Godzilla Movie

The "Godzilla Vs. Kong" scene that (Luckily) never made the cut.

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MemberBaragonMay-20-2021 10:14 AM

So, Legendary's Godzilla vs Kong was a pretty good movie. there was a bunch of cool scenes that had me on my toes, and lots of unused ones that would have had me on my toes. But one scene in particular was cut from the movie, and shockingly, director Adam Wingard had regrets. Let's just say the scene was a bit...well...romantic.


According to www.looper.com, Adam Wingard "could have made Godzilla and Kong make out, but didn't much to his shame". Honestly, this makes me sick. Why was this even an idea? I don't know, and don't even bother to know. Wingard goes on and say this:


Either way, TOHO would not be on the same boat, as their Godzilla rules say that the Big G can't show emotions. 


What do you guys think. Would you want the romantic scene between the 2 titans in the movie? Personally, I don't. The full article is linked here.

"I have already won"
102 Replies


MemberAnguirusMay-20-2021 10:19 AM

....well that just ruined my day.

"Do you love it that much? That... monster graveyard?"


MemberGiganMay-20-2021 10:19 AM

Hell naw.  I'm glad they got rid of that.

“Calling yourself a hero make you a self-mythologizing narcissistic autocrat!”


MemberBaragonMay-20-2021 10:25 AM

Yeah, I would've asked for my money back if that happened. The article went on to joke about the next to movies being Godzilla and Kong getting married (I think) and divorced (I think. Again).

"I have already won"


MemberBaragonMay-20-2021 10:26 AM

I think the worst part would have been if kids saw that. Usually kids won't pay attention t humans talking, but for some reason they have full attention on monsters fighting. And if THAT made the cut, then...

"I have already won"

Die-hard Spino Fan

MemberBaragonMay-20-2021 10:27 AM

*inhale... sigh*

That is one big pile of shit - Ian Malcom, 1993

Die-hard Spino Fan

MemberBaragonMay-20-2021 10:27 AM

This is shameful. 

That is one big pile of shit - Ian Malcom, 1993


MemberTitanosaurusMay-20-2021 10:28 AM

Deviant art is going to LOVE this!!!

Long live the king...

Die-hard Spino Fan

MemberBaragonMay-20-2021 10:28 AM

Uh oh. 

That is one big pile of shit - Ian Malcom, 1993

Die-hard Spino Fan

MemberBaragonMay-20-2021 10:29 AM

Jesus Christ just imagining it disgusts me. 

That is one big pile of shit - Ian Malcom, 1993


MemberTitanosaurusMay-20-2021 10:30 AM

Eh, who am I kidding. It probably already exists somewhere...

Long live the king...


MemberBaragonMay-20-2021 10:31 AM

Yeah, but TOHO ain't. I'll post an article here about TOHO's protection over Big G

Think Godzilla's Scary? Meet His Lawyers | WIRED

And its not just abusing the rules that will get you sued.

"I have already won"


MemberAnguirusMay-20-2021 10:35 AM

*popipo just dance moves* tbh, nothing that i haven't seen. i'm just surprised that it might've been actually canon

so uh yeah, not surprising (ive seen things, ive seen things you dont even know)

i've officially left. thanks for the memories!


MemberBaragonMay-20-2021 10:36 AM

Kattozilla I'm sorry for that. Still, its just disgusting.

"I have already won"


MemberAnguirusMay-20-2021 10:38 AM

eh, i guess. mostly cuz theyre ahem


and not


i've officially left. thanks for the memories!


MemberTitanosaurusMay-20-2021 10:40 AM

Also been on the dark side on the internet I see? We've all been there, just be grateful you were able to escape that rabbit hole when you did, because if not...

Back on topic though, it IS a very funny visual if you ask me :P

Long live the king...


MemberBaragonMay-20-2021 10:43 AM

Kattozilla Still. Imagine the 2 blushing and moaning. I bet the stuff you saw was fanart, not official screening in a movie theater. *Gets chills from imagining* 

"I have already won"


MemberAnguirusMay-20-2021 10:49 AM

*take on me noises* hm

your words, not mine.

i've officially left. thanks for the memories!


MemberGiganMay-20-2021 10:50 AM

I think it was just a joke and they weren’t serious

expecting the worst, sets you up for thr worst


MemberBaragonMay-20-2021 10:52 AM

Kattozilla My words, huh?

Image result for uno reverse card

"I have already won"


MemberAnguirusMay-20-2021 10:55 AM


i meant that it ruined my day becuase its disgusting. not that i wanted to see it happen. (if that was the case i would shoot myself)

"Do you love it that much? That... monster graveyard?"


MemberAnguirusMay-20-2021 10:55 AM

yesn't thee

i've officially left. thanks for the memories!


MemberAnguirusMay-20-2021 10:56 AM

I'm pretty sure that statement was a joke... 

"Neither beast nor man. Something monstrous."


MemberBaragonMay-20-2021 10:56 AM

See the source image

"I have already won"


MemberBaragonMay-20-2021 10:58 AM

There's videos on YouTube as well where Wingard was interviewed on this. If somebody can watch one and prove if its a joke or not, that would be great.

"I have already won"


MemberAnguirusMay-20-2021 11:00 AM


WILL send the worm deities


but i mean, sometimes i make things in production which are, of course, obviously jokes that sometimes you consider but they dont make the cut

i've officially left. thanks for the memories!


MemberTitanosaurusMay-20-2021 11:04 AM

I'ma just leave this here for you to enjoy :)

Long live the king...


MemberBaragonMay-20-2021 11:06 AM


Here's some sample videos.


"I have already won"


MemberBaragonMay-20-2021 11:07 AM


1. I've seen that when I typed Godzilla vs Kong 

2. Wtf, why? Did you have to put that here?

"I have already won"


MemberTitanosaurusMay-20-2021 11:08 AM

Yes :)

Long live the king...


MemberGiganMay-20-2021 11:09 AM


I died inside

expecting the worst, sets you up for thr worst

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