Mythical Creatures In The MonsterVerse.

MemberAnguirusOct-16-2021 10:24 AMSo far the MonsterVerse has a lot of connections to real life mythology. The term "Titans" is a reference to the Titans of Greek mythology and Titans themselves are references to various mythological creatures, some being named after them. But what if they took it further? What if, instead of just referencing mythology, they were to actually introduce some of these creatures into the series?
The opening of Godzilla (2014) showed a montage of various monster depictions from different cultures and ages. A few of these depicted medieval knights fighting against dragons. What if these images were actually depicting real events in the MonsterVerse timeline?
What if the events of famous mythological stories, like The Odyssey, actually took place in the MonsterVerse timeline? So the creatures and beings that Odysseus and his crew met, like the cyclops and the sirens, were real in this universe. Interesting Titanus Scylla was named after the the Scylla that was featured in The Odyssey.
What if these creatures are hiding out in the Hollow Earth? The stories of their conflict with humans could have resulted in them being exiled to the Hollow Earth, banished from ever returning to the surface. Further exploration of the Hollow Earth could lead to humanity rediscovering these creatures.
The addition of these creatures to the MonsterVerse could help to establish more of a timeline and could help build up the mythology of its world. Including these creatures could also be a cool way of introducing more smaller scaled monsters, giving the human characters different types of threats to deal with. Plus these creatures are pretty well known to the general public and Warner Bros. and Legendary wouldn't have to worry about buying the rights to them.
Interestingly, the unmade Toho film "Bride of Godzilla" would have taken place in a subterranean world and would have featured fantasy creatures such as centaurs and mermaids (Yes, really), and the Hanna-Barbera cartoon featured episodes where Godzilla went up against mythical creatures in the form of the Sirens, the Minotaur and the Chimera, so the idea wouldn't be too far-fetched for this franchise...
So what do you think? How would you feel about seeing famous mythical creatures like cyclopes, minotaurs or even unicorns inhabiting the Hollow Earth? Would you like to see modern interpretations of these famous creatures in the MonsterVerse?

MemberGiganOct-16-2021 6:22 PMI don’t think that actual epics like the likes of The Odyssey, Gilgamesh, or Buddhicarita are recorded actual events. But fictional tales made around the creatures.
Take the Odyssey. It was written by Homer as entertainment. Not that these tales were actually inspired by real events. In monsterverse it would be completely plausible for the Titans to be Included into works to increase drama, but not that it implies those events actually happened.
The ancient mural in Godzilla Aftershock seems to be actually an account of history which was written down, in which there is little myth around, (the names were just how they deified Titans) whereas epic stories seem to incorporate ideas about Titans into stories made to inform, entertain, or warn.
To be honest Legendary Godzilla has never seemed Godlike to me, just an animal revered as a god by ancient humans.
expecting the worst, sets you up for thr worst

MemberAnguirusOct-18-2021 10:53 AMi'd like a griffin-esque please and thank you
i like griffins a lot

Trash panda
MemberAnguirusOct-18-2021 2:43 PMThat actually makes sense. I'm surprised that I never made that connection before. I mean that I kinda knew that the Titans had some sort of connection to the mythologies of different cultures from around the world, but like, damn, dude. Good job. and to you to, goji. That's pretty cool.

MemberAnguirusOct-18-2021 6:46 PMkafuthaloo

MemberGiganOct-18-2021 8:06 PMmonsterzero9
I’m not sure you speeled that right
expecting the worst, sets you up for thr worst

Trash panda
MemberAnguirusOct-19-2021 3:00 PMheh

MemberGiganOct-19-2021 5:30 PMIts spelled Cthulhu, prounoucned either as "kah-Thoo-loo or Caw-thoo-Loo or kah-too-loo or even rarer hoo-hoo-loo (but I think that was an error on the actor's part in the 80's twilight zone)"

G. H. (Gman)
AdminGodzillaOct-20-2021 10:36 AMHe was joking, guys.

MemberAnguirusOct-21-2021 11:10 AMand the klaken!

MemberAnguirusOct-21-2021 2:10 PMand the grither!

MemberAnguirusOct-21-2021 2:13 PMand godzooky!