Debate: Pacific Rim Gipsy Danger vs. Monsterverse Mechagodzilla - Who Wins?

AdminSpaceGodzillaApr-15-2021 1:58 PMWith Godzilla vs. Kong introducing our first mecha to the Monsterverse franchise - it's natural for us to compare it to the mecha's / Jaegers of Legendary's other Kaiju franchise - Pacific Rim! The topic of Pacific Rim x Godzilla has been a topic of discussion since back in 2013 and 2014 and the comparisons continue today! For this topic, let's compare the stats and liklihood of a hypothetical fight between APEX's Mechagodzilla and PPDC's Gipsy Danger Jaeger! Who do you think would win? Sound off in the comments who you think and why.
Contender 1 - Mechagodzilla
- Weapons include fists, heat ray, tail, rocket punch.
- Nimble, agile frame, handled Godzilla (a massive Kaiju) with ease.
- Managed to hold its own against both Kong and Godzilla.
Contender 2 - Gipsy Danger
- Weapons include fists, rocket punch, sword, environment, Plasma Canon.
- Heavy, durable frame.
- Not reliant on A.I control.
Obviously from what we saw on film, Gipsy did struggle on its own with the larger category Kaiju. However, being controlled by 2 pilots instead of an A.I. might give Gipsy a leg up in terms of weaknesses but Mechagodzilla did seem to process information and anticipate enemy tactics more quickly because of its A.I. control system. When comparing the two mechs, at first one would assume Gipsy would fall prey to Mechagodzilla's speed and weapons, but Gipsy is more durable than Mechagodzilla, able to continue fighting even when limbs have been removed and systems failing all over. Gipsy's frame is also constructed to take a beating and has a much bulkier build.
Given that Kong's charged Axe managed to make short work of Mechagodzilla's frame, we can assume Gipsy's sword might have the same effect, which might switch the tide if these two ever fought. Not only that, Gipsy's Plasma Canon might also have a great effect on Mechagodzilla if Gipsy could land any shots. By that same token, Mechagodzilla's heat ray would likely have a similar effect on Gipsy.
Despite my love for Gipsy, I have to give my vote to Mechagodzilla, simply because of its ability to go toe-to-toe with BOTH Godzilla and Kong at once and due to its agility being a big factor. However, if Gipsy had help from Striker Eureka, I can see Mechagodzilla having a harder time.

MemberGiganApr-15-2021 1:58 PMMECHA G ALL THE WAY

MemberGiganApr-15-2021 2:01 PMwell Ghidorah's consciousness was piloting MechaG

MemberGiganApr-15-2021 2:02 PMBUT STILL

MemberGiganApr-15-2021 2:03 PMyeah I'm throwing my virtual money on MechaG

Kamoebas V.6
MemberBaragonApr-15-2021 2:04 PMMechagodzilla was fighting a weakened Godzilla,so him handling Godzilla with ease doesn't seem like a factor anymore.

MemberGiganApr-15-2021 2:12 PMBut still, Mecha G can beat Gipsy.

MemberGiganApr-15-2021 3:39 PMI say Ghidorah
very sad day
expecting the worst, sets you up for thr worst

MemberMothra LarvaeApr-16-2021 6:45 AMMecha G easily.
Gipsy isn't more durable at all. Mecha G could take Godzilla running and slamming into him without any damage while gipsy's frame takes damage from hits with much less mass and power behind them. Gipsy isn't bulkier we could see how thin and hollow his armor plating is during a deployment scene. Mecha G was also still operational after losing all of its limbs and tried shooting Kong.
Kong's axe couldn't scratch Mecha before it was charged with atomic breath even though Kong was hitting hard enough to push around Mecha. Gipsy's sword wouldn't even scratch Mecha here. Proton scream would instantly shred Gipsy considering it overpowered the atomic breath and burned even Godzilla.
So basically Mecha Godzilla is faster, more agile, larger, stronger, more durable and has much stronger weapons.

MemberAnguirusApr-16-2021 7:21 AMMy money's on Mechagodzilla.
Gipsy Danger was designed to fight regular kaiju...
Mechagodzilla was designed to take on the King.

MemberGiganApr-16-2021 7:26 AMAnd he’s Ghidorah....
expecting the worst, sets you up for thr worst

MemberAnguirusApr-16-2021 7:38 AMThat's true, the MonsterVerse MG is both of Godzilla's greatest opponents merged into one.
Also, now that I think about it, the Ghidorah head and brain were exposed to the Oxygen Destroyer, so you could argue that he's part Destoroyah aswell...
He's a triple threat!

MemberGiganApr-16-2021 7:39 AMGhidorah will be the cause of all the problems later on...
expecting the worst, sets you up for thr worst

MemberGiganApr-16-2021 7:52 AMIt seems like Ghidorah is getting the Galvatron treatment

MemberAnguirusApr-16-2021 8:11 AMSo, basically King Ghidorah is the Thanos of this universe...
Well, at least he isn't able to destroy half the universe by snapping his fingers (mainly because he doesn't have any)

MemberGiganApr-16-2021 8:19 AM@xeno
expecting the worst, sets you up for thr worst

MemberAnguirusApr-16-2021 9:02 AMmg

MemberMothra LarvaeApr-16-2021 9:36 AMI'd have to agree. Ghidorah's brain is inside of MG, so that by itself means human-level intelligence.

G theorist
MemberBaragonApr-16-2021 1:50 PMOmg Xenotaris, Ghidorah is literally galvatorn!! XD. Now I'm expecting Ghidorah to come back in the next movie with his whole body, all three of his heads, but a totally different look. Which might actually work better than galavatro because they can explain it better with the regen ability.
Anyway, if mechaG and gypsy were fighting with the same height and speed, then MechaG. Same height but speeds shown in respective movie? MechaG. Movie respective heights but slower speed for MechaG? Gypsy. As they were originally shown in their respective movie? MechaG.
In short, Mechagodzilla takes the cake in most scenarios. It would be an entertaining fight though, not to mention Gypsy's skill depends on the pilot, but the point still stands.

MemberMothra LarvaeApr-23-2021 8:25 AMBut they aren’t even on the same level.... MechaG lazer breath is stronger then Godzilla’s. It’s durability wouldn’t even matter cuz MechaG will never get touched but it seems like Gypsy danger wouldn’t even be able to scratch it. Even the self destruct won’t hurt MechaG. I mean a cross over would be pretty interesting but their “power levels” are too low compared to the monsterverse. Also: give us the titan war!!!!! GvK could be argued to have set up the titan war between the kongs and the Godzillas for the next movie. They could call it Godzilla vs Kong: Titan War. Explain origin of axe and show us godzillas and kongs battling and dying in a giant chaotic war scene the transformers could be proud of. P.S. director of next movie. There was an ancient human civilization teased in the movies because I know how you guys love putting your humans in there. Also spoiler alert: end the war with monster zero coming to earth at the end of the movie and the King Kong of the time and Godzilla battle it in the South Pole and defeat it and it gets frozen in the ice somehow where we see it in KOTM. Boom! instant $$$$

MemberMothra LarvaeApr-23-2021 9:00 AMmecha g would win if he could throw godzilla across the city like a light rock he could probably throw gypsy danger

MemberGiganApr-23-2021 11:03 AMJoke here
MechaGodzilla: Is this your coronation Rodan? This is Bad Comedy!
Rodan: King Ghidorah is that you?
MechaGodzilla: Take a hint! *ZAP*

MemberGiganApr-23-2021 11:06 AMLOL

MemberGiganApr-23-2021 11:58 AMeh

Trash panda
MemberAnguirusApr-23-2021 12:52 PMI'm MechaG all the way.

MemberGiganApr-23-2021 1:50 PMMe too.

MemberAnguirusApr-23-2021 1:57 PMYeah, this version of Mecha is fairly strong, and built to take down most MONSTERVERSE kaiju, which I'm willing to bet are at least somewhat stronger than Pacific Rim's. So I'ma go with Mecha here.

MemberMothra LarvaeMay-01-2021 2:43 AMYa MechaGodzilla for sure, wonder if that movie is part of the monster verse?

MemberBaragonMay-22-2021 10:26 AMEven the Monsterverse Rodan can easily slaughter the entire Pacific Rim universe.