Godzilla Movie

The Past Few Years Have Been Tough, But At Least Gorosaurus Is Getting Work!

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8054 Views10 Replies


MemberAnguirusAug-24-2021 9:27 PM

It's no secret that the past few years have had its ups and downs (especially last year), but hey, at least Gorosaurus is getting some work!

Recently, Coca-Cola released an ad that features a stop motion dinosaur having an argument with a talking meteor (As if these past months haven't been strange enough...) Needless to say this "terrible lizard" has more than a couple similarities to a certain theropod kaiju that's known for having a mean marsupial-styled kick...

Full Commercial:



With Toho refusing to give Gorosaurus work in any of their recent projects, it's nice to see him branch out and expand his acting career, even if it's only a 30 second commercial for Coca-Cola (Although personally, I feel like it should have been a Dr. Pepper ad...) 

"Neither beast nor man. Something monstrous."
10 Replies


MemberAnguirusAug-24-2021 9:30 PM

"Neither beast nor man. Something monstrous."


MemberGiganAug-24-2021 10:17 PM

I’m sure Gorosaurus was excited to find out he was playing Godzilla in singular point, (and disappointed that he wasn’t Godzilla ultima.)

That meteor’s face! It’s ummm… definitely the face a meteor could have.

expecting the worst, sets you up for thr worst


MemberAnguirusAug-25-2021 4:54 AM

i knew something about that dinosaur was familiar, i just couldn't put my finger on it for some reason

i've officially left. thanks for the memories!


MemberAnguirusAug-25-2021 7:11 AM


We need a petition to get the talking meteor to appear in the next Godzilla movie.

"Neither beast nor man. Something monstrous."


MemberGiganAug-25-2021 9:14 AM

expecting the worst, sets you up for thr worst


MemberGiganAug-25-2021 6:15 PM

I really hope this isn’t Gorosaurus’es voice tho

expecting the worst, sets you up for thr worst


MemberAnguirusAug-25-2021 6:48 PM


That's not actually his real voice. His real voice is much deeper.

"Neither beast nor man. Something monstrous."


MemberAnguirusAug-26-2021 6:55 AM

i mean i thought his voice was fine

i've officially left. thanks for the memories!


MemberGiganAug-26-2021 10:27 PM

What’s funny is this ad just actually appeared for me 

expecting the worst, sets you up for thr worst


MemberAnguirusAug-27-2021 5:51 AM


The ad actually appeared when I was watching a review for King Kong Escapes, which is why I immediately noticed the Gorosaurus similarities. 

"Neither beast nor man. Something monstrous."
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