Thoughts On The Stan Winston Godzilla Design?

MemberAnguirusSep-05-2021 7:55 AMBefore we got the infamous Big-Chinned Iguanasaurus of 98, Tristar's Godzilla went through different concepts. Originally, the film was going to feature Godzilla defending the world from an extraterrestrial doomsday monster known as "The Gryphon", an alien probe that absorbs the DNA from various Earth species and mutates into a monstrous hybrid. Godzilla's design and portrayal was intended to be more faithful to the Toho version (Atomic Breath included). One design was created by Stan Winston, who helped create the dinosaurs in Jurassic Park. His design was much more faithful to Toho's creation having a similar appearance to the Heisei Godzilla with a somewhat more fierce and crocodilian appearance.
Here are images of the design:
What do you think of this design? Should Tristar have gone with this design? Or would you have preferred a different design?

MemberGiganSep-05-2021 8:25 AMI love this design and the 1998 version we got, would have loved to see the original planned american godzilla on the big screen

MemberAnguirusSep-05-2021 8:35 AMI love the 1998 design, I think it's a cool monster design, although it doesn't really fit Godzilla that much.
This design, however, would have been perfect for Godzilla, it's different, but still recognizable. I really love how fierce and reptilian it looks.

MemberAnguirusSep-05-2021 6:23 PMi can't choose i like them both-

MemberGiganSep-06-2021 9:14 AMI like them both, but it would have even interesting to see this design in action.
expecting the worst, sets you up for thr worst

MemberMothra LarvaeSep-08-2021 3:05 AMI think It looks too native. compared to current godzilla, tail is to long, and head looks like trex. But, it the thing about long tail makes me like this design^^

MemberBaragonSep-09-2021 12:07 PMI really like the design, looks so american like idk why. The thing is that its too green. Would have been awesome if this movie wasn't cancelled.