled review then. I will also probably post these things involving the movie:
Thursday: Godzilla Vs. Kong Review (SPOILERS)
Friday: Will the MonsterVerse go on after Godzilla Vs. Kong?
Next Monday: Looking back on the 2017 MonsterVerse leak
Next Tuesday: The two possible paths for the MonsterVerse moving forward
Next Wednesday: Every MonsterVerse movie ranked (including Godzilla Vs. Kong)
Yeah, so that's my plans post-GvK release!
That's all for now folks!
(All of this is subject to change....)

MemberGiganMar-30-2021 12:29 PMFirst Comment....again.

MemberGiganMar-30-2021 12:38 PMIt’s not fun when you snipe ur own topic is it? Oh well I lost a long time ago....
expecting the worst, sets you up for thr worst

MemberGiganMar-30-2021 12:42 PMWDYM

G. H. (Gman)
AdminGodzillaMar-30-2021 12:53 PMI saw it Sunday night. Will be interested to see how some fans view this.

MemberGiganMar-30-2021 1:00 PMGive a spoiler-free review please

MemberGiganMar-30-2021 1:11 PM@Gman
it sounds like you didn’t hate it but didn’t love it
expecting the worst, sets you up for thr worst

MemberGiganMar-30-2021 1:16 PMHopefully, he has nice things to say.

MemberGiganMar-30-2021 1:34 PMImma watch the movie before I read any review tho
expecting the worst, sets you up for thr worst

MemberGiganMar-30-2021 1:40 PMYeah, same.

G. H. (Gman)
AdminGodzillaMar-30-2021 4:07 PMI usually like movies to sit a little while before I give an honest opinion about them. Especially movies in franchises I'm as close to as Godzilla. I'll probably have a more informed opinion on the subject in a a week or two.
Same goes for Singular Point, of which I've seen the first episode for. But that's going to be a little different since it's a series.
I'll be seeing it again tomorrow, which will be good, because I feel like I missed the explanation for some key things.

MemberGiganMar-30-2021 5:47 PM@Gman
Is SG point out on yet?
expecting the worst, sets you up for thr worst

G. H. (Gman)
AdminGodzillaMar-30-2021 6:35 PMHinikunaGoji,
No, the first episode was released early on Japan's Netflix.

MemberGiganMar-30-2021 6:38 PMOh dang it I got excited.
expecting the worst, sets you up for thr worst

MemberGiganApr-01-2021 9:23 AMUpdate: These are going to be morphed into one topic.
This was the OG version:
Friday: Will the MonsterVerse go on after Godzilla Vs. Kong?
Next Monday: Looking back on the 2017 MonsterVerse leak
Next Tuesday: The two possible paths for the MonsterVerse moving forward
The new version will be called the possible futures of the MonsterVerse post-GVK. And that will come this week.